abstrak— Karya sastra adalah ide dari hasil pemikiran pengarang yang diungkapkan secara komunikatif yang mengandung maksud pembuat tulisan dengan tujuan estetika. Karya yang banyak diminati adalah novel. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tokoh dan penokohan, konflik batin tokoh utama, dan psikologi sastra teori Abraham Maslow. Bentuk unsur-unsur intrinsik dan ekstrinsik pada Novel Janji dengan merelevansikan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Pada Penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan Metode deskriptif kualitatif. Fokus kajian penelitian ini adalah Psikologi sastra menggunakan teori Abraham Maslow. Sumber data didapat dari novel Janji Karya Tere Liye dan jurnal. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa teknik baca dan catat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tokoh dan penokohan, konflik batin tokoh utama dan bentuk psikologi novel Janji Karya Tere Liye Kebutuhan Fisiologis, Kebutuhan Akan Rasa Aman, Kebutuhan rasa cinta dan memiliki, Kebutuhan harga diri, Kebutuhan aktualisasi diri. Hubungan antara penelitian ini dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA adalah terdapat KD 3.9 kelas XII Semester II tentang menganalisis isi dan kebahasaan novel.Kata kunci— Psikologi Sastra, Janji, Novel Abstract— Literary works are ideas from the author's thoughts that are expressed communicatively which contain the intent of the author of writing with aesthetic goals. The most popular works are novels. This study aims to describe the characters and characterizations, the main character's inner conflict, and the literary psychology of Abraham Maslow's theory. The form of intrinsic and extrinsic elements in the Promise Novel with relevance in learning Indonesian in high school. In this study, researchers used a qualitative descriptive method. The focus of this research study is the psychology of literature using Abraham Maslow's theory. Sources of data obtained from the novel Promise by Tere Liye and journals. Data collection techniques used in the form of reading and note-taking techniques. The results showed that there were characters and characterizations, the inner conflict of the main character and the psychological form of the Promise Karya Tere Liye novel Physiological Needs, Needs for Security, Needs for love and belonging, Needs for self-esteem, Needs for self-actualization. The relationship between this research and learning Indonesian in high school is that there is a KD 3.9 for class XII Semester II about analyzing the content and language of the novel.Keywords— Psychology of literature, Promise, Novel