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Al-Majaalis : Jurnal Dirasat Islamiyah Vol 9 No 2 (2022): AL-MAJAALIS : JURNAL DIRASAT ISLAMIYAH
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Dirasat Islamiyah Imam Syafi'i Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37397/almajaalis.v9i2.196


Education is a virtue that makes scientific regeneration work. Through education the quality of understanding can be improved. So that slowly the ignorance that exists in a community can be eliminated. Social change can be realized through continuous education. Especially if the education given to the community is qudsi hadith that are sourced from the holy word of Allah. Hadith qudsi education is teaching and educating others about the hadith qudsi narrated by the Prophet – may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him – from Allah the Exalted and Glorious, while religious character is a religious trait that is inherent and manifests in behavior and actions. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach with the type of correlational research to determine the correlation between hadith qudsi education and religious character. The population of this research is the Islamic Lectures community in Probolinggo. The number of samples in this study were 30 people taken by simple random sampling technique. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between hadith qudsi education and religious character in the Probolinggo Lecture community, so that the higher the education of hadith qudsi, the higher the religious character. The level of correlation between hadith qudsi education and religious character is a strong correlation.
ISTRI SEBAGAI PENCARI NAFKAH UTAMA DAN DAMPAKNYA DALAM KELUARGA PERSPEKTIF DALAM HUKUM ISLAM (Studi Kasus Kehidupan Keluarga Wirausaha di Kelurahan Sepinggan Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur) muhammad daffa ramadhan; Muhammad Yassir
RIO LAW JURNAL Vol 4, No 1 (2023): Februari-Juli
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/rlj.v4i1.1065


ABSTRACT This study discusses the role of the wife as the main breadwinner in an entrepreneurial family in Sepinggan Village, Balikpapan City. This type of research is qualitative research. The role of the wife in Sepinggan Village is basically that of a housewife who helps her husband manage the household. The reality on the ground, the husband's obligations are also carried out by a wife, when the husband is unable to meet the basic needs of his family. Several factors pushed the wife to make a living in Sepinggan Village, First due to economic factors, social factors. The condition of the family in Sepinggan Village is generally caused by the economy and the husband who relies on his wife's income which causes the wife to play an active role in earning the main income for her family. this has two impacts, the negative impact is that the mother is not close to her child, association is not conditioned, less respect for the father, the husband casually leaves his main obligation, namely providing for the family, the positive impact is increasing welfare. economy and meet the basic needs of the family. Islamic law does not prohibit a wife from earning a living as long as she does not deviate from Islamic law and the conditions specified in the law, she is even allowed to support herself or someone else she is responsible for from her own income.Keywords: wife, main breadwinner, islamic law. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang peran istri sebagai pencari nafkah utama dalam keluarga wirausaha di Kelurahan Sepinggan Kota Balikpapan. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif. Peran seorang istri yang ada di Kelurahan Sepinggan pada dasarnya sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Akan tetapi kenyataan di lapangan saat ini kewajiban suami tersebut turut dilakukan oleh seorang istri, dikarenakan sosok suami tidak mampu mencukupi kebutuhan pokok keluarganya. Ada dua faktor yang mendorong istri untuk mencari nafkah di Kelurahan Sepinggan, pertama karena faktor ekonomi, dan kedua faktor sosial. Kondisi keluarga di Kelurahan Sepinggan pada umumnya disebabkan ekonomi dan suami yang bersandar dengan penghasilan istri yang menyebabkan istri sangat berperan aktif dalam mencari nafkah utama terhadap keluarganya. Hal ini memberi dua dampak, negatif dan positif adapaun dampak negatif yaitu tidak dekat nya ibu dengan anak-anaknya, pergaulan yang tidak terkondisi, kurangnya rasa hormat kepada seorang ayah, para suami dengan mudahnya meninggalkan kewajiban utamanya yaitu memberi nafkah kepada keluarga. Adapun dampak positifnya yaitu ekonomi tercukupi sehingga kebutuhan pokok keluarga terpenuhi. Hukum Islam tidak melarang istri mencari nafkah selama tidak keluar dari syariat Islam dan syarat-syarat yang sudah ditetapkan dalam syariat, bahkan dibolehkan menafkahi dirinya atau orang lain yang berada dibawah tanggung jawabnya dari penghasilannya sendiri. Kata Kunci: istri, pencari nafkah utama, hukum islam.