Neil Whittingham, Neil
Department of Development and Economic Studies University of Bradford

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Nalars Vol 8, No 1 (2009): NALARs Volume 8 Nomor 1 Januari 2009
Publisher : Nalars

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AbstraCT. This article places the challenge of rapid urbanisation throughout the world into a perspective that acknowledges inequalities due to economic history. As well as a brief exploration of the site-specific nature of challenges faced, this article seeks to outline the economic and structural obstacles that act as a backdrop to the lives of the poor. Such a perspective can inform attempts to improve the lot of the poor and help in outlining the moral obligation for the powerful to help the poor and vulnerable face up to the issue of Climate Change. Key words: Urbanisation, economic disadvantage, planning, sustainable urban management  AbstraK. Tulisan ini menempatkan tantangan dari urbanisasi yang sangat cepat di seluruh dunia ke dalam perspektif yang diketahui tidak sejajar dengan sejarah ekonomi. Seperti halnya dengan eksplorasi sepintas dari situs khusus alam dari tantangan yang dihadapi, tulisan ini mencoba untuk melihat halangan ekonomi dan struktural bagi masyarakat menengah bawah. Perspektif seperti itu  dapat  menjadi sebuah informasi untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarkat miskin dan membantu dalam merumuskan obligasi moral bagi penguasa. Hal ini tentunya dapat membantu masyarakat miskin dalam menghadapi isu-isu perubahan iklim. Kata Kunci: Urbanisasi, kerugian ekonomi, perencanaan, keberlanjutan manajemen perkotaan
Nalars Vol 11, No 1 (2012): NALARs Volume 11 Nomor 1 Januari 2012
Publisher : Nalars

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ABSTRACT. Health, in a sense, can be considered an intensely personal matter, strongly governed by behavioural choices and genetics. However, indicators show that at the level of the community or the city, marked disparities exist in morbidity and mortality throughout the world. Clearly, politics, economics and geography also have a bearing on health outcomes, and not just in environments that are obviously extremely hazardous. Health problems can in part be due to a failure to reconcile the impact of the layout and design of urban form with the needs of individuals and communities for space to achieve a healthy existence. This article seeks a greater understanding of how the planning, design and management of cities have a bearing on sustainable development and the health of their citizens. It seeks such an understanding through a consideration of the social and environmental determinants of health and the influence that urban policy has upon the quality or liveability of cities. Lessons are sought from development theory and the move towards more collaborative approaches to health, looking particularly at the WHO Healthy Cities Project, to identify challenges and recommendations for future policy. Key words: health, wellbeing, sustainable development, urban planning, collaboration, WHO Healthy Cities Project.  ABSTRAK. Kesehatan dapat dikatakan sebagai masalah pribadi, yang biasanya merupakan akibat genetika ataupun pilihan kebiasaan. Namun, indicator-indikator memperlihatkan bahwa pada tingkat masyarakat atau kota tertentu, terdapat kesenjangan dalam morbiditas dan mortalitas di seluruh dunia. Jelasnya, politik, ekomoni dan geografi juga memiliki pengaruh pada luaran kesehatan, tidak hanya pada lingkungan tertentu yang sangat jelas berbahaya. Masalah kesehatan sebagian disebabkan karena adanya kegagalan dari akibat tata ruang dan disain dari “urban form” disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan individu dan komunitas akan ruang untuk mencapai kehidupan yang lebih sehat. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mencari pemahaman yang lebih besar dari bagaimana perencanaan, disain dan pengelolaan sebuah kota yang memiliki pengaruh pada pembangunan berkelanjutan dan masyarakat yang sehat. Selain itu juga untuk mencari pemahaman seperti melalui pertimbangan faktor penentu sosial dan lingkungan kesehatan dan pengaruh bahwa kebijakan perkotaan ditentukan oleh kualitas atau kelayakan sebuah  kota. Pelajaran dicari dari teori pengembangan dan pergerakan menuju pendekatan yang lebih kolaboratif untuk kesehatan, terutama dengan melihat Proyek Kota Sehat dari WHO, untuk mengidentifikasikan tantangan dan rekomendasi bagi kebijakan masa depan.      Kata kunci: kesehatan, pengembangan berkelanjutan, perencanaan kota, kolaborasi, Proyek Kota Sehat WHO 
“ The most common causes of project failure lie in the project environment ”. Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement Whittingham, Neil
Nalars Vol 9, No 1 (2010): NALARs Volume 9 Nomor 1 Januari 2010
Publisher : Nalars

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In recent decades the interest in the academic study of projects and their management has grown considerably. Theorists have conceptualised people’s endeavours in order to provide a clearer understanding of processes, systems and relationships involved. Research into scoping, design, implementation and the outcomes and values of products and services, once a project is considered complete or has terminated, can provide insights to help inform the better management of projects in the future, through grasping what have been key factors in the success or failure of particular projects. Examples in the academic, project management literature can range from the consideration of projects in the slums of a developing country to organising a flight to another planet ( Viratkapan and Prerera, 2006; Sauser et al, 2009 ). The evolving field of study aims for both the development of general concepts that can be applied to many walks of life, and also insights that relate to particular types of circumstances. Sauser (2009) considers that the evolving research of project management has been more focussed on success factors rather than analysis of failure and potential solutions. Despite this, to reflect on whether the most common causes of project failure lie in the project environment, this essay is in three basic sections. Firstly, an outline is given of how project failure and the project environment can be conceived. Secondly, there is a review of discoveries from the governmental and academic literature that aims to point out the reasons for project failure. This is followed by a critical reflection on the literature, and consideration of who judges the quality of project outcomes and how they do it, to bring the essay to a conclusion.
Urban Flood Risk, Interventions, and The Role Of City Planning Whittingham, Neil
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 1, No 01 (2017): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Architecture UMJ

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This paper is a reflection upon the issue of urban flooding, attempts to adapt to it and strategic risk reduction measures of those with responsibility for planning at the level of the city region. Following the introduction, flooding hazards are considered within the context of global environmental processes and rapid urbanisation, and the paper has a discussion of both theoretical and policy perspectives to urban flood risk and vulnerability. Consideration is then given to a broad range of potential interventions that could be available to stakeholders, before, during or after a flooding event, whether the measure would be undertaken by a government, member(s) of the community or the private sector. Finally, in the context of international policy guidance, consideration is given to the role that city planners could make in addressing the risk of flooding emergencies through more strategic, medium and long-term approaches. The paper concludes that collaborative forms of governance with the full engagement of the community are essential for disaster risk resilience