Muhammad Ansar
Universitas Tadulako

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Strategi rantai nilai untuk keberlangsungan usaha industri rumah cokelat di Kota Palu Gusman Sunding; Chalarce Totanan; Mustamin Aras; Rahayu Indriasari; Muhammad Ansar; Jurana Jurana
Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis dan Perpajakan (Bijak) Vol 5, No 1 (2023): February 2023
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/j.bijak.v5i1.9393


The purpose of this study was to determine the strategic value chain for the sustainability of the Chocolate House Industry business in the city of Palu, which is located on Jalan Setia Budi, East Palu, Central Sulawesi. The number of respondents was 4 people consisting of 1 leader, 1 head of production and 2 employees. Data analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative.The value chain strategy at Rumah Coklat can be seen from the supporting (secondary) activities which include Infrastructure, HR Management, Technology Development and Procurement activities. Primary (primary) involvement includes raw material handling, production process, service and marketing. The Value Chain Strategy activities as a whole support each other to create chocolate products. The results of the assessment of the value chain strategy in the continuity of the Chocolate House Industry business are 3, namely: (1) Competitive advantage, namely by utilizing the original taste of the original cocoa beans, Utilizing the original cocoa butter as a raw material for making chocolate to give a distinctive taste from chocolate so that it is preferred the community, continue to maintain and improve product quality so that it becomes a superior product for the Palu city government. (2) Differentiation Strategy, namely by paying attention to the quality of the ingredients used and always maintaining the taste produced, (3) Cost advantage strategy, namely producing authentic chocolate from Central Sulawesi which is processed into chocolate with levels of 56 percent, 80 percent and 90 percent. Thus producing premium chocolate, not compound chocolate. The value chaos strategy all synergizes to shape, support and support the chocolate manufacturing process in order to gain margins/profits. Optimal margin provides the sustainability of the chocolate house industry in maintaining existence and maintaining business (Going Concern).
Efektivitas Gravity Fed System dalam Penyediaan Air Bersih pada Wilayah Rawan Banjir Desa Rogo Kabupaten Sigi : Effectiveness of the Gravity Fed System in Providing Clean Water in Flood Prone Areas in Rogo Village, Sigi Regency Pitriani Pitriani; Kiki Sanjaya Kiki; Arwan Arwan; Muhammad Ansar; Rizky Fajar Suprianto
Jurnal Kesmas Untika Luwuk : Public Health Journal Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Kesmas Untika Luwuk : Public Health Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Tompotika Luwuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51888/phj.v14i2.209


Salah satu daerah yang hampir setiap tahun terdampak banjir Desa Rogo, Kecamatan Dolo Selatan, Kabupaten Sigi, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Melihat kondisi ini maka masyarakat perlu diperkenalkan pada Teknologi Lingkungan Tepat Guna (TLTG) dalam penyediaan air bersih sehingga saat terjadi bencana mereka dapat memanfaatkannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih mereka selama di pengungsian. Salah satu TLTG yang potensial untuk dikembangkan di daerah rawan bencana banjir adalah Gravity Fed System yang merupakan teknologi pengolahan air bersih yang menggabungkan teknik saringan pasir cepat dan saringan pasir lambat. Penelitian ini menggunakan quasi eksperimental design dengan model time series experiment. Pengumpulan data melalui: (1) Tes organoleptic parameter warna, bau, rasa. (2) Pengukuran insitu parameter pH dan suhu menggunakan pH meter portable Ez-9909. (3) Analisis laboratorium: Penentuan kadar besi dengan metode spektrofotometri, nilai DO ditentukan dengan metode elektrokimia, dan nilai kekeruhan diukur secara gravimetri (SNI 06-6989.3-2004). Nilai e-coli dan total coliform ditentukan dengan metode MPN. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengolahan dengan Gravity Fed System (kecepatan aliran 10 ml/detik) efektif dalam memperbaiki kualitas fisik air (warna, bau, suhu) namun belum efektif (<60%) dalam mereduksi TSS dan TDS air suangai. Untuk parameter DO, grafity fed system mampu meningkatkan jumlah oksigen terlarut pada air, sedangkan untuk parameter Fe terlarut tidak dapat dihitung karena nilai yang terdeteksi sangat kecil baik pada titik inlet (sebelum pengolahan) maupun outlet (setelah pengolahan). One of the areas that is almost every year affected by flooding is Rogo Village, South Dolo District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. Seeing this condition, the community needs to be introduced to Appropriate Environmental Technology (TLTG) in providing clean water so that when a disaster ocurs they can use it to meet their clean water needs while in refugee camps. One TLTG that has the potential to be developed in areas prone to flood disasters is the Gravity Fed System, which is a clean water treatment technology that combines fast sand filter and slow sand filter techniques. This research uses a quasi-experiment design with a time series experiment model. Data collection through: (1) Organoleptic tests of color, smell and taste parameters. (2) In situ measurement of pH and temperature parameters using the portable pH meter Ez-9909. (3) Laboratory analysis: Determination of iron content using the spectrophotometric method, DO value determined using the electrochemical method, and turbidity value measured gravimetrically (SNI 06-6989.3-2004). The e-coli and total coliform values ​​were determined using the MPN method. The research results show that treatment with the Gravity Fed System (flow speed 10 ml/second) is effective in improving the physical quality of water (color, odor, temperature) but is not effective (<60%) in reducing TSS and TDS of river water. For the DO parameter, the gravity fed system is able to increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, while the dissolved Fe parameter cannot be calculated because the value detected is very small both at the inlet (before processing) and outlet (after processing) points.