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Analysis Inventory of Consumable Goods Using Min-Max Method at Universitas Pertamina Nurma Irfan Romadhon; Iwan Sukarno; Mirna Lusiani
Journal of Emerging Supply Chain, Clean Energy, and Process Engineering Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Journal of Emerging Supply Chain, Clean Energy, and Process Engineering
Publisher : Universitas Pertamina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57102/jescee.v1i1.6


Inventory control is one of the problems faced by Universitas Pertamina. In the management of inventory, especially Consumable items, Universitas Pertamina does not determine the limited value of inventory that must be stored. Thus, this causes asset management difficult to determine the ordering quantity for each item and how many items should be stored in the warehouse. The purpose of this study is to recommend policies related to the value of safety stock, minimum stock, and maximum stock for each consumable item. The method used is the Min-Max Stock method. In addition, the ABC classification method is also used to classify items based on the level of usage. The results of this study are in the form of value limits for safety stock, minimum stock, and maximum stock. Then the priority item classification must be managed. Based on the calculation results, it is found that by using the min-max method, Universitas Pertamina can save up to 30% of inventory costs compared to the current policy.
Production Cost Analysis at PTPN VII Gunung Dempo Packaging Station using Activity-Based Costing Method Alda Putri Amro; Carissa Rahmadani Zahra; Lailatul Fitriani; May Putri Fadillah; Tito Altis Irawan; Yelita Anggiane Iskandar; Mirna Lusiani
Journal of Emerging Supply Chain, Clean Energy, and Process Engineering Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Journal of Emerging Supply Chain, Clean Energy, and Process Engineering
Publisher : Universitas Pertamina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57102/jescee.v1i2.18


Production costs consist of components that are directly attached to the product, including direct and indirect costs. In determining production costs such as packaging costs, the usage of the traditional model is not always suitable shown by the possibility of overstated or understated conditions. This study aims to propose the implementation of the Activity-based Costing (ABC) System in calculating the cost of tea packaging and finding the differences with the traditional costing. The data used were based on the case of PTPN VII Gunung Dempo, South Sumatra, Indonesia. The results using the ABC system show that the total cost per unit for BOPF tea products is IDR 34,444.45, for Dust products is IDR 35,629.77, and for Dust II products is IDR 35,629.77. While the traditional system calculation shows that the total cost per unit for BOPF tea products is IDR 61,982.60, for Dust tea products is IDR 61,982.60, and for Dust II tea products is IDR 61,982.60. The strategy that can be applied to avoid possible losses in determining packaging costs due to incorrect cost calculations using the traditional system model is to implement Activity-based Costing.