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Asaatidzah Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2021
Publisher : MGMP PAI Jawa Barat

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Guru yang mengajar di sekolah umum, tidak sekedar mendidik dan memberikan materi akademik saja di sekolah, namun lebih dari itu diharapkan juga dapat menanamkan nilai-nilai positif pada siswa, karena guru merupakan role model bagi para siswanya, apalagi disaat pandemi Covid 19 saat pemberlakuan PTMT dimana siswa tampaknya belum siap dan semangat belajar tatap muka, diperlukan kreativitas guru untuk mengembalikan mental sekarang ini guna membangun dan mengokohkan karakter para siswa kembali.Pada masa Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas (PTMT) seperti saat ini, pengembangan keagamaan harus tetap berjalan yang disesuaikan dengan situasi dan kondisi pandemi yang masih ada saat ini. Dan untuk mengawalinya lagi bisa dimulai dengan sederhana namun tetap mementingkan guna menunjang pembentukan karakter siswa yakni melalui pembiasaan membaca Al Qur’an juz 30 di awal KBM.Dan salah satu hal mudah dan sederhana (karena biasa dilakukan sebelum pandemi) ialah dengan mengadakan kembali program pembiasaan membaca Al Quran juz 30 / juz amma diawal KBM, melihat teori-teori dan dalil Al Quran diatas tentang fungsi Al Quran sebagai obat jiwa dan mental umat Islam sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Menguatkan kembali mental dan semangat belajar siswa adalah langkah pertama saat PTMT ini.Teachers, especially PAI teachers who teach in public schools, do not just educate and provide academic material at schools, but more than that, they are also expected to instill positive values in students, because teachers are role models for their students, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. 19 when the implementation of PTMT where students seem not ready and eager to learn face-to-face, teacher creativity is needed to restore the current mentality in order to build and strengthen the character of the students again.During the Limited Face-to-face Learning (PTMT) period as it is today, religious development must continue to be adapted to the current pandemic situation and conditions. And to start again, it can be started simply but still concerned with supporting the formation of student character, namely through the habit of reading the Qur'an juz 30 at the beginning of KBM.During this pandemic "perhaps" almost everyone, including students, felt anxious, restless and restless which could lead to stress. People who are stressed are usually accompanied by the characteristics of an increased heart rate, muscle tension, and increased blood pressure as well as other serious health problems such as mental problems, disrupting the menstrual cycle, and others. And one of the easy and simple things (because it is usually done before the pandemic) is to hold a habituation program to read Al Quran juz 30 / juz amma at the beginning of KBM, look at the theories and arguments of the Koran above about the function of the Koran as a medicine for the soul and mentality of Muslims no doubt. Strengthening students' mental and learning enthusiasm is the first step during this PTMT.
Asaatidzah Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2021
Publisher : MGMP PAI Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Guru yang mengajar di sekolah umum, tidak sekedar mendidik dan memberikan materi akademik saja di sekolah, namun lebih dari itu diharapkan juga dapat menanamkan nilai-nilai positif pada siswa, karena guru merupakan role model bagi para siswanya, apalagi disaat pandemi Covid 19 saat pemberlakuan PTMT dimana siswa tampaknya belum siap dan semangat belajar tatap muka, diperlukan kreativitas guru untuk mengembalikan mental sekarang ini guna membangun dan mengokohkan karakter para siswa kembali.Pada masa Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas (PTMT) seperti saat ini, pengembangan keagamaan harus tetap berjalan yang disesuaikan dengan situasi dan kondisi pandemi yang masih ada saat ini. Dan untuk mengawalinya lagi bisa dimulai dengan sederhana namun tetap mementingkan guna menunjang pembentukan karakter siswa yakni melalui pembiasaan membaca Al Qur’an juz 30 di awal KBM.Dan salah satu hal mudah dan sederhana (karena biasa dilakukan sebelum pandemi) ialah dengan mengadakan kembali program pembiasaan membaca Al Quran juz 30 / juz amma diawal KBM, melihat teori-teori dan dalil Al Quran diatas tentang fungsi Al Quran sebagai obat jiwa dan mental umat Islam sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Menguatkan kembali mental dan semangat belajar siswa adalah langkah pertama saat PTMT ini.Teachers, especially PAI teachers who teach in public schools, do not just educate and provide academic material at schools, but more than that, they are also expected to instill positive values in students, because teachers are role models for their students, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. 19 when the implementation of PTMT where students seem not ready and eager to learn face-to-face, teacher creativity is needed to restore the current mentality in order to build and strengthen the character of the students again.During the Limited Face-to-face Learning (PTMT) period as it is today, religious development must continue to be adapted to the current pandemic situation and conditions. And to start again, it can be started simply but still concerned with supporting the formation of student character, namely through the habit of reading the Qur'an juz 30 at the beginning of KBM.During this pandemic "perhaps" almost everyone, including students, felt anxious, restless and restless which could lead to stress. People who are stressed are usually accompanied by the characteristics of an increased heart rate, muscle tension, and increased blood pressure as well as other serious health problems such as mental problems, disrupting the menstrual cycle, and others. And one of the easy and simple things (because it is usually done before the pandemic) is to hold a habituation program to read Al Quran juz 30 / juz amma at the beginning of KBM, look at the theories and arguments of the Koran above about the function of the Koran as a medicine for the soul and mentality of Muslims no doubt. Strengthening students' mental and learning enthusiasm is the first step during this PTMT.