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Radikalisme Islam dalam Sejarah Indonesia Modern Muhammad, Afif
TAJDID Vol 24 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Research and Development Institution, Darussalam Institute for Islamic Studies

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This article analyzes the roots of Islamic radicalism in modern Indonesian history. Radical Islam which is a new phenomenon that emerged in the 21st century, his form is also visible in Indonesia. Some of the factors that led to the rise of radical Islam include normative-ideological understanding of Islam, the rapid development of capitalism and secularism, Western hegemony, and prolonged conflicts in the Middle East, social injustice, unjust and hegemonic world order. Therefore, it is important to reformulate the more inclusive and friendly method of understanding Islam, as well as engage in intercultural dialogues, so that an understanding of the pluralist characteristics can be further developed.
Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Membangun Etika Sosial (Telaah Pemikiran A. Qodri A. Azizy Muhammad, Afif
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Vol 15 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.624 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/jpa.v15i1.2014.pp1-25


Abstract: This study is aimed at knowing 1) how Islamic Education developssocial ethics according to A. Qodri A. Azizy and 2) how Islamic Education developssocial ethics in according to A. Qodri A. Azizy in the present implementation ofIslamic education. This is a literary study in which data were gained from books andarticles written by A. Qodri A. Azizy, especially those related to Islamic education.Data were analyzed with qualitative method. This research found that there arethree main points that are transferred by Islamic education, i.e. values, knowledge,and skills. In relation to social ethics, Islamic education emphasizes that Islamprincipally teaches social moral values in regards with the relationship among humanbeing. The main points of materials in Islamic education include belief (aqidah),worship (syari’ah), and moral (akhlak). With the materials, Islamic education isoriented to social values.Keywords: Islamic education, social ethics, A. Qodri A. Azizy. Abstrak: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada tiga hal penting yang akanditransfer melalui pendidikan Agama Islam, yaitu nilai (values), pengetahuan(knowledge), dan keterampilan (skills). Kaitannya dengan etika sosial, terletakpada penekanan terpenting dari ajaran Islam yang pada dasarnya adalah hubungansesama manusia yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai yang berkaitan dengan moralitassosial. Inti materi PAI meliputi; keimanan (akidah), keislaman (syari’ah), dan ikhsan(akhlak). Tiga ajaran inti ini kemudian dijabarkan dalam bentuk rukun Iman, rukunIslam, dan Akhlak; dan beberapa keilmuan: ilmu tauhid, ilmu fiqh dan ilmu akhlak.Berdasarkan materi-materi tersebut, PAI berorientasi pada nilai-nilai sosial kemasyarakatan.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Etika Sosial.
FASTABIQ: JURNAL STUDI ISLAM Vol 4, No 1 (2023): FASTABIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47281/fas.v4i1.124


The of Muhammadiyah in the city of Garut in the early 20th century made an important contribution to the development of education and national politics. This was played by the merchants of Muhammadiyah Pasar Baru. Purpose, to understand the internalization of the Al-Ma’un Theological Spirit among Muhammadiyah Garut merchants in developing education and Politics in 1921-1945. Method, the reseach uses the historical reseach with a qualitative approach, namely analyzing document sources (texts), artifacts, and conducting analytical descriptive of the sources. As result, Muhammadiyah merchants internalized the spirit of Al-Maun theologi taught by KH Ahmad Dahlan as a result of direct interaction with KH Ahmad Dahlan and his students. Muhamamdiyah merchants in the city of Garut apply the spirit of Al-Maun, one of which is by developing education for indigenous people in Garut and more broadly being active in politics to realize national independence. Keywords: Economy; Islamic Movement; Education; Theology
Fair Perception as a Condition for Polygamy Permit Application at Mojokerto Religious Court Masadah, Masadah; Muhammad, Afif
International Journal of Law Dynamics Review Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): May
Publisher : Nursyam Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62039/ijldr.v1i1.4


This article aims to describe the application for polygamy at the Mojokerto Religious Court, the administrative complexities and the process for allowing husbands to practiceoligamy. The judge can give consideration in granting permission for polygamy proposed by the husband. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a descriptive-analytical approach, this research uses judge interview data and then qualitative analysis is carried out with deductive methods. The results showed that hakim at the Mojokerto Religious Court interpreted fair in polygamy as proportional, that is, having to adjust and place something according to its place. The husband in terms of providing for his wives bypaying attention to the needs of each wife. The factor or reason for the granting orrejection of the application for polygamy permission at the Religious Court is that the judge gets confidence that the husband will be able to act fairly with the judge's suspicion that is faced with evidence before the court. The evidence in the trial process includes letter evidence, statements of the applicant and respondent, witness statements that will assess from the evidence the ability and readiness of the husband to polygamy.