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Perbandingan Perilaku Gempa Bumi Susulan Pidie Jaya (7 Desember 2016) dan Ambon (26 September 2019) Samsul Anwar; Faiza Maulia; Nany Salwa
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Bencana Geologi Vol 13, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Badan Geologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34126/jlbg.v13i2.349


Aceh dan Maluku merupakan dua wilayah yang terletak pada pertemuan lempeng tektonik dunia sehingga banyak mengalami kejadian gempa bumi. Gempa bumi utama pada umumnya diikuti oleh gempa bumi susulan dengan kekuatan dan intensitas yang berbeda-beda. Gempa bumi Pidie Jaya (Provinsi Aceh) pada tanggal 7 Desember 2016 memiliki kesamaan karakter dengan gempa bumi Ambon (Provinsi Maluku) pada tanggal 26 September 2019. Kedua gempa bumi tersebut memiliki magnitudo 6,5 dengan kedalaman yang dangkal (< 60 km). Meskipun kedua gempa bumi utama tersebut memiliki karakter yang sama, namun kerusakan dan korban jiwa yang diakibatkan keduanya berbeda sehingga perlu dilakukan perbandingan perilaku gempa bumi susulan di kedua wilayah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan perilaku gempa bumi susulan pasca gempa bumi utama di Pidie Jaya tahun 2016 dan Ambon tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga fungsi lifetime analysis dalam menganalisis perilaku gempa bumi susulan, yaitu probability density function (PDF), reliabilitas, dan hazard. Data yang digunakan bersumber dari BMKG berupa selisih waktu terjadinya gempa bumi susulan terhadap gempa bumi utamanya. Melalui graphical analysis, diketahui bahwa data selisih waktu gempa bumi susulan Pidie Jaya mengikuti distribusi lognormal, sedangkan data selisih waktu gempa bumi susulan Ambon mengikuti distribusi weibull. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gempa bumi susulan Pidie Jaya berpeluang besar untuk terjadi dengan intensitas yang tinggi pada 2 hari pertama setelah gempa bumi utamanya, sedangkan gempa bumi susulan Ambon cenderung terjadi dengan intensitas yang lebih merata selama periode pengamatan. Hasil pengujian log rank test membuktikan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara kurva reliabilitas gempa bumi susulan di wilayah Pidie Jaya dan Ambon. AbstractAceh and Maluku are two areas located at the confluence of the world's tectonic plates so that they experience many earthquakes. Mainshocks are typically followed by aftershocks with different magnitudes and intensities. The Pidie Jaya (Aceh Province) earthquake on December 7, 2016, has similar character with the Ambon (Maluku Province) earthquake on September 26, 2019. Both earthquakes have magnitudes of 6.5 with a shallow depth (< 60 km). Although those earthquakes possessed a similar character, the damage and casualties caused were different, so it is necessary to compare the aftershocks behavior following the mainshock in those two regions. This study aims to compare the aftershocks behavior following the mainshock of Pidie Jaya in 2016 and Ambon in 2019. This study utilizes three lifetime analysis functions in analyzing the aftershocks behavior, namely the probability density function (PDF), reliability and hazard function. The data employed sourced from BMKG, namely the time difference between aftershocks and the mainshock. Through graphical analysis, it is known that the time difference data for Pidie Jaya aftershocks follows a lognormal distribution, while the time difference data for Ambon aftershocks follows a weibull distribution. The results showed that the Pidie Jaya aftershock had a high probability of occurring with high intensity in the first 2 days after the mainshock, while the Ambon aftershock tends to happen with more even intensity during the observed periods. The log rank test results prove there is a significant difference between the reliability curves of the aftershocks in the Pidie Jaya and Ambon regions.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Tingkat Kemiskinan di Provinsi Aceh menggunakan Regresi Data Panel Fitriana AR; Nany Salwa; Sri Wijayanti
Jurnal Peluang Vol 11, No 1 (2023): VOLUME 11, NOMOR 1, Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jp.v11i1.32947


Poverty was a fundamental issue of concern for every province in Indonesia, and Aceh was no exception. While the percentage of poor people in Aceh had declined over the last 5 years, Aceh still ranked first of Sumatra with an average poverty rate of 15.70%. In addition, this figure exceeded the national poverty average of 9.96%. People were categorized as poor if they had an average per capita expenditure below the poverty line. One of the ways to overcome poverty was by understanding the factors that influenced it. Research on the poverty rate was not enough if it only focused on one location at a given time. Instead, a study was needed over time to observe the poverty rate across time and individuals. Panel data regression analysis was a regression analysis that used data from several individuals observed over a while. The study aimed to obtain a suitable model for the poverty rate data in Aceh and identified the factors influencing the poverty rate in both Aceh and North Sumatra from 2017 to 2021. The method used was panel data regression, covering 23 districts/cities in Aceh and 33 districts/cities in North Sumatra. The research findings indicated that the appropriate model for the poverty rate was the Random Effect Model with individual effects, with an  value of 68.21%. The study identified three significant independent variables that affected the poverty rate in both Aceh and North Sumatra. The common factor for both provinces was economic growth. However, two distinct factors were observed average years of schooling and life expectancy in Aceh, while population density and open unemployment rate were identified as significant factors in North Sumatra.
Classifying Regencies and Cities on Human Development Index Dimensions: Application of K-means Cluster Analysis Nurhasanah Nurhasanah; Nany Salwa; Lyra Ornila; Amiruddin Hasan; Martahadi Mardhani
Jurnal Sains Sosio Humaniora Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Volume 5, Nomor 2, Desember 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jssh.v5i2.15753


The Human Development Index (HDI) is a measurement that analyzes a region's development in improving human development. The government's development plan aims to create a successful and peaceful life. The unbalanced development in every regency and city in Indonesia is a typical issue during the development process. It may also be shown that the HDI level changes across regencies and cities in Indonesia. This research aims to identify Indonesian regencies and cities based on HDI indices. K-Means clustering algorithm is the clustering method adopted. The results of the analysis formed 4 clusters. The first cluster consisted of 20 regencies with a low average HDI indicator. The second cluster consisted of 148 regencies and cities with an average HDI indicator is medium. The third cluster consisted of 88 regencies and cities with an average HDI indicator. The fourth cluster consists of 258 regencies and cities with high HDI indicators