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Takhrij and Syarah Hadith of Chemistry: The Bad Effects of Wearing Gold on Men's Health Ervina Surya Aini; Nurul Ashfiya Farhanah; Gina Giftia Azmiana Delilah; Neng Hannah; Wahyudin Darmalaksana
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 5 (2021): Proceedings Conference on Chemistry and Hadith Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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The purpose of this study to discuss the hadith of the Prophet (s) concerning the use of gold jewelry for men. This method is qualitative through takhrij approach and hadith syarah with chemical analysis. The result and discussion of this study is the danger of wearing gold for men. The conclusion of this study is takhrij and syarah hadith of the Prophet about the bad effects of wearing gold on men's health.
Kritik Tren Spirit Doll Perspektif Hadis Nurul Ashfiya Farhanah
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 19 (2023): The 4th Conference on Islamic and Socio-Cultural Studies (CISS)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas kritik tren spirit doll perspektif hadis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menerapkan metode deskriptif-analitis. Objek formal penelitian ini adalah ilmu hadis, sedangkan objek materialnya adalah hadis tentang boneka dalam riwayat Bukhari No. 5565. Hasil dan pembahsan penelitian ini membahas mengenai pandangan Islam terhadap boneka, pemahaman spirit doll, dan kritik tren spirit doll perspektif hadis. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sikap berlebihan yang ditunjukkan terhadap boneka spirit doll tidak bermanfaat dan bisa membawa umat muslim kepada syirik (menyekutukan Allah) dan mendapat hisab yang berat di akhirat kelak. Penelitian ini diharapkan akan memberi manfaat bagi khazanah pengetahuan Islam.
Menangkal Radikalisme dalam Hadis tentang Perintah Perang melalui Reinterpretasi Kontekstual Nurul Ashfiya Farhanah
Jurnal Riset Agama Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (566.024 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/jra.v1i2.14566


The purpose of this study is to discuss the call for war in the perspective of hadith. This research method uses a qualitative type through literature study by applying content analysis. The results and discussion of this study include general views of war, hadith about war, and reinterpretation of war calls. The conclusion of this study shows that the command of war at the time of the Prophet Muhammad Saw. aimed at infidels who fight, torture, and pressure Muslims to apostatize from their religion, so a reinterpretation of hadith is needed so that it does not become the basis for carrying out radical acts.
Dampak Pengekangan Orang Tua terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Anak Moh Iqbal Al-Fathoni; Nurul Ashfiya Farhanah; Nyimas Shoffah Shofiyatus Salamah
Integritas Terbuka: Peace and Interfaith Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Integritas Terbuka: Peace and Interfaith Studies
Publisher : Kongregasi Hati Kudus Yesus (RSCJ) Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59029/int.v2i1.13


This research focuses on the causes and effects of parents' restraint on the formation of children's character through the perspective of Johan Galtung's theory and also hadith. The purpose of this research is to find out more about the triggers of parents to restrain their children, to find out the impact on children, and to find out how this incident happened. The method used in this research is to use qualitative methods by collecting data using interview techniques and literature research. The results of this study indicate that children who receive restraint from their parents tend to feel very limited by all the rules and limited communication with others. the impact of restraint by parents can be seen from the behavior and communication style of a child.