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Pemanfaatan Web E-Commere dalam Peningkatan Strategi Pemasaran Ivan Rinaldo
Jurnal Multimedia dan Android (JMA) Vol 3, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Jurnal Multimedia dan Android (JMA)

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Jurnal Multimedia dan Android (JMA) Vol 3, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Jurnal Multimedia dan Android (JMA)

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AbstrakToko Kayan bergerak pada penjualan sembako secara grosir, yang terletak di Jl. Untung Suropati Bandar Lampung. Pencatatan sistem informasi penjualan barang pada Toko Kayan masih menggunakan cara manual sehingga menimbulkan kemungkinan terjadinya kesalahan perhitungan dalam melakukan transaksi. Selain itu dengan semakin banyaknya jenis barang yang dijual, maka proses pendataan yang dilakukan secara manual akan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama. Akibatnya proses transaksi tidak berjalan efektif karena memakan waktu lama dan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kesalahan perhitungan dalam melakukan transaksi penjualan.Tujuan penelitian adalah memperbaiki sistem yang ada dari yang masih manual menjadi terkomputerisasi, membantu Pegawai Toko dalam mengelola data penjualan dengan membangun sistem menggunakan teknologi barcode.Manfaat penelitian pada Toko Grosir Kayan yaitu mempermudah kasir dalam melakukan pembuatan nota penjualan, perhitungan jumlah harga penjualan dan mempermudah admin dalam perekapan data penjualan secara terkomputerisasi sehingga akan lebih efisien dan akurat.Hasil penelitian ini adalah sistem penjualan yang bertujuan untuk mendukung penyajian informasi mengenai perhitungan harga penjualan, pembuatan nota dan mempermudah kasir dalam proses penjualan.
E-Commerce Berbasis Marketplace Dalam Mempersingkat Penjualan Hasil Pertanian Ivan Rinaldo; ulfa fitriyani yapan
Jurnal Alih Teknologi Sistem Informasi (JATSI) Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Mitra Indonesia

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The agricultural sector has an important role in supporting the Indonesian economy. But on the other hand,sometimes many community groups do not benefit due to problems that arise because the distribution chain ofagricultural products are long enough, especially for farmers and consumers (end users). Of course the situationmust be improved, so that the agricultural products of Indonesia can be enjoyed by consumers or farmers withproper.Oneof its effortsisby establishing an e-Commercebasede-Commercesystem in agriculture.E-Commerce based e-Commerce system can be used as an alternative for farmers, used as a media campaign,communication and information and can cut the distribution chain of agricultural products marketing. Thebenefits felt by farmers and consumers directly and indirectly give a positive influence, especially from thebroadermarketingchannelsofagriculturalproductscanincreaseproductiondemandandspurtheprocurementof production among farmers and also the price offered to consumers will be cheaper so that sales in agriculturalproductscanbemore increasedandprofitablefor farmers.
Jurnal Alih Teknologi Sistem Informasi (JATSI) Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Mitra Indonesia

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AbstractThe cellphone sales website is basically presenting an application that is designed into a computerized modeling format that is used to provide online cell phone sales information to the public and to expand the marketing are a which is expected to be able to increase the number of cell phone sales being marketed. From the research analysis carried out, the design of the mobile phone sales application at the web-based Kunci Urip Cell counter uses the SDLC system development method, which is a system whose information system development process starts from the initial concept to the implementation stage and the data collection technique uses observation and interview techniques. Based on the description described, it can be concluded that withth is web site application sales will be more efficient because it will make it easier for customers to make purchases anywhere and anytime without having to come to the counter. And in order to support the smooth running of the work process, there searchers suggest the need to take care of the software (software) and hardware (hardware) in order to keep it safe from damage or computer viruses. Keywords : SDLC, Handphone, Online
E-Commerce Berbasis Marketplace Dalam Mempersingkat Penjualan Hasil Pertanian Ivan Rinaldo; ulfa fitriyani yapan
Jurnal Alih Teknologi Sistem Informasi (JATSI) Vol 2, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Mitra Indonesia

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AbstractThe agricultural sector has an important role in supporting the Indonesian economy. But on the other hand,sometimes many community groups do not benefit due to problems that arise because the distribution chain ofagricultural products are long enough, especially for farmers and consumers (end users). Of course the situationmust be improved, so that the agricultural products of Indonesia can be enjoyed by consumers or farmers withproper.Oneof its effortsisby establishing an e-Commercebasede-Commercesystem in agriculture.E-Commerce based e-Commerce system can be used as an alternative for farmers, used as a media campaign,communication and information and can cut the distribution chain of agricultural products marketing. Thebenefits felt by farmers and consumers directly and indirectly give a positive influence, especially from thebroadermarketingchannelsofagriculturalproductscanincreaseproductiondemandandspurtheprocurementof production among farmers and also the price offered to consumers will be cheaper so that sales in agriculturalproductscanbemore increasedandprofitablefor farmers.