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PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH RUMAH TANGGA MENJADI MIKRO ORGANISME LOKAL (MOL) DI PADUKUHAN KROBOKAN BERSAMA KELOMPOK WANITA TANI KEMBANG HARAPAN Andika Andika; Sakbannudin Sakbannudin; M. Nafis Aseygaf; M. Nurkholis Majid; Khasan Besari; Arnoldus Arnoldus; Ronaldus Budi Talino; Soraya Mentari Katiandagho; Salsabiila Salsabiila; Fitri Lestari; Rahadian Agung Fatkhurrozi
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 7, No 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v7i1.13687


ABSTRAKLimbah rumah tangga merupakan penghasil limbah terbesar dibandingkan penghasil limbah lainnya, di mana jenis limbah makanan merupakan yang paling banyak. Pengelolaan limbah rumah tangga merupakan tantangan utama di berbagai daerah di Indonesia, termasuk di Padukuhan Krobokan, Kelurahan Tamanan, Kecamatana Banguntapan, Kabupaten Bantul. Persoalan pengelolahan limbah rumah tangga di Padukuhan Krobokan masih pada tahap pemilahan jenis limbah baik organik maupun anorganik. Namun untuk pemanfaatan limbah seperti diolah menjadi pupuk organik belum dilakukan, sehingga sebagian besar limbah rumah tangga yang dihasilkan masih bertumpuk di TPA. Penyuluhan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan warga khususnya Ibu-ibu anggota KWT untuk membuat Mikro Organisme Lokal melalui limbah organik rumah tangga secara mandiri, sehingga pemanfaatan limbah rumah tangga yang ada di Padukuhan Krobokan dapat dimaksimalkan untuk pupuk tanaman. Metode pelaksanaan dilakukan melalui lima tahap, yaitu, pengenalan masalah, penyediaan alat dan bahan, penyuluhan, praktik dan penggunaan MOL. Kegiatan penyuluhan berjalan dengan tertib dan lancar, ibu-ibu kelompok wanita tani sangat antusias terhadap kegiatan penyuluhan. Hal ini ditandai dengan banyaknya pertanyaan dan diskusi selama penyuluhan berlangsung. Kata kunci: limbah rumah tangga; MOL; penyuluhan; padukuhan krobokan. ABSTRACTHousehold waste is the biggest waste producer compared to other waste producers, where the type of food waste is the most. Household waste management is a big challenge in various regions in Indonesia, including in Krobokan Hamlet, Tamanan Village, Banguntapan District, Bantul Regency. The problem of managing household waste in Krobokan Hamlet is still in the stage of sorting out the types of waste, both organic and inorganic. However, the use of waste such as processing it into organic fertilizer has not been widely carried out, so that most of the household waste produced still accumulates in landfills. This counseling aims to increase the knowledge of residents, especially KWT members, to make Local Micro-Organisms through household organic waste independently, so that the utilization of household waste in Krobokan Hamlet can be maximized for plant fertilizer. The implementation method is carried out through five stages, namely, problem recognition, provision of tools and materials, counseling, practice and use of MOL. The counseling activities ran in an orderly and smooth manner, the farmer women's group was very enthusiastic about participating in the extension activities. This is shown by the many questions and discussions during the extension. Keywords: household waste; MOL; counseling; krobokan hamlet.
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis & Entrepreneurship (e-Journal) Vol 18 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis & Entrepreneurship
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M) STIE Pasundan Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55208/jebe.v18i1.538


This study aims to investigate the impact of brand image and customer trust on customer loyalty, mediated via customer satisfaction. Gender is employed as an independent variable to mitigate the impact of brand image and customer trust variables on customer loyalty. This study utilized data from 250 respondents who completed a questionnaire issued to BSI customers in the Malang Raya area. Purposive sampling and proportional random sampling are two distinct methods used for sampling. A proportional random sampling method was employed to ensure that the percentage of respondents from Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City was maintained. The research used the Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) approach. These data indicate that brand image and customer satisfaction substantially impact customer loyalty. However, customer trust does not have a significant effect on customer loyalty. Moreover, the brand's image and the level of consumer trust notably impact customer satisfaction. The findings of this study indicate that customer satisfaction serves as an intermediary variable that influences brand image and consumer trust, ultimately affecting customer loyalty. In addition, gender cannot reduce the impact of brand image and customer trust.