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PENEGAKAN HUKUM TERHADAP PELANGGARAN LALU LINTAS DI POLRES MINAHASA UTARA MENURUT UNDANG-UNDANG LALU LINTAS DAN ANGKUTAN JALAN Joke Punuhsingon; Karno M.S. Rumondor; Nopesius Bawembang; Julius Kindangen; Rohyani Rigen Is Sumilat; Jocefina Adelleyda Tendean
Paulus Law Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Univesitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51342/plj.v4i2.566


ABSTRACT This research examines and answers Law Enforcement Against Traffic Violations at the North Minahasa Police According to the Traffic and Road Transportation Law and how to solve them. The research conducted included normative juridical research and is descriptive analysis in nature, using primary and secondary data. The author uses primary legal materials, namely Law no. 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police and Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. Law Enforcement Against Traffic Violation Crimes at North Minahasa Police is currently still weak, especially related to the increasing quantity of violations, also related to the ability to understand public awareness in traffic. The urgency of this transportation can be seen in the frequency of the need for the use of transportation services for the mobilization of people as well as goods to remote parts of the country, even from and to other countries. Simultaneously, transportation also has a role in supporting, encouraging, and driving the growth and development of regions that have potential, but have not yet grown, for efforts to increase the distribution of development and its res
SOSCIED Vol 6 No 1 (2023): SOSCIED - Juli 2023
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Saint Paul Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32531/jsoscied.v6i1.635


The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe the forms of legal protection for workers that can be given to women workers according to Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower and knowing the factors influencing the implementation of legal protection for women workers. The research used normative juridical research with statutory approaches and conceptual approaches. Data obtained through documentation and interviews were analyzed, described, explained, compared, and interpreted for conclution. The results of the study revealed that legal protection for women workers was related to clarity of status, equal treatment, and exercise of rights. In addition, factors that need to be considered were the relativity of law, the absence of an agreement between women workers and employers to strengthen gender in the workplace, the low awareness of employers about women's labor rights, the low bargaining position of women, the type and type of work, wrong perceptions of employers regarding labor force, and the company's play on the status and rights of women workers. To fulfill the desire for legal protection for women workers, the legal product must prohibit gender identification in the entire management process, the legal product must not be related to relativity in perception and implementation, the legal product must be rational and not have an ambiguous impact, and all regulatory formulations and company policies must in the light of Pancasila philosophy..
Oversight Resulting in the Death of Others According to Article 359 of the Criminal Code Keren Tendean; Jocefina A. Tendean; Arie M. Andes
JETISH: Journal of Education Technology Information Social Sciences and Health Vol 2, No 2 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57235/jetish.v2i2.796


As the times progress, more and more means of transportation are needed to meet the needs of humans. Mobility in traffic becomes an obstacle in dealing with vital error problems in traffic accidents. Indeed, such things cannot be denied in traffic, in intentional or even unintentional arrangements. Road traffic violations are actions or actions that are contrary to the provisions of traffic laws and regulations. In the Criminal Code (KUHP) criminal acts are divided into crimes (misdrijven) and violations (overtredingen). Cases of negligence that result in the death of other people are urgent matters to be discussed in a legal perspective, therefore the purpose of this paper is to find out the application of Article 359 of the Criminal Code so that people who commit criminal acts because their negligence causes people to die can be punished. In this study using normative legal research methods, which examines the law which is conceptualized as a norm or rule that applies in society and becomes a role model for everyone's behavior. The conclusion is that mistakes in criminal law are very important because a person cannot be convicted if he has no mistakes. And someone can be said to be guilty if he commits a crime, in a state of being able to take responsibility for what he has done intentionally or by negligence and there is no excuse for forgiveness.
KAJIAN HUKUM KEBERADAAN ORGAN PENGAWAS DALAM MENCEGAH PENYALAHGUNAAN FUNGSI DAN TUJUAN YAYASAN Joke Punuhsingon; Herts Taunaumang; Jocefina Adelleyda Tendean; Nopesius Bawembang; Rinny Ante
Paulus Law Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Univesitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51342/plj.v5i1.689


Abstrak Penelitian ini berjudul Kajian Hukum Keberadaan Organ Pengawas Dalam Mencegah Penyalahgunaan Fungsi Dan Tujuan Yayasan, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan hukum Yayasan di Indonesia, dan juga untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran dan tanggungjawab organ pengawas dalam mencegah penyalahgunaan fungsi dan tujuan yayasan. Sebagaimana tujuan dari penelitian ini, metode penelitian yang dipakai yakni penelitian hukum normatif atau lazim disebut dengan studi pustaka atau library research. Hasil penelitiannya dapat dikemukakan bahwa regulasi yang mengatur terkait dengan yayasan tersebut telah ditata dalam hukum Indonesia malahan sebelum dibentuknya atau diterbitkannya Undang-Undang Yayasan 16 Tahun 2001 jo Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2004 yang merupakan perubahan Undang-undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2001, yakni sumbernya berasal dari Yurisprudensi maupun dapat ditelusuri pada pasal-pasal di KUHPerdata atau Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata. Pada pendirian yayasan harus lewat notaris yang akta pendiriannya itu diberikan kepada Kemenkumham lewat Sistem Administrasi Badan Hukum atau Sisminbakum. Undang-undang Yayasan sudah mengatur dengan tegas wewenang serta tanggung jawab bagi tiap organ yayasan sehingga bisa memperkecil ruang gerak terhadap mereka yang mau melakukan penyelewengan atau penyalahgunaan kewenangannya. Sebagai saran yang dapat diberikan atara lain, pemerintah hendaknya melakukan kolaborasi yang baik dalam memberi ketegasan terhadap lingkup yayasan. Terkait penegakan hukum maka para penegak hukum hendaknya turut serta dalam menghadapi penyelewengan atau penyalahgunaan terhadap yayasan. Keberadaan organ pengawas yayasan yang berada di bawah pembina yayasan dalam hal ini melalui rapat pembina maupun Anggaran Dasar yayasan sangat menyulitkan organ pengawas dalam menindak atau pun mencegah suatu perbuatan yang menyalahgunakan yayasan demi kepentingan beberapa pihak yang berlaku curang. Kata kunci: Organ, Pengawas, Yayasan.