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Inisiatif: Jurnal Ekonomi, Akuntansi dan Manajemen Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): April : Inisiatif: Jurnal Ekonomi, Akuntansi dan Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas 45 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30640/inisiatif.v2i2.784


Carbon tax ialah pajak yang dikenakan karena pemakaian bahan bakar berbasis karbon. Di Indonesia, diatur dalam UU HPP dan Perpres 98/2021 tentang Penyelenggaraan NEK. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan menganalisis pengaruh diterapkannya pajak karbon pada perusahaan penerbangan bagi kelangsungan bisnis, harga tiket dan juga keputusan atau perilaku penumpang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode literature review yakni bersumber pada studi-studi terdahulu yang telah ada. Ditemukan hasil bahwa terdapat hubungan antara pajak karbon dengan kelangsungan bisnis, dimana dengan membayar biaya karbon akan membuat perusahaan mengalami penurunan keuntungan, karenanya biaya dibebankan pada penumpang dengan cara peningkatan harga tiket, inilah yang juga mengakibatkan keputusan penumpang karena tingginya harga tiket akan membuat permintaan menjadi menurun.
The Effect Of Green Accounting On Profitability In Manufacturing Companies Sub-Sector Cement Sector In 2020-2022 Nilam Santika; Titin Nur Azizah; Intan Pandini; Maria Yovita R. Pandin
Jurnal Manajemen Riset Inovasi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Manajemen Riset Inovasi
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/mri.v1i3.1325


Green Accounting is an accounting system that regulates between companies and the surrounding environment. Green Accounting can provide useful information for business people to manage, design, and evaluate related company systems in order to have a positive impact on the surrounding environment and the general public. This research aims to recognize the effect of Green Accounting on profitability in the manufacturing industry of the lower industrial zone and chemical cement sub-zone in 2020-2022. The research was conducted using quantitative methods. It was found that Green Accounting has a positive effect on the profitability of manufacturing companies. This is evidenced by the results of calculations with the research variables of environmental performance and the use of environmentally friendly products, which refer to the sustainability reports of manufacturing companies in the cement sub-sector in 2020-2022.
Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Keuangan PT Gudang Garam Tbk Tahun 2019-2022 Intan Pandini; Hwihanus Hwihanus
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Manajemen Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Maret : Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Manajemen
Publisher : FEB Universitas Maritim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58192/ebismen.v3i1.1776


This study aims to analyze the financial performance of PT Gudang Garam Tbk during the period from 2019 to 2022, with a focus on the company's financial statements. The evaluation is conducted by understanding the assets and liabilities of the company, especially current assets, non-current assets, and net exposure. The significant increase in cash and cash equivalents reflects efficient liquidity management, while fluctuations in trade receivables and inventory highlight operational challenges. Sustained investments in fixed assets signify a commitment to long-term growth, although fluctuations in trade payables and short-term liabilities demand caution. The consistently positive net exposure provides insight into potential growth and financial stability. However, the decrease in net exposure in 2021 indicates the impact of changing dynamics in the cigarette industry. In conclusion, a comprehensive understanding of financial statements is crucial for identifying opportunities and risks, providing a foundation for informed strategic decision-making. Additionally, this research emphasizes the importance of a deep understanding of factors influencing financial performance. Focus on liquidity, fixed asset investment, and net exposure management provides a complete picture of the company's dynamics. In facing the changing dynamics of the cigarette industry, the company needs to maintain a balance between long-term growth and financial risk management. The results of this research can serve as a valuable guide for the company's strategic decision-making in the future.
Penerapan Insentif pada Toko Retail : (Studi Kasus Agen Sembako Bu Ira Di Krian, Sidoarjo) Lutfika Arifa Faizati; Intan Pandini; Hwihanus Hwihanus
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Manajemen Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Maret : Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Manajemen
Publisher : FEB Universitas Maritim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58192/ebismen.v3i1.1788


This research explores the impact of implementing incentives at the Bu Ira basic food agency in Krian, Sidoarjo on employee performance, with a focus on sales bonuses and non-financial incentives. The research results show that sales bonuses related to target achievement provide additional motivation for employees to increase sales, especially when bonuses are linked to certain products that have higher profits. Additionally, non-financial incentives such as recognition for good performance have proven effective in building team spirit and increasing job satisfaction. The discussion involved understanding that incentive design must be tailored to the grocery store context, taking into account the unique characteristics of this industry. Sales bonuses, when tied to specific types of products, can provide a greater motivational boost for employees. Recognition of good performance can be realized in the form of promotion or additional training, providing added value in employee career development. Flexibility in incentive design, effective communication, and continuous evaluation of the effectiveness of incentive programs are the keys to success. The results of this research provide insight for business owners and managers in the grocery agency industry to design incentive programs that suit employee needs and business goals, as well as accommodate changes in the industrial environment.