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An-Nisbah: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol 9 No 2 (2022): An-Nisbah
Publisher : IAIN Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/an.v9i2.6666


Abstrak: Kemiskinan dan kesenjangan sosial sampai saat ini masih menjadi permasalahan di Indonesia, tidak terkecuali pada masyarakat berusia lanjut di daerah terpencil. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mengangkat isu mengenai masyarakat lanjut usia yang mengalami ketidakadilan di bidang sosial-ekonomi di daerah terpencil yaitu di Cilincing, Timur Tengah Selatan dan Gorontalo. Teori yang penulis gunakan adalah teori dari Rawls tentang teori kontrak atau sering disebut dengan The Original Position. Selanjutnya penulis juga menggunakan teori pembangunan menurut Meter dan Horn, mereka membagi lima variabel yang mempengaruhi implementasi dari pembangunan sosial yaitu (1) Standar dan sasaran kebijakan (2) Sumber daya (3) Komunikasi antar anggota dan penguatan aktivasi (4) Karakteristik agen pelaksana dan (5) Kondisi Sosial, ekonomi dan politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan Teknik pengumpulan data studi literatur. Adapun penyebab permasalahan kemiskinan dan keenjangan sosial dikalangan masyarakat berusia lanjut meliputi keterpencilan dan keterbelakangan, keterbatasan kemampuan mengakses berbagai pelayanan sosial dasar karena ketunaan sosial, kecacatan, keterlantaran, keresahan sosial, serta konflik sosial. Permasalahan kesejahteraan sosial-ekonomi sampai saat ini masih diwarnai dengan permasalahan-permasalahan yang sifatnya konvensional dan perlu ditangani secara bersama antara pemerintah, masyarakat, organisasi sosial, dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Kesenjangan Sosial, Kemiskinan, Ageing Household, Kesejahteraan Abstract: Poverty and social inequality are still a problem in Indonesia, including the elderly in remote areas. In this study, the authors raise the issue of elderly people who experience injustice in the socio-economic field in remote areas, namely in Cilincing, South Middle East and Gorontalo. The theory that the writer uses is Rawls's theory of contract theory or often called The Original Position. Furthermore, the authors also use development theory according to Meter and Horn, they divide five variables that influence the implementation of social development, namely (1) Policy standards and objectives (2) Resources (3) Communication between members and strengthening activation (4) Characteristics of implementing agents and (5) Social, economic and political conditions. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques of literature studies. The causes of the problem of poverty and social inequality among the elderly include remoteness and underdevelopment, limited ability to access various basic social services due to social disability, disability, neglect, social unrest, and social conflict. Socio-economic welfare problems are still characterized by problems that are conventional in nature and need to be handled jointly by the government, the community, social organizations and non-governmental organizations. Keywords: Social Inequality, Poverty, Aging Household, Welfare
Harmonisasi Kehidupan Masyarakat Beragama pada Lingkungan Gated Community di Kelurahan Panggungharjo Yogyakarta Fitrianatsany, Fitrianatsany
Aceh Anthropological Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Department of Anthropology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aaj.v8i1.15986


Living harmoniously in religious communities is crucial to fostering amicable relationships between different religious groups, especially in gated communities. A  gated community is a diverse group of people from different ethnicities, religions, and cultures living together. Gated communities offer comfortable, safe, and exclusive housing with security systems, such as a gate arrangement. They also provide public facilities like green open spaces and even a place of worship for residents. This study uses qualitative research methods to explore the development trends of gated communities and how religious life can harmonized within them. The results of this research show that millennials living in  gated community complexes view many communities as exclusive, and they do not find these gated communities appealing. However, they still live in harmony with the residents by smiling, greeting each other, being polite, and welcoming to everyone. Additionally, residents of these communities use public facilities for routine gatherings and social-religious activities to strengthen kinship and promote harmony between residents.Abstrak: Kehidupan masyarakat beragama yang harmonis menjadi kunci dalam sebuah kerukunan hidup antar umat beragama pada umumnya dan khususnya di lingkungan  gated community atau yang sering disebut sebagai komunitas berpagar.  gated community merupakan tempat bermukim masyarakat dengan beragam suku bangsa, agama dan juga budaya. Selain itu,  gated community juga menawarkan hunian yang nyaman dan aman serta ekslusif dengan menawarkan sistem keamanan seperti one gate system. Di dalamnya juga menawarkan fasilitas umum seperti ruang terbuka hijau dan bahkan tempat ibadah bagi para penghuninya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk melihat lebih dalam terkait dengan tren perkembangan  gated community dan harmonisasi kehidupan beragama masyarakat  gated community di Kelurahan Panggungharjo Yogyakarta. Hasil yang didapat dalam penelitian ini adalah kehidupan kaum milenial yang bermukim di kompleks  gated community atau perumahan yang notabene di konstruks oleh masyarakat luas sebagai masyarakat yang ekslusif dan individual ternyata tidak ditemukan di komunitas berpagar tersebut. Mereka justru menerapkan hidup rukun dengan para warga dengan saling senyum, sapa, sopan, ramah dan tamah kepada setiap orang. Selanjutnya warga hunian tersebut juga memanfaatkan fasilitas umum untuk perkumpulan rutin dan kegiatan sosial keagamaan yang bertujuan untuk mempererat tali persaudaraan dan kerukunan antar warga.
Reinforce: Journal of Sharia Management Vol 3 No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business (FEBI), Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah State Islamic University (UIN SATU) Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/reinforce.v3i1.9199


The purpose of this research is to identify how Korean Wave and brand ambassadors effect online purchasing intention in the Tokopedia marketplace. The research method used is quantitative using multiple regression analysis. This research uses primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires to Tokopedia marketplace users who are the population in this study. Users aged 17-50 years and who have used the Tokopedia marketplace for the last two years and made purchases at least 4 times are the sample. This research uses a non-probability sampling technique with a proportional sampling type with a sample of 100 respondents. Based on the test results for the Korean Wave and Brand Ambassador variables, they have a positive and significant effect on Online purchasing intention on the Tokopedia Marketplace. The results of the F test simultaneously with the Korean Wave and Brand Ambassador variables have a significant effect on online purchasibg intention, with it being known that Fcount is 10.643 > F table 2.358 and is significant 0.000 < 0.1. Meanwhile, partially the Korean wave variable has a positive and significant effect on online purchasing intention, and the brand ambassador variable has a positive and significant effect on online purchasing intention. The R Square coefficient of determination test is 0.380, meaning that the percentage contribution of the Korean Wave and Brand Ambassador variables to online purchasing intention is 38% and the remaining 62% comes from other variables outside the research.
An-Nisbah: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol 9 No 2 (2022): An-Nisbah
Publisher : UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/an.v9i2.6666


Abstrak: Kemiskinan dan kesenjangan sosial sampai saat ini masih menjadi permasalahan di Indonesia, tidak terkecuali pada masyarakat berusia lanjut di daerah terpencil. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mengangkat isu mengenai masyarakat lanjut usia yang mengalami ketidakadilan di bidang sosial-ekonomi di daerah terpencil yaitu di Cilincing, Timur Tengah Selatan dan Gorontalo. Teori yang penulis gunakan adalah teori dari Rawls tentang teori kontrak atau sering disebut dengan The Original Position. Selanjutnya penulis juga menggunakan teori pembangunan menurut Meter dan Horn, mereka membagi lima variabel yang mempengaruhi implementasi dari pembangunan sosial yaitu (1) Standar dan sasaran kebijakan (2) Sumber daya (3) Komunikasi antar anggota dan penguatan aktivasi (4) Karakteristik agen pelaksana dan (5) Kondisi Sosial, ekonomi dan politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan Teknik pengumpulan data studi literatur. Adapun penyebab permasalahan kemiskinan dan keenjangan sosial dikalangan masyarakat berusia lanjut meliputi keterpencilan dan keterbelakangan, keterbatasan kemampuan mengakses berbagai pelayanan sosial dasar karena ketunaan sosial, kecacatan, keterlantaran, keresahan sosial, serta konflik sosial. Permasalahan kesejahteraan sosial-ekonomi sampai saat ini masih diwarnai dengan permasalahan-permasalahan yang sifatnya konvensional dan perlu ditangani secara bersama antara pemerintah, masyarakat, organisasi sosial, dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Kesenjangan Sosial, Kemiskinan, Ageing Household, Kesejahteraan Abstract: Poverty and social inequality are still a problem in Indonesia, including the elderly in remote areas. In this study, the authors raise the issue of elderly people who experience injustice in the socio-economic field in remote areas, namely in Cilincing, South Middle East and Gorontalo. The theory that the writer uses is Rawls's theory of contract theory or often called The Original Position. Furthermore, the authors also use development theory according to Meter and Horn, they divide five variables that influence the implementation of social development, namely (1) Policy standards and objectives (2) Resources (3) Communication between members and strengthening activation (4) Characteristics of implementing agents and (5) Social, economic and political conditions. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques of literature studies. The causes of the problem of poverty and social inequality among the elderly include remoteness and underdevelopment, limited ability to access various basic social services due to social disability, disability, neglect, social unrest, and social conflict. Socio-economic welfare problems are still characterized by problems that are conventional in nature and need to be handled jointly by the government, the community, social organizations and non-governmental organizations. Keywords: Social Inequality, Poverty, Aging Household, Welfare