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Journal : eProceedings of Engineering

Perancangan Scope Baseline Dan Proses Integrated Change Control Di Proyek E-Learning Dengan Acuan Pmbok Edisi Ke-6 Fauziyyah Eka Sya'bani; Devi Pratami; Wawan Tripiawan
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Proyek e-Learning merupakan proyek yang dikelola Yayasan X dalam menunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar di Universitas X dan terbagi menjadi dua tipe konten e-Learning; konten video dan konten non video. Proyek ini direncanakan akan rampung pada tahun 2020, namun dalam pengerjaannya sendiri masih terdapat kekurangan diantaranya tidak ada dokumen perencanaan proyek. Pada pengerjaan awal fase, terdapat banyak permintaan perubahan terutama pada bagian penandatangan kontrak surat (PKS). Untuk menghindari keterlambatan, dibuat dokumen perencanaan pada bagian scope baseline yang dimana mengatur perencanaan penentuan ruang lingkup proyek dan proses integrated change control yang berfokus pada alur proses perubahan secara. Komponen dari scope baseline antara lain project scope statement, work breakdown structure, dan work breakdown structure dictionary. Project scope statement berisi ringkasan dari kebutuhan dari proyek yang dijelaskan secara rinci. WBS dibuat dengan menggunakan metode dekomposisi dan dijabarkan tiap workpackagenya dalam bentuk Work Breakdown Structures Dictionary. Pada proses integrated change control, data perubahan ditampung kemudian dibuat menjadi proses perubahan secara umum. Hasil dari perancangan scope baseline dapat menunjukan rangkaian aktivitas yang membantu project team dalam mengeksekusi tahapan di proyek. Hasil dari proses integrated change control dapat membantu project team dalam mengelola permintaan perubahan yang masuk sehingga tidak menghambat pekerjaan yang sedang dilakukan. Kata kunci: Proyek e-Learning, Scope Baseline, Proses Integrated Change Control Abstract The e-Learning project is a project managed by Foundation X in supporting teaching and learning activities at X University and is divided into two types of e-Learning content; video content and non video content. This project is planned to be completed in 2020, but in the process itself there are still shortcomings including no project planning documents. At the beginning of the work phase, there are many requests for changes, especially in the letter signing contract (PKS). To avoid delays, a planning document is made in the scope baseline section which regulates planning the determination of the scope of the project and the integrated change control process that focuses on the flow process of the change in a manner. Components of the baseline scope include the project scope statement, work breakdown structure, and work breakdown structure dictionary. The project scope statement contains a summary of the needs of the project which are explained in detail. WBS is created using the decomposition method and is described in each workpackage in the form of Work Breakdown Structures Dictionary. In the integrated change control process, data changes are collected and then made into the process of change in general. The results of the design of the baseline scope can show a series of activities that assist the project team in executing stages of the project. The results of the integrated change control process can assist the project team in managing incoming change requests so as not to hamper the work being done. Keywords: e-Learning Project, Scope Baseline, Integrated Change Control Process