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Rancang Bangun Realtime Monitoring Tingkat Keasaman (ph) Dan Konduktivitas Elektrik (ec) Berbasis Internet Of Things (iot) Pada Sungai Citarum Mujaddid Shibghotul Islam; Asep Suhendi; Edy Wibowo
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 8, No 2 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Sungai memiliki peranan penting pada kehidupan manusia, tetapi saat ini, kondisi sungai di sebagian besar daerah di Indonesia sudah bisa dikatakan memprihatinkan. Terbukti pada tahun 2017, 75% sungai di Indonesia sudah tercemar berat akibat limbah domestik [4].Untuk mengurangi tingkat pencemaran tersebut, didesain sebuah alat berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) yang berfungsi untuk mengamati parameter tingkat keasaman dan konduktivitas elektrik secara realtime pada sungai guna memantau kualitas air sehingga bisa dilakukan pencegahan sedini mungkin ketika terjadi hal hal yang merugikan. Pada penerapannya, alat diletakkan di dekat sungai dengan sensor tercelup ke air mengikuti ketinggian air sungai. Hasil pengambilan data oleh sensor bisa langsung dipantau pada web. Kata kunci : sungai, internet of things (IOT), tingkat keasaman, konduktivitas elektrik, web. Abstract Rivers have an important role in human life, nowadays, the condition of rivers in most areas in Indonesia can be said to be alarming. It is proven that in 2017, 75% of rivers in Indonesia have been heavily polluted due to domestic waste [4]. To reduce the level of pollution, an Internet of Things (IoT) based tool was designed to observe the parameters of the acidity and electrical conductivity levels in real time on the river. in order to monitor water quality so that prevention can be done as early as possible when things go wrong. In practice, the device is placed near the river with the sensor immersed in the water following the river water level. The results of data retrieval by sensors can be directly monitored on the web. Keywords: river, internet of things(IOT), acidity level, electrical conductivity, web.