Salsabila Anjani

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Text Mining Untuk Mengklasifikasi Judul Berita Online Studi Kasus Radar Banjarmasin Menggunakan Metode TF-IDF dan K-NN Salsabila Anjani; Andi Farmadi; Dwi Kartini; Irwan Budiman; Mohammad Reza Faisal
Journal of Data Science and Software Engineering Vol 3 No 01 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

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ABSTRACT The news media that used to be commonly used were newspapers. However, with the development of the times, the news media is now entering the digital era. Many online news media spread on the internet. The sophistication of the internet makes it easier for readers to choose which news they want to read. Unlike newspapers, online news media have categories where readers can choose. In general, the categorization of a news in online media is determined by the editor. Given the number of news published in a day, of course, makes the editor's job difficult. A category in the news is usually not appropriate because usually the headline is made as attractive as possible to attract the interest of the reader. So there are times when the news title does not match the category that has been entered by the editor. The use of the K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) method can be used in determining the categorization of a news. By using a case study of the online media Radar Banjarmasin, a research was conducted to find out how well the Canberra and Euclidean classification methods were using news headline data for categorization. The results obtained in this study are the better classification method is Euclidean and with an accuracy value of 65.00%. Improvements that should be made for further research is to use other methods for comparison.