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Bahasa dan Kekuasaan dalam Indonesia Kontemporer: Sebuah Analisis dalam Perspektif Strukturalisme Pierre Bourdieu Wulan, Eka Putri Saptari
JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 5 No. 5 (2022): JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan)
Publisher : STKIP Yapis Dompu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (596.225 KB) | DOI: 10.54371/jiip.v5i5.598


Dalam diskursus kekuasaan dan politik nasional, ada hal yang menarik untuk di diskusikan secara kritis. Salah satunya adalah menuculnya term-term baru yang cukup menggelitik. Istilah-istilah seperti kadrun, cebong, kampret, chaplin, dan lain-lain.  Hal itu tak pelak merupakan teks-teks yang diasosiasikan pada entitas tertentu. Tulisan ini akan melihat kehadiran istlah-istilah itu dalam sudut pandang struturalime Pierre Bourdieu. Hasil kajian mendapatkan bahwa istilah-istilah tersebut diasosiasikan pada kelompok tertentu, istilah-istilah itu merupakan modal sosial untuk membangun struktur imajiner yang berafiliasi pada kelompok tertentu, dan istilah tersebut mencetuskan polarisasi pada struktur masyarakat terutama berkenaan perebutan kekuasan puncak di negeri ini.
Novel “Origami Hati” Karya Boy Candra: Sebuah Kajian Pragmatik Hasibuan, Ronald; Wulan, Eka Putri Saptari; Sirait, Maya Lestari; Panjaitan, Teresia; Simangunsong, Lewi Purnama
JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 5 No. 11 (2022): JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan)
Publisher : STKIP Yapis Dompu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.479 KB) | DOI: 10.54371/jiip.v5i11.1099


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeksripsikan perihal pragmatik yang terdapat di dalam novel “Origami Hati” karya Boy Candra. Perihal pragmatik yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini meliputi tindak tutur ilokusi, kesantunan dan strategi kesantunan bertutur, presuposisi dan implikatur tuturan. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dimana data yang yang dianalisis adalah data berupa kata. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam analisis adalah pendekatan pragmatik dan analisis konten (content analysis). Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara membaca novel tersebut secara berulang-ulang, setiap data yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti dicatat dalam lembar data. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, penelitian ini menemukan tindak ilokusi asertif, direktif, ekspresif dan komisif. Tindak ilokusi asertif yang ditemukan terdiri dari asertif kategori mengeluh, menyatakan, dan menyaraankan. Tindak ilokusi direktif yang ditemukan meliputi kategori memerintah, memohon, dan menasehati. Tindak ilokusi ekspresif yang ditemukan meliputi meminta maaf dan menyalahkan. Tindak ilokusi komisif yang terdapat dalam novel “Origami Hati” karya Boy Candra adalah tindak menawarkan dan berjanji. Penelitian ini tidak menemukan tindak ilokusi kategori deklaratif. Temuan penelitian berkaiatan dengan kesantunan dan strategi kesantunan, ditemukan kesantunan bertutur maksim kebijaksanaan, kedermawanan, penghargaan, permufakatan, dan kesimpatian. Sedangkan yang berkaitan dengan strategi kesantunan ditemukan kesantuan skala formalitas, ketidaktegasan, dan kesamaan atau kesekawanan.
Implikatur Percakapan dalam Tayangan “ Tiga Bacapres Bicara Gagasan” Simanjuntak, Dairi Sapta Rindu; Wulan, Eka Putri Saptari; Gustianingsih, Gustianingsih
eScience Humanity Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2024): eScience Humanity Journal Volume 4 Number 2 May 2024
Publisher : Asosiasi Ide Bahasa Kepri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37296/esci.v4i2.88


The context of conversation in a discourse, especially political discourse which is currently trending, is very interesting to discuss. The context of conversation in pragmatics studies can be observed from the concept of implicature. Therefore, this research aims to explore the form of implicature utterances and the meaning of implicatures contained in the dialogue between the 2024 presidential candidates on the "3 Presidential Candidates Talk Ideas" program hosted by Najwa Shihab. This research uses a qualitative approach with content analysis method. The data source is a conversation video obtained from the YouTube channel. The research data is in the form of speech spoken by the speakers and presenters. Data presentation is carried out using an interactive model, namely data collection, data reduction, data verification and drawing conclusions. The findings of this research are that there are 14 implicature utterance data in the conversation. Implicature utterances are used by each presidential candidate. Even though implicature speech is used in the dialogue, the conversation still runs smoothly because both speakers understand the context and meaning of the speech being conveyed. The most important thing that determines the success of utterers in understanding the meaning and context of each utterance is the existence of similar experiences or perceptions even though it is not stated explicitly.
Analysis of Social Values and Characteristics in the Short Story Tupai Si Never Give Up Written SDN 13 Kolo Kota Bima Khairani, Ita; Khairina, Isni; Wulan, Eka Putri Saptari
International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS) Vol. 3 No. 4 (2024): IJRVOCAS - Special Issues - International Conference on Science, Technology and
Publisher : Yayasan Ghalih Pelopor Pendidikan (Ghalih Foundation)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53893/ijrvocas.v3i4.43


This study aims to examine the social values and characteristics contained in the short story 'Tupai Si Pantang Surrender' written by SDN 13 KOLO BIMA. The theory used is the theory of humanism put forward by Abraham Maslow with a sociology of literature approach. The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative research form. The subject of this research is the short story Tupai Si Unyielding' which was written by SDN 13 KOLO BIMA. The research data is in the form of paragraph excerpts and sentence fragments that contain elements of social values. The results of the study show that the social values contained are, 1) unyielding attitude, 2) compassion, 3) respect not demeaning, 4) persistence and hard work produce results according to what we use, 5) struggle, 6) admiration, 7) Regret. This study delves into the analysis of social values and characteristics embedded in the short story titled "Tupai Si Never Give Up," authored by SDN 13 Kolo Kota Bima. The research aims to uncover the narrative's underlying themes, socio-cultural reflections, and character dynamics. Employing a qualitative approach, the analysis focuses on the portrayal of social values such as perseverance, resilience, and community bonds, as well as the depiction of various characteristics exhibited by the story's protagonists. Through a close examination of the narrative elements, the study seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of the cultural and social nuances presented in the short story, shedding light on the author's intent and the broader societal context in which the narrative unfolds.
Analisis Medan Makna Aktivitas Tangan Dan Kaki Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Serta Implikasinya Pada Teks Puisi Di SMP Negeri 4 Medan Hutagalung, Santa Hoky; Panggabean, Sarma; Wulan, Eka Putri Saptari
Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan (JKIP) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan (JKIP)
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Inovasi Almatani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55583/jkip.v4i2.873


Meaning is what describes part of culture or the reality of the universe, and in a set of lexical elements, namely the actual meaning or meaning in the dictionary. The field of meaning of hand and foot activities in the KBBI needs to be researched because every day the activities carried out by humans are always related to the hands and feet. All these activities have different lexemes. This research aims to describe the components of the field of lexical meaning of hand and foot activities in the Big Indonesian Dictionary, and to find out the lexemes that describe hand and foot activities and their implications for poetry texts in State Middle Schools. 4 Terrain. The approach used in this research is qualitative using reading and note-taking methods, as well as several advanced techniques that suit field needs. The results obtained from this research are 20 meaning subfields (72 lexemes) of hand activities, 11 lexemes of foot activities contained in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), and their implications for poetry texts at SMP 4 Medan.