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Potensi Stichopus hermanii dan Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy untuk Mempercepat Perawatan Ortodonti Sandana, I Ketut Ika; Velisia, Jessica; Yunior, Alexander; Brahmanta, Arya; Prameswari, Noengki
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 29, No 3 (2017): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (668.055 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v29i3.15951


Pendahuluan: Perawatan ortodonti memerlukan inovasi untuk mempercepat waktu perawatan. Perawatan ortodonti menyebabkan adanya daerah tekanan dan tarikan yang dipengaruhi oleh ekspresi RANK pada daerah tekanan, yang merangsang osteoklas dan ekspresi OPG pada daerah tarikan yang merangsang osteoblast. Stichopus hermanii dikenal mempunyai efek pada proses penyembuhan sedangkan Hiperbarik Oksigen Therapy (HBOT) memberikan efek remodeling. Tujuan studi literatur ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan mekanisme potensi gel Stichopus hermanii dan HBOT dalam mempercepat proses pergerakan gigi saat perawatan ortodonti, sehingga dapat menjadi alternatif terapi selain terapi pemberian low-level laser, dan corticotomy surgery. Telaah Pustaka: Resorpsi terjadi akibat tekanan piranti ortodonti. Inovasi untuk mempercepat perawatan ortodonti, dilakukan pada daerah tekanan dan tarikan. Pemberian Stichopus hermanii secara lokal dapat meningkatkan level OPG yang berfungsi menghambat ikatan antara RANKL dan RANK, sehingga menghambat aktivasi osteoklas dan mengaktivasi aposisi tulang. Terapi HBOT menstimulasi ekspresi RANK pada daerah tekanan membantu mempercepat proses resorpsi serta OPG. Kombinasi Stichopus hermanii dan HBOT menyebabkan pergerakan gigi meningkat melalui proses remodelling yang lebih cepat karena aktivasi aposisi tulang melalui OPG yang menghambat ikatan RANK-RANKL. Simpulan: Inovasi kombinasi terapi Stichopus hermanii dan HBOT dapat meningkatkan pergerakan gigi ortodonti melalui aktivasi OPG dan ROS.Introduction: Orthodontic treatment requires innovation to accelerate the treatment time. Orthodontic treatment is resulting in the occurrence of the tension and traction regions affected by the RANK expression in the traction region, which stimulates the osteoclast and OPG expression in the traction thus stimulate the osteoblasts. Stichopus hermanii is known to affect the healing process, while Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) provides the remodelling effects. The purpose of this literature study was aimed to reveal the potential mechanisms of Stichopus hermanii gel and HBOT in accelerating the process of the teeth movement during orthodontic treatment to made it as alternative adjunctive therapy besides the low-level laser therapy and corticotomy surgery. Literature Review: Resorption was occurred due to the pressure of orthodontic devices. Innovations in accelerating the orthodontic treatment were performed in the tension and traction region. Administration of Stichopus hermanii locally may increase the OPG levels that inhibit the bond between RANKL and RANK, thus inhibiting the osteoclast activation and activated the bone resorption. HBOT therapy stimulated the RANK expression in the tension region to accelerate the resorption and OPG process. The combination of Stichopus hermanii and HBOT caused an increasing teeth movement through faster remodelling process due to the bone apposition activation through OPG that inhibits the RANK-RANKL bonding. Conclusion: Therapy innovation through the combination of Stichopus hermanii and HBOT was able to improve the orthodontic teeth movement through the activation of OPG and ROS.
Efektvitas Diet Kombinasi Susu Kedelai dan Tepung Kulit Cangkang Kerang Hijau dalam Meningkatkan Panjang Lengkung Rahang Prameswari, Noengki; Razak, Arifzan; Mulawarmanti, Dian
Jurnal Material Kedokteran Gigi Vol 2 No 1 (2013): JMKG Vol 2 No 1 Maret 2013
Publisher : Ikatan Peminat Ilmu Material dan Alat Kedokteran Gigi (IPAMAGI)

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Calcium and magnesium are the important nutrients especially for bone and teeth growth. Cow’s milk has a high calcium, but some people cannot consume it. Soy milk as a cow’s milk alternative has a low calcium, so it might be combined with green mussel shell flour which has a high calcium. To compare diet cow’s milk, soy milk, and combination diet soy milk with green mussel shell flour to increase length of arch. Thirty two 3 weeks old male wistar rats, each weighting between 50-80 grams. This research used post test only control group design. They were randomly divided into 4 groups. K1 group was given aquadest personde 0,0225ml/gBB/day. K2 group was given cow’s milk personde 0,0225ml/gBB/day. K3 group was given soy milk personde 0,0225ml/gBB/day. K4 group was given soy milk personde 0,0225ml/gBB/day with 0,04mg/gBB green mussel shell flour. After 8 weeks, all rats were killed,took their mandible, and and measuredlength of arch by cephalometry analysis. Data was analyzed using one way Anova (p=0,05) showed significant increasing of the length of arch by cephalometry analysis compare to control group.0,00 (p>0,05). Conclusion: Combination of green mussel shell flour with soy milk has proved to increase length of arch by cephalometry analysis in mandible growth.
The response of periodontal ligament collagen fibres and the thickness of inserting periodontal ligament fibre bundles at cementum pressure sites of fixed orthodontic appliances Noengki Prameswari
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 40 No. 2 (2007): June 2007
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.486 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v40.i2.p70-75


Previous research has indicated that there were several reactions in cellular activity and periodontal ligament collagen fibre as a response after orthodontic force application. Cementum has function to give attachment to collagen fibres of the periodontal ligament, maintaining the integrity of the root, helping to maintain the tooth in its functional position in the mouth, and being involved in tooth repair and regeneration so in the orthodontic tooth movement can induce changes in the cementum. The aim of this research is to investigate that fixed orthodontic appliance can change the amount of periodontal ligament collagen fibre and the thickness of inserting periodontal ligament fibre bundles at pressure site of cementum. This experimental study was held in laboratory with post test only control group design. Twenty two (22) premolar sample from 11 patient were divided into 2 groups. K group as control group (without treatment) and P group as treatment group (with using fixed orthodontic appliance). The amount of periodontal ligament collagen fibre and thickness of inserting periodontal ligament fibre bundles was examined by light microscopy and measured by image tool program. In the summary, there are increasing amount of periodontal ligament collagen fibre and the thickness of inserting periodontal ligament fibre bundles at cementum pressure sites as a normal response to remodeling and regenerating to orthodontic appliance and have function for strengthen adhering tooth cementum to the periodontal ligament.
The role of active ingredients nanopowder Stichopus hermanii gel to bone resorption in tension area of orthodontic tooth movement Noengki Prameswari; Arya Brahmanta
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 50 No. 4 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.629 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v50.i4.p188-193


Background: Orthodontic tooth movement is a continual and balanced process between bone deposition and bone resorption in pressure and tension sites. Stichopus hermanii is one of the best fishery commodities in Indonesia. It is natural and contains various active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulphate, cell growth factor, eicosa pentaenoic acid (EPA) docosa hexaenoic acid (DHA) and flavonoid that potentially play a role in orthodontic tooth movement. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the active ingredients of nanopowder Stichopus hermanii promoting bone resorption in tension area orthodontic tooth movement. Methods: A quantitative test for active ingredients of stichopus hermanii was conducted. Thirty two male Cavia cobaya were divisibled became four groups. K (–) groups as a negative control group (without treatment), K (+) groups as a positive control group which were provided with a separator rubber for orthodontic tooth movement, and P1, P2 groups, which were treated with 3% and 3.5% stichopus hermanii for orthodontic tooth movement. After treatment the cavia cobaya were sacrificed. TRAP-6 expression as a osteoclast marker was examined by means of an immunohistochemistry method. Results: A one-way Anova test confirmed that TRAP-6 expression was significantly increased with p = 0.00 (p≤0,05) in P2 compared to K (+). P2 to K (–), P2 to P1 and P1 to K (+) had no significant differences Conclusion: Nanopowder Stichopus hermanii 3.5% has an active ingredient that could increase osteoclast activity to resorb periodontal ligament and alveolar bone in tension areas of orthodontic tooth movement.
Potensi gel Stichopus hermanii dan Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy untuk mempercepat perawatan ortodontiPotential of Stichopus hermanii gel and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in accelerating orthodontic treatment I Ketut Ika Sandana; Jessica Velisia; Alexander Yunior; Arya Brahmanta; Noengki Prameswari
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 29, No 3 (2017): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (668.055 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v29i3.15951


Pendahuluan: Perawatan ortodonti memerlukan inovasi untuk mempercepat waktu perawatan. Perawatan ortodonti menyebabkan adanya daerah tekanan dan tarikan yang dipengaruhi oleh ekspresi Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa-b (RANK) pada daerah tekanan, yang merangsang osteoklas dan ekspresi osteoprotegerin pada daerah tarikan yang merangsang osteoblast. Stichopus hermanii mempunyai efek pada proses penyembuhan, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) memberikan efek remodelling. Studi pustaka ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan mekanisme potensi gel Stichopus hermanii dan Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) dalam mempercepat proses pergerakan gigi pada perawatan ortodonti sebagai alternatif terapi. Studi Pustaka: Inovasi untuk mempercepat perawatan ortodonti dilakukan pada daerah tekanan dan tarikan. Pemberian gel Stichopus hermanii secara lokal dapat meningkatkan level osteoprotegerin yang menghambat ikatan antara Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa-b Ligand (RANK-L) dan Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa-b (RANK), sehingga menghambat aktivasi osteoklas dan mengaktivasi aposisi tulang. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy menstimulasi ekspresi RANK pada daerah tekanan membantu mempercepat proses resorpsi. Kombinasi gel Stichopus hermanii dan Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy menyebabkan pergerakan gigi meningkat melalui proses remodelling. Simpulan: Inovasi kombinasi terapi gel Stichopus hermanii dan Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy dapat meningkatkan pergerakan gigi pada perawatan ortodonti.Kata kunci: Pergerakan gigi ortodonti, Stichopus hermanii, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, osteoprotegerin, RANK-L, RANK.  ABSTRACTIntroduction: Orthodontic treatment requires innovation to accelerate the treatment time — orthodontic treatment is resulting in pressure and pull area that is affected by the expression of the Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa b (RANK) in the pressure region, which stimulates osteoclasts and expression of osteoprotegerin in the pulling region which stimulates the osteoblast. Stichopus hermanii affects the healing process, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) provides a remodelling effect. This literature study was aimed to reveal the potential mechanism of Stichopus hermanii and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) in accelerating the tooth movement process in orthodontic treatment as an alternative therapy. Literature Review: Innovations to accelerate orthodontic treatment were performed in the pressure and pull area. Administration of Stichopus hermanii gel could increase the level of osteoprotegerin which inhibits the bond between Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa-b Ligand (RANK-L) and Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa-b (RANK), thus inhibiting osteoclast activation and activating bone apposition. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) stimulates RANK expression in the pressure area to help accelerate the resorption process. Combinations of Stichopus hermanii gel and HBOT cause tooth movement to increase through the remodelling process. Conclusion: An innovative combination of Stichopus hermanii gel and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) was able to improve the tooth movement in orthodontic treatment.Keywords: Orthodontic tooth movement, Stichopus hermanii gel, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, osteoprotegerin, RANK-L, RANK.
The influence of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to intercausal relationship between blood vessels, osteoblast, and new bone formation during maxillary suture expansion Noengki Prameswari; Iwa Rahmat Sunaryo; Dian Widya Damaiyanti; Agni Febrina
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 32, No 1 (2020): March 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol32no1.19684


Introduction: Expansion appliance that can imply tooth movement and opening maxilla suture might affect the blood vessels, bone cells, and formation of the new bone. HBOT accelerated the rate of osteoblast differentiation leading to an increase in bone formation during osteonecrosis. Research about HBOT during maxillary suture expansion has never been investigated. The purpose of this research was to correlate the blood vessels number, osteoblast by administered 2.4 ATA HBOT from day 8-14 to imply new bone formation during maxillary suture expansion. Methods: Eighteen male guinea pigs with randomised post-test only control group design divided into 3 groups. Negative control group K(-), positive control with expansion appliance K(+), expansion appliance and HBOT (P). After 14 days guinea pigs were decapitated. Histological slide of the blood vessels number, osteoblast, and new bone formation were examined under a light microscope then were analysed by regression test. Results: Descriptive test showed increasing blood vessels number, osteoblast, and new bone formation on the administration of HBOT during maxillary suture expansion. Regression test showed that there was a strong correlation between the blood vessels number and osteoblast to the new bone formation with R=6.95 during maxillary suture expansion. Conclusion: 2.4 ATA HBOT influences the intercausal relationship between increasing blood vessels number, increasing osteoblast, and new bone formation during maxillary suture expansion.
Efektifitas Ekstrak Nannochloropsis oculata Terhadap Peningkatan Kepadatan Kolagen pada Proses Penyembuhan Alveolar Osteitis. Ajeng Saghita Enggardini; Syamsulina Revianti; Noengki Prameswari
Denta Journal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 10 No 1 (2016): Februari
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Hang Tuah

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Background: Alveolar osteitis was one complication after tooth extraction. This conditionremains a common post operative problem that results in severe pain and inhibit sockethealing. Nannochloropsis oculata’s extract contains alkaloids, carotenoids, flavonoids,terpenoids and tocopherols that could accelerate the wound healing process. Purpose: Examine the effectivity of Nannochloropsis oculata extract to the increased density ofcollagen in alveolar osteitis healing process. Materials and Methods: This research designwas post-test only control group design, using 64 male Wistar rats then divided into twomajor groups. Group 1 (irrigation) and group 2 (dressing). In each group contains a negativecontrol group (irrigation PBS or dressing PBS), positive control group (irrigation Saline0,9% or dressing Alvogyl), and the treatment group (irrigation or dressing usedNannochloropsis oculata extract 2,5% and 5%). After treatment on the 3rd and 7th day, ratswere euthanazied than collagen density was measured at histopathology slide used Masson’sTrichom with magnification 100x under light microscope, than it what measured. Data wasanalyzed with Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test. Result: There were significantdifferences of collagen density beetwen irrigation treatment groups (0,045), but there werenot significant differences beetwen dressing treatment groups (0,243). Dressing method wasmore effective to increase collagen density than irrigation groups (0,026). Conclusion:Dressing treatment used Nannochloropsis oculata extract concentration 5% was mosteffective to increased the collagen density in alveolar osteitis healing process on 7th days.
Effect of Stichopus Hermanni to Bigonial Width on Maxillary Suture Expansion using Cephalometric Analysis Kristin Gaby Rosari; Noengki Prameswari; Lisdiana Mardanus
Denta Journal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 11 No 2 (2017): Agustus
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Hang Tuah

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Background:Maxillary expansion uses mechanical forces to open the maxillary suture which causes inflammation and bone remodeling around the area. Stichopus hermanni is known to contain flavonoid, chondroitin sulfate, and saponin which is used to inhibit inflammatory process, increase bone metabolism and mineralization, and wound healing. Purpose: The aim of this experiment is to know the effect of Stichopus hermanni to bigonial width on maxillary suture remodeling expansion using cephalometric analysis. Materials and Methods: Experimental units used were 24 male Cavia cobaya divided into 4 groups (n=6). Group K(-) is negative control. Helical spring was applied and activated in the other 3 groups for 10 days. Group K(+) was given 2% NaCMC gel, both group P1 and P2 was given 3% Stichopus hermanni gel. Group P2 were also given retention period for 10 days after activation period. Cavia cobaya were then decapitated and observed for the bigonial width changes. The data was analyzed with One Way ANOVA test continued with LSD test. Results: The result of ANOVA test showed siginficant differences among the treatment groups p=0,000 (p<0,05). LSD test showed significant differences between group K(-) and K(+) (Sig. 0,005), K(-) and P1 (Sig. 0,001), and group K(-) and P2 (Sig. 0,000). Conclusion: 3% Stichopus hermanni gel increases bigonial width but not significant in remodeling process on maxillary suture expansion.
Pengaruh Pemberian Gel Teripang Emas Terhadap Jumlah Osteoklas Di Daerah Tekanan Pada Remodeling Tulang Pergerakan Gigi Ortodonti Stefany Wijaya; Noengki Prameswari; Maria Lisdiana T
Denta Journal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 9 No 2 (2015): Agustus
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Hang Tuah

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Background: Orthodontic treatment takes a long time for bone remodeling. Stichopus hermanii has various compounds such as EPA-DHA, calcium, magnesium, f lavonoid and triterpenoid, that may reduce the number of osteoclasts. Research Stichopus hermanii against osteoclasts in bone remodeling has not been investigated. Purpose: This study aimed to verify the effect of Stichopus hermanii gel to the number of osteoclasts in bone remodeling pressure area of orthodontic, tooth movement. Materials and Methods: Forty-eight male Cavia cobaya were divided into eight groups. (K1) and (K3) negative control for 6 and 14 days. (K2) and (K4) positive control for 6 and 14 days by provision of separator and NaCMC gel. (P1), (P3) and (P2), (P4) were treated for 6 and 14 days by provision of separator and Stichopus hermanii gel 3% and 3.5%. Osteoclasts were examited calculated by histological preparations with HE staining and viewed using a light microscope with 400x magnification, and then analyzed by ANOVA followed by LSD test. Result: In analysis descriptive the mean of K1, K2, K3, K4, P1, P2, P3, and P4 are (3,33 ± 1,211), (10,67 ± 1,211), (8,33 ± 0,816), (4,33 ± 1,211), (3 ± 0,894), (14,3 ± 1,633), (9,33 ± 1,366), and (12,67 ± 2,338) ANOVA showed a significant difference in the number of osteoclasts. LSD test showed significant differences in the number of osteoclasts in all groups. Conclusion: Stichopus hermanii gel with a concentration of 3,5% more effective on day 6, and the concentration of Stichopus hermanii gel 3% is more effective on the 14th day by reducing the number of osteoclasts in bone remodeling pressure area orthodontic tooth movement.
Efektifitas Perbandingan Kombinasi Clindamycin dan Ekstrak Nannochloropsis Oculata Terhadap Peningkatan Kepadatan Kolagen pada Osteomielitis Mandibula Faidha Azmi N; Dian Mulawarmanti; Noengki Prameswari
Denta Journal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 9 No 1 (2015): Februari
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Hang Tuah

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Background: Osteomyelitis is an bone infection caused by bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus. The use of clindamycin within long term may cause of resistance. A compound in Nannochloropsis oculata’s extract contain antibacterial, antiinflamation, antioxidant that can be used as therapy of osteomyielitis. Purpose: Knowing comparison of the effectiveness between the combination of clindamycin and Nannochloropsis oculata’s extract to increasing the density of collagen on the mandibular osteomyelitis. Materials and Methods: The experimental research’s type with a design post test only control group. Fourty male wistar rats as model of mandibular osteomyelitis has made by inducing bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus inserted in socket after an extraction of left incisive teeth on lower jaw and waiting for 28 days. The rats are divided into 5 group: negative control (K1), clindamycin (K2),clindamycin with 50mg Nannochloropsis oculata’s extract (K3), clindamycin with 100mg Nannochloropsis oculata’s extract (K4), clindamycin with 200mg Nannochloropsis oculata’s extract. After 7 days, all of group are euthanazed and then the density of collagen measured using histopathology slide used Masson’s Trichom and 100x enlargement, so then analyzing the density of collagen by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney. Result: There were significant differences in collagen between K1 and K2 (p=0,037), K1 and K3 (p=0,013), K1 and K4 (p=0,002), K1 and K5 (p=0,000). and there were significant differences in collagen between K2 and K5 (p=0,013). But there were no significant differences in collagen between group K2 and K3 (p=1,000), K2 and K4 (p=0,288). Conclusion: The combination of clindamycin with 200mg Nannochloropsis oculata’s extract having an effect on increasing number of the density of collagen significantly on the healing of mandibular osteomyelitis.