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Manajemen Keuangan Rumah Tangga Menuju Mandiri Pangan Nusi, Arfan; Musran, Melani; Dian, Wahyu; Tute, Anisa; Panigoro, Setyo; Amelia, Nurfitriyani; Basir, Muhammad; Idrus, Lolanda; Abd.Azis, Basid; Ma'ruf, Arman
JIEF : Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Vol 1 No 1 (2021): JIEF VOL.1 NO.1 MEI 2021
Publisher : Departement of Sharia Economics, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (923.847 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jief.v1i1.3727


This research aims to examine the household financial management of people who work as Vannamei Shrimp Farmers in building food independent in Mootinelo, North Gorontalo District. Using a qualitative research method with a descriptive study approach and the techniques of collecting data used are interviews, observations, and documentation. This research shows that the household financial management in Mootinelo, North Gorontalo district is divided into two. First, there are households that experience financial difficulties after being hit by bad weather that makes vanname shrimp stunted, then by the covid-19 pandemic. Second, there are households that are able to manage finances well even the conditions are not well. This second household is said to be at the food independent level
Religiosity in the Midst of the Wage System and the Fading of Ti'ayo in Gorontalo Tradition Arfan Nusi; Fahimah M. Mooduto; Donald Q. Tungkagi
Jurnal Theologia Vol 31, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/teo.2020.31.2.6829


People are very thick with the religious practices which combine religion and culture in Gorontalo. One of the religious spirits in the tradition is ti'ayo (community self-help). It is a farmer comes to everyone. It offers requests for helping others in the context of working together without wages in their garden. This cycle always occurs between one farmer and other farmers for decades. In addition, cultivating the values of togetherness among farmers. Economically, ti'ayo tradition also reduces the cost of cultivating gardens. The source of the research was obtained from qualitative anthropological research. The data were obtained using observation techniques and in-depth interviews. The aim is to see wage practices amid the fading ti'ayo tradition in the society of Gorontalo. The result is people's religiosity is slowly getting weaker. It is indicated since ti'ayo tradition replaced with a wage system. It also usually strengthens relationships and harmony among people and maintains brotherhood. However, this tradition has not survived until now; it seems that the community is living individually, between one farmer and others as if they have lost their sensitivity. The effect is the difficulty of the farmers in maintaining its life amid the onslaught of the wage system. The economic constraints of farmers are increasingly complex, including the borrowing capital from creditors with guarantees of garden or rice fields, instead of getting benefits from the harvest; precisely, they have to pay for the debts.
Dikotomi Pendidikan Islam dan Umum: Telaah Pemikiran Integrasi-Interkoneksi M. Amin Abdullah : Dikotomi, Pendidikan Islam dan Umum, Integrasi-interkoneksi Arfan Nusi
Irfani Vol. 16 No. 2 (2020): Irfani (e-Journal)
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30603/ir.v16i2.1874


Abstrak Artikel ini mengurai tentang pertentangan antara pendidikan Islam dan umum di tengah kehidupan masyarakat beragama maupun dalam lembaga-lembaga pendidikan di tanah air. Fenomena kaum beragama merasakan bahwa kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan umum adalah ancaman yang dapat memporak-poranda bangunan keberagamaan bila disatukan dalam bingkai pendidikan Islam, demikian pula dari pendidikan umum meyakini pendidikan Islam hanya akan menghambat kemajuan. Atas dasar inilah M. Amin Abdullah menawarkan seperangkat konsep tentang pendekatan integrasi-interkoneksi dalam bangunan keilmuan. Ia sampai pada konklusi bahwa disiplin keilmuan tidak hanya berhenti sampai pada sikap single entity (arogansi keilmuan: merasa satu-satunya yang paling benar), isolated entities (dari berbagai disiplin keilmuan terjadi “isolasi”, tiada saling tegur sapa), tetapi sampai pada interconnected entities (menyadari akan keterbatasan dari masing-masing disiplin keilmuan, sehingga terjadi saling kerjasama dan bersedia menggunakan metode-metode walaupun itu berasal dari rumpun ilmu yang lain) Kata Kunci: Dikotomi, Pendidikan Islam dan Umum, Integrasi-interkoneksi
JURNAL YAQZHAN: Analisis Filsafat, Agama dan Kemanusiaan Vol 2, No 2 (2016)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (528.077 KB) | DOI: 10.24235/jy.v2i2.1248


Abstrak: Pemikiran Islam lahir dari proses pemahaman manusia. Dengan kata lain Islam didefenisikan, diciptakan, dihasilkan oleh muslim maupun non-muslim secara terus menerus. Tradisi rekonstruksi pemahaman Islam atau ijtihad di kalangan para Sahabat, Ulama klasik hingga Ulama modern mewarnai lembaran-lembaran khazanah pemikiran Islam hari ini. Pemikiran Islam juga lahir dari mereka yang memiliki pemahaman ideologi politik sektarian di mana agama diseret pada persoalan politik praktis dalam rangka memperkokoh kekuatan yang mereka bentuk. Pergolakan politik sektarian di Indonesia mengarah pada intoleransi, dan diskriminasi. Bahkan mengarah pada kebencian yang muncul dengan memegang sikap superioritas keagamaan pada kelompok sendiri atau memandang pihak lain seagama sebagai inferioritas di tengah perbedaan-perbedaan di antara para pemeluk agama yang sama. Meski semula sektarianisme berakar dalam aliran dan mazhab dalam agama, namun juga kemudian juga terkait dengan perbedaan dalam sosial, budaya, etnik, sejarah, dan politik.  Berdasarkan hal di atas, tulisan ini akan memfokuskan diri pada pokok bahasan hubungan antara politik sekterian dan munculnya pemikiran keagamaan sepanjang sejarah kehidupan umat Islam. Kata kunci: Pemikiran Islam, Sektarianisme, Politik
Filsafat Eksistensialisme dan Format Epistemologi Kajian Islam Arfan Nusi
Farabi Vol 13 No 2 (2016): AL-Farabi
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

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Existentialism philosophy of looking at things based on the existence or how humans are in the world . Etymologically derived from the word existentialism copies, meaning outside, andand a meaningful existence stand or place , so widespread existence can be interpreted as a stand alone as himself as well as out of him .In general meaning , humans in existence it was aware that he was there and everything is determined by the existence he admits. Islam is not a religion of one-dimensional. Nor is religion based solely on human institutions and limited to the relationship between man and God. Up to understand it is not enough just to a single method .Rather it requires human freedom in view of other methods. Departing from these freedoms least epistemology format Islamic studies as a form of independence awoke thinking.Because, for freedom of thought is a study which occupies an important position . Islam in this case have a clear concept , universal and tested . Islam's relationship with the independence of thinking.
Islam Sebagai “Post-Kristen”; Deskripsi Perjumpaaan Teologis Islam-Kristen Samsi Pomalingo; Arfan Nusi
Farabi Vol 17 No 2 (2020): Farabi
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30603/jf.v17i2.1746


This article uses an esoteric approach in explaining the intersection of religions in the Yudaeo tradition. There is a misunderstanding of religion because it is seen from an exoteric approach. As a result, people tend to judge that this religion is right and another is wrong. Whereas Abraham is known as the father of monotheistic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The vision of the Judaeo-Christian-Islamic tradition is an indicator of the three religions as monotheistic religions whose teachings are inseparable and cannot be polarized between one another. However, for certain circles, Islam and Christianity are not seen as Yudaeo traditions, because they see the root of the problem that often causes conflicts between Islam and Christianity, especially in the position or capacity of the Koran as Muhaimin. The conflicts that often occur between the two religions often cause discomfort in theological encounters. This resulted in the relationship between the two religions experiencing unfounded "theological" tensions. Even though it is seen in the Yudaeo tradition of Islam-Christianity as a mission religion that descends from God Almighty. where both religions have theological continuity from the aspects of Divinity, Prophethood (prophecy), and revelation. This tradition should be built on the awareness of religiosity between the two adherents of religion (Islam-Christian) who have the same theological roots.
Manajemen Keuangan Rumah Tangga Menuju Mandiri Pangan: Pelajaran Berharga Dari Petani Udang Vaname Desa Mootinelo Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara Arfan Nusi; Melani Musran; Wahyu Dian; Anisa Tute; Setyo Panigoro; Nurfitriyani Amelia; Muhammad Basir; Lolanda Idrus; Basid Abd.Azis; Arman Ma'ruf
JIEF : Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): JIEF VOL.1 NO.1 MEI 2021
Publisher : Departement of Sharia Economics, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/jief.v1i1.3727


This research aims to examine the household financial management of people who work as Vannamei Shrimp Farmers in building food independent in Mootinelo, North Gorontalo District. Using a qualitative research method with a descriptive study approach and the techniques of collecting data used are interviews, observations, and documentation. This research shows that the household financial management in Mootinelo, North Gorontalo district is divided into two. First, there are households that experience financial difficulties after being hit by bad weather that makes vanname shrimp stunted, then by the covid-19 pandemic. Second, there are households that are able to manage finances well even the conditions are not well. This second household is said to be at the food independent level
Manajemen Keuangan Rumah Tangga Menuju Mandiri Pangan: Pelajaran Berharga Dari Petani Udang Vaname Desa Mootinelo Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara Arfan Nusi; Melani Musran; Wahyu Dian; Anisa Tute; Setyo Panigoro; Nurfitriyani Amelia; Muhammad Basir; Lolanda Idrus; Basid Abd.Azis; Arman Ma'ruf
Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): JIEF VOL.1 NO.1 MAY 2021
Publisher : Departement of Sharia Economics, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri K.H Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (923.847 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/jief.v1i1.3727


This research aims to examine the household financial management of people who work as Vannamei Shrimp Farmers in building food independent in Mootinelo, North Gorontalo District. Using a qualitative research method with a descriptive study approach and the techniques of collecting data used are interviews, observations, and documentation. This research shows that the household financial management in Mootinelo, North Gorontalo district is divided into two. First, there are households that experience financial difficulties after being hit by bad weather that makes vanname shrimp stunted, then by the covid-19 pandemic. Second, there are households that are able to manage finances well even the conditions are not well. This second household is said to be at the food independent level
TRANSFORMATION OF DA'WAH TOWARDS CHANGING GORONTALO COMMUNITY BEHAVIOR : (Study of Ustad Muhammad Iqbal Pakaya's Da'wah Model) Wahidah Suryani; Arfan Nusi; Indra Dewi Sery Yusuf
Farabi Vol 20 No 1 (2023): Farabi
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30603/jf.v20i1.3533


This research is a study of da'wah in Gorontalo City known as Serambi Medina. This study is a descriptive-qualitative field research. The data were obtained through free and in-depth interviews with resource persons and observations made in several Ust da'wah assemblies. Iqbal Pakaya. With a semi-biographical approach, researchers studied the da'wah carried out by a well-known preacher in Gorontalo, Ust. Muhammad Iqbal Pakaya who has a unique style of lectures. This distinctive way of da'wah turned out to have its own place in the hearts of the people of Gorontalo. Whenever Ustad Muhammad Iqbal was present, people were captivated and did not leave before the event was over. Not only the way of da'wah is alluring, Ust's da'wah material. Iqbal Pakaya was in accordance with the conditions and needs of his mad'u (object of da'wah). The concept and model of da'wah ustad Muhammad Iqbal Pakaya discusses more everyday things that are close to mad'u accompanied by the concept of humor so that it is easy to understand.
MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN RUMAH TANGGA MENUJU MANDIRI PANGAN: PELAJARAN BERHARGA DARI PETANI UDANG VANAME DESA MOOTINELO KABUPATEN GORONTALO UTARA Melani Mursan; wahyudian; anisa tute; setyo panigoro; nurfitriyani; muhammad basir; lolanda idrus; basid moh azid; arman maruf; arfan nusi
Journal Of Islamic Economics And Finance Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Volume 1 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021

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Corona Virus Dieases 2019 (Covid-19) has become a global pandemic that has hit almost all countries. No exception, Indonesia is also the place where the epidemic has hit. Apart from the health sector, the economic sector is one of the sectors most affected as well. This can be seen in the country's economic recession and the decline in the stock price index. This research aims to determine the comparison of the Islamic stock index before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method this research is to use quantitative descriptive analysis method using paired sample t-test. The research was conducted from March 1, 2019 to March 1, 2021. The results showed that the increase in the number of Covid-19 cases did not significantly affect the movement of the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) so there was no significant difference between average prices. ISSI shares before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. With the results of this study, it is hoped that it can provide a reference for investors to choose and invest in Islamic stocks, because the strength of Islamic stocks is quite good.