Rina Oktaviyanthi
(Scopus ID:57191966919, h-index:3; SINTA ID:260013, h-index:7), Universitas Serang Raya

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Phet Assisted Trigonometric Worksheet for Students’ Trigonometric Adaptive Thinking Rina Oktaviyanthi; Usep Sholahudin
Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol 12, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31980/mosharafa.v12i2.2569


Fakta menunjukkan kesulitan dalam belajar geometri di universitas yaitu kesulitan menentukan fungsi Trigonometri untuk sudut negatif atau lebih besar dari 90 derajat, dan kesulitan menerjemahkan beberapa representasi fungsi Trigonometri. Masalah yang melibatkan kemampuan berpikir Trigonometri dapat diselesaikan dengan menampilkan perekayasaan informasi gambar, diagram atau animasi. Salah satu media dengan yang dapat menstimulasi berpikir Trigonometri adalah PhET Simulation. Media digital dapat menunjukkan performa yang lebih baik jika didukung lembar kerja untuk memandu proses pengikatan ilmu pengetahuan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana proses perancangan worksheet yang mengintegrasikan pemanfaatan media interaktif Phet Simulation. Penelitian pengembangan dijadikan sebagai pendekatan penelitian yang meliputi tiga bagian yakni problem and design solution analysis, product specification and development, serta prototype evaluation and limited test. Pengujian validator ahli memiliki indikasi bahwa lembar kerja yang dikembangkan memenuhi standar pengujian ahli untuk digunakan dalam menyelesaikan masalah Trigonometri. Pengujian terbatas pada subjek penelitian menunjukkan instrumen yang diuji memenuhi standar valid dan reliabel. The facts show that the difficulties in learning geometry at university was difficulty to determine Trigonometry functions for negative angles or greater than 90 degrees, and difficulty to translate some representations of Trigonometry functions. Problems involving Trigonometry thinking skills are most likely solved by presenting manipulated images, diagrams and animations. One media to stimulate Trigonometry thinking is PhET Simulation. Additionally, a digital media is believed to improve the performance if it is supported by worksheets to guide the knowledge construction process. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to investigate the designing process of integrating the use of interactive media Phet Simulation. Developmental research was used as the research approach encompassing three sections, namely problem and design solution analysis, product specification and development, and prototype evaluation and limited test. The expert validator tests indicated the worksheet developed met the requirement as a solution in solving Trigonometry problems. Limited test to the research subjects confirmed that the instruments were tested valid and reliable.