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POTENTIAL LEAVES OF TREMBESI (Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr.) AS BIOACCUMULATORS FOR HEAVY METAL (PB) IN MANADO CITY Albertin Indriani; Bobby J. V. Polii; Tommy Ogie
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Terapan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): EDISI JULI-DESEMBER 2021
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/jat.v2i2.35293


This research is a survey study that aims to determine the lead (Pb) content in the leaves of trembesi (Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr.) in Taman Kesatuan Bangsa, Jalan Boulevard, and Tugu Boboca, and to see the relationship between traffic density and lead (Pb) content. on the leaves of trembesi (Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr.) in the National Unity Park, Jalan Boulevard, and Tugu Boboca. The results showed that the heavy metal content of lead (Pb) in Manado City, in several places such as Taman Kesatuan Bangsa, Jalan Boulevard, and around Tugu Bobocca ranged from 0.59 to 0.84 Ppm. Based on the quality standard of Pb in the air according to PP No. 41 of 1999 of 2 g/Nm3 Pb content in the city of Manado is still below the threshold for Pb quality standards in the air. However, when compared with environmental quality standards for Pb parameters in the air according to WHO, the maximum permissible limit is 0.5 g/Nm3. Pb content has exceeded the threshold for Pb contamination in the air according to WHO standards. The relationship between traffic density and lead (Pb) content in trembesi leaves shows that there is a relationship between the number of motorized vehicles and the Pb content in trembesi leaves, but the relationship between the number of motorized vehicles and the Pb content is moderate. The high and low Pb content in the leaves is not only influenced by the large number of vehicles that pass on the road, but there are other factors, namely wind direction and speed, and the distance of the tree from the pollutant source.Keywords: Trembesi leaf;  Lead (Pb);  Motor vehicle.AbstrakPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei yang bertujuan Untuk mengetahui kandungan timbal (Pb) pada daun trembesi (Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr.)  di Taman Kesatuan Bangsa, Jalan Boulevard dan Tugu Boboca, serta melihat hubungan  kepadatan lalu lintas dengan kandungan timbal (Pb) pada daun trembesi (Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr.) di Taman Kesatuan Bangsa, Jalan Boulevard dan Tugu Boboca. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kandungan logam berat timbal (Pb) yang ada di Kota Manado, dibeberapa  tempat seperti di Taman Kesatuan Bangsa, Jalan Boulevard dan sekitar Tugu Bobocca berkisar antara 0,59 – 0,84 Ppm. Berdasarkan baku mutu Pb di udara menurut PP No. 41 Tahun 1999 sebesar 2 µg/Nm3 Kandungan Pb di kota Manado masih dibawah ambang batas baku mutu Pb di udara. Namun jika dibandingkan dengan baku mutu lingkungan untuk parameter Pb di udara menurut WHO, dengan batas syarat maksimal yang diperbolehkan adalah sebesar 0,5 µg/Nm3 Kandungan Pb telah melebihi ambang batas cemaran Pb di udara menurut standar WHO. Hubungan  kepadatan lalu lintas dengan kandungan timbal (Pb) pada daun trembesi menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan antara jumlah kendaraan bermotor dengan kandungan Pb pada daun trembesi , akan tetapi hubungan yang terjadi antara jumlah kendaraan bermotor dengan kandungan Pb ini lemah. Tinggi rendahnya kandungan Pb pada daun tidak hanya di pengaruhi oleh banyaknya jumlah kendaraan yang melintas dijalan, tetapi ada faktor lain yaitu arah dan kecepatan angin, serta jarak pohon dengan sumber pencemar.Kata Kunci :  Daun trembesi; Timbal (Pb); Kendaraan bermotor.
“Pengaruh Jarak Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Padi Sawah Menggunakan Metode SRI (System Of Rice Intensification)” Helen Maitulung; Jeanne Paulus; Stanley Walingkas; Tommy Ogie
COCOS Vol. 6 No. 10 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v6i10.8225


ABSTRACT Research “Effect Of Plant Spacing On Growth and Production Of Rice Using SRI method ( System Of Rice Intensification)” held in the village Taratara one for four months, from July 2014 until November 2014, to determine the effect of plant spacing on growth on production of paddy rice varieties with Cigeulis using the SRI method.  This study uses a randomized block design with treatment plant spacing J1 ( 25 cm x 25 cm ), J2 (30 cm x 30 cm ), J3 ( 35 cm x 35 cm ), J4 ( 40 cm x 40 cm ) and five replication. Treatment plant spacing significantly affected productive tillers, dry harvest grain plot, dry milled grain plot, and not significantly different effect plant height, weight of 1000 grains, the percentage of grain per panicle pithy.  The number of  productive tillers, dry grain harvested per plot and dry milled   per plot the highest in the treatment of 30 cm x 30 cm, 35 cm x 35 cm and 40 cm x 40 c, with the value of each number of tillers per clump 21,08 ; 21,78 and 22,20 of productive tillers.  the percentage of grain per panicle pithy 139,60 ; 148,20 dan 156,76 grain.  Dry harvested grain per plot 14,34 ; 14,52 and 14,78 kg. Dry milled grain per plot 9,46 ; 9,73 and 10,04 kg. Keyword: Plant Spacing, peddy,SRI Method (System Of Rice Intensification)
COCOS Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021): EDISI JANUARI-MARET 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i2.32447


ABSTRAKThe shallot plant (Allium ascalonicum L.) is one of the annual species included in the Liliaceaefamily. Onion production in North Sulawesi from 2013 to 2017, namely; 1,354 tons, 1,242tons, 1,716 tons, 2,556 tons and 2,880 tons. Production of shallots in Indonesia in 2016amounted to 1,446,869 tons and in 2017 an increase of 1,470,155 tons (Central StatisticsAgency, 2019). Consumption of shallots in Indonesia is 4.56 kg / capita per year or 0.38 kg /capita per month, so that the national consumption is estimated to reach 1,608,000 tons peryear. Vegetative shallot seeds (pseudo tubers) have a high moisture content, so they need anappropriate storage process in order to maintain viability during storage. This study aims toobtain the ideal tuber weight for the seeds of the shallot plant. To get the ideal tuber weight forseeds from onion plants. To get the ideal tuber weight for seeds from onion plants. This researchwas prepared using a randomized block design (RAK) with the treatment of seed weight on thetubers and each treatment was repeated three times A = 2-3 gr, B = 4-5 gr, C = 6-7 gr, D = 8-9 gr and E = ≥ 10 gr. Each treatment consisted of 20 plant samples and was repeated 3 times,so that a total of 300 plants were obtained. The results of the research conducted, it can beconcluded that treatment A (2-3gr) is the ideal seed weight for the germination process, boththe speed of germination and the synchronization of sprouts followed by treatment B, C, andD.Kata Kunci: Bobot Umbi Bawang Merah
The Effect of The Application of Media for Burnt Husks on the Growth of Mustard Plants (Brassica juncea L.) Sriwani Lamasrin; Diane Pioh; Tommy Ogie
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Terapan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): EDISI JULI-DESEMBER 2023
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/jat.v4i2.47115


This study aims to find out how the effect of the application of planting media on the growth of roasted husks on the growth of Mustard Greens (Brassica Juncea L.) The planting medium is the main component when farming and must be adjusted to the type of plant to be planted. Soil is the main planting medium, but the development of science and technology has resulted in a variety of technological innovations for plant-growing media such as hydroponics and aquaponics as well as fuel husk growing media which is waste from former rice mills which is used as organic growing medium. Rice husk contains important chemical nutrients, namely 9.02% water content, 3.03% crude protein, 1.18% fat, 17.17% ash, and 33.71% basic carbohydrates (Nutani et al., 2020). When dealing with the increasing world of industry, adding roasted husks to the planting medium can be a solution for the cultivation of mustard greens. This study used a completely randomized design (RAL) with 5 (five) treatment levels with 4 (four) replications. Each experimental unit had one mustard plant seed and obtained 20 plants. The results showed that the application of roasted husk media had no significant effect on the growth of mustard plants. The addition of burnt husks and soil planting medium in treatments P0, P1, and P2 showed the highest growth results in plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, number of leaves, fresh weight, and root length. Then in the P3 and P4 treatments, the results were low both plant height, leaf length, leaf width, number of leaves, and fresh weight. Keywords; Growing medium, Roasted Rice Husk, Mustard plants Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh aplikasi media tanam terhadap pertumbuhan tanam sekam bakar terhadap pertumbuhan  Tanaman Sawi (Brassica Juncea L.) Media tanam merupakan komponen utama ketika bercocok tanam dan harus disesuaikan dengan jenis tanaman yang akan ditanam namun, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi  menghasilkan beragam inovasi  media tanam diantaranya hidroponik,  ,       aquaponik juga  media tanam sekam bakar yang merupakan limbah hasil bekas gilingan padi yang dimanfaatkan sebagai media tanam organik. Sekam padi mengandung unsur hara kimia penting yaitu kadar air 9,02%, protein kasar 3,03%, lemak 1,18%, abu 17,17% dan karbohidrat dasar 33,71% (Nutani et al., 2020). Ketika berhadapan dengan makin meningkatnya dunian industry, maka dengan penambahan sekam bakar pada media tanam dapat menjadi salah satu solusi untuk budidaya tanam sawi.  Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan acak lengkapa ( RAL) dengan 5 ( lima) taraf perlakuan dengan 4 (empat)  ulangan. Setiap satuan percobaan memiliki satu bibit tanaman sawi dan diperoleh 20 tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Aplikasi media sekam bakar tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman sawi. Penambahan sekam bakar dan media tanam tanah pada perlakuan P0, P1 dan P2 menunjukan hasil pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang daun, lebar daun, banyak daun, bobo berat segar dan panjang akar tertinggi. Kemudian pada perlakuan P3 dan P4 diperoleh hasil yang rendah baik tinggi tanaman, panjang daun, lebar daun, banyak daun dan bobot berat segar. Kata Kunci : Media Tanam, Sekam Bakar, Tanaman Sawi