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Telaah: Pengaruh Variasi Jenis Bahan dan Metode Pengawetan Alami Terhadap Kualitas Telur Ayam Ainun Nafisah; Nurul Annazhifah; Marti Marti; Zahra Nur Fadhilah; Risma Destiana Wiyono; Retno Putri Salsabila Sunardi; Audia Daniati Zahra
Journal of Food and Agricultural Product Vol 3, No 1 (2023): JFAP
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/jfap.v3i1.3616


Chicken eggs are one of the food products that are easily contaminated by microorganisms either directly or indirectly. Contamination generally comes from straw where eggs are laid, soil, air and poultry droppings. Eggs stored at room temperature for more than 10-14 days will undergo chemical and microbiological changes which result in a decrease in quality. One of the things that is needed to address this is to preserve egg products so that the products can be stored for a longer time. The main parameters of egg quality can be observed based on the index of egg yolk and egg white, HU value, and pH value. active ingredients contained in the ingredients, conditions and duration of storage, and methods of preservation. Preservation methods can be done by utilizing natural ingredients that contain active compounds. Active compounds that play a role can be tannins, polyphenols, flavonoids which act as natural antimicrobial substances. Generally, these active compounds will inhibit the entry of microorganisms through the pores of the eggs by forming complex compounds so that the metabolism of microorganisms will be disrupted.Keywords: Active Compounds, Damage, Eggs, Natural Ingredients, Preservation.
Assistance for Registration of Halal Certification to MSMEs Products in Banten Province Fitria Riany Eris; Nurul Annazhifah; Zulfatun Najah; Puji Wulandari; Tubagus Bahtiar Rusbana
MOVE: Journal of Community Service and Engagement Vol. 2 No. 6 (2023): July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54408/move.v2i6.208


Consumer’s awareness of the importance of halal products has increased in Indonesia. However, there are still many producers in Indonesia, especially MSMEs in Banten province who have not applied for halal certification due to the lack of their knowledge about the urgency of halal certification, and the process for obtaining halal certificate which are considered difficult. This service activity involved selected MSMEs in Banten province and the academist at Department of Food Technology, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, in order to provide a good understanding of the benefits of halal certification and assist them during registration process until they get halal certificate for their products. This carried out in 3 stages, there were lectures and discussion about the process of halal certification, preparation of halal manuals, and halal registration. The results of this activity were the issuance of halal certificates for 8 selected MSMEs in Banten province which are valid for the next 4 years.
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Kesehatan (The Journal of Food Technology and Health) Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Sahid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36441/jtepakes.v5i1.1670


Kemasan edible film merupakan pengemasan yang tepat untuk mempertahankan kualitas bahan pangan dan memperpanjang umur simpan produk. Edible film berbentuk lapisan tipis yang terbuat dari bahan biopolimer yang aman untuk dikonsumsi serta dapat diurai oleh mikroba.  Penambahan senyawa aktif tanaman rempah berupa antimikroba mampu menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba patogen dan memperbaiki sifat fisik edible film. Penulisan ini dlakukan berdasarkan hasil penelitian terkait senyawa aktif tanaman rempah dan potensinya terhadap kemasan edible film antimikroba, serta tantangan pengembangannya. Metode yang digunakan berupa kajian literatur dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber kajian literatur dikumpulkan melalui unduhan dari database utama yaitu google scholar, research gate, dan science direct dengan rentang tahun terbit jurnal dari 2006 sampai 2022 yang sumber isinya dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dan relevan dengan penelitian atau kajian yang dilakukan. Proses penyeleksian menghasilkan 11 pustaka sesuai kriteria yang memuat edible film antimikroba. Senyawa penyusun edible film berupa senyawa makromolekul alami seperti polisakarida, protein, atau lipid sedangkan senyawa aktif tanaman rempah sebagai zat antimikroba seperti, kunyit putih, lengkuas, daun beluntas, pinang, kayu manis, jahe merah dan bawang putih. zat antimikroba ini mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri E.coli dan S.aureus. Potensinya terhadap edible film antimikroba terbukti mampu menghasilkan karakteristik edible film yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan JIS (1975) dan mampu mencegah kerusakan bahan pangan dimana terdapat zona hambat terhadap bakteri serta memperpanjnag umur simpan bahan pangan. Pemanfaatan edible film secara komersial belum banyak dikembangkan, meskipun jumlah produk olahan minimal meningkat di pasar modern. Beberapa kendala yang dihadapi dalam pengaplikasian edible film antimikroba adalah penambahan zat antimikroba, plastisizer dan bahan tambahan lainnya yang kurang tepat berdampak pada karakteristik edible film yang dihasilkan. Selain itu, Setiap bahan pangan memiliki sifat yang berbeda-beda sehingga membutuhkan informasi yang lebih banyak dalam pengaplikasiannya.
Telaah: Pengaruh Variasi Jenis Bahan dan Metode Pengawetan Alami Terhadap Kualitas Telur Ayam Ainun Nafisah; Nurul Annazhifah; Marti Marti; Zahra Nur Fadhilah; Risma Destiana Wiyono; Retno Putri Salsabila Sunardi; Audia Daniati Zahra
Journal of Food and Agricultural Product Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): JFAP
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/jfap.v3i1.3616


Chicken eggs are one of the food products that are easily contaminated by microorganisms either directly or indirectly. Contamination generally comes from straw where eggs are laid, soil, air and poultry droppings. Eggs stored at room temperature for more than 10-14 days will undergo chemical and microbiological changes which result in a decrease in quality. One of the things that is needed to address this is to preserve egg products so that the products can be stored for a longer time. The main parameters of egg quality can be observed based on the index of egg yolk and egg white, HU value, and pH value. active ingredients contained in the ingredients, conditions and duration of storage, and methods of preservation. Preservation methods can be done by utilizing natural ingredients that contain active compounds. Active compounds that play a role can be tannins, polyphenols, flavonoids which act as natural antimicrobial substances. Generally, these active compounds will inhibit the entry of microorganisms through the pores of the eggs by forming complex compounds so that the metabolism of microorganisms will be disrupted.Keywords: Active Compounds, Damage, Eggs, Natural Ingredients, Preservation.