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The Communication Skills of Tour Guides in Handling Customers ., I NENGAH SUARDHANA; ., Prof. Dr. Putu Kerti Nitiasih, MA; ., Prof. Dr.I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra, MA
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Vol 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

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Suardhana Nengah I (2013), " Ketrampilan Berkomunikasi Para Pemandu Wisata dalam Penanganan Pelanggan". Tesis ini telah disetujui dan diperiksa oleh: Pembimbing I: Prof Dr PK Nitiasih, MA dan Penasehat II: Prof Dr N. Adi Jaya Putra , MA. Kata kunci: verbal dan non-verbal komunikasi, pemandu wisata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguraikan keterampilan bahasa pemandu wisata dalam hal komunikasi verbal dan non-verbal dalam berurusan dengan wisatawan asing. Penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan observasi, interview, kuisoner dan dokumentasi. Dua puluh kuesioner diisi oleh wisatawan dari dua Biro perjalanan wisata. Jan?s toursTours & Trave Ltd, yang terletak di Denpasar dan Destination Asia Travel, yang terletak di Padang Galak, Sanur. Data terdiri dari pita rekaman percakapan, menggunakan random sampling. Kuesioner ini meneliti kemampuan komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal dari Pemandu wisata yang ada di Bali. Sebuah rekaman verbal setiap pemandu wisata juga diperoleh sebagai data pendukung. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa dalam komunikasi verbal, keakuratan informasi menduduki peringkat "baik" dalam 40% kasus, kelancaran komunikasi menduduki peringkat "baik" dalam 35% kasus dan pemahaman itu peringkat "baik"dalam 35% kasus. Dalam hal keterampilan komunikasi nonverbal, bahasa tubuh dinilai "baik" dalam 25%, ekspresi wajah, 50%, kontak mata, 60%, gerakan berjalan, 55% dan 55% bersalaman. Kata Kunci : verbal dan non-verbal komunikasi, pemandu wisata. Suardhana Nengah I (2013), ? The Communication Skills of Tour Guides in Handling Customers?. This thesis has been approved and inspected by: Supervisor I: Prof. Dr. P.K Nitiasih, M.A. and Supervisor II: Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra, MA. Keywords: Verbal and Non-verbal communication, tour guides. The purpose of this study was to describe the language skills of tour guides in terms of verbal and non-verbal communication in dealing with foreign tourists. Besides, this study is descriptive analysis. This study is a descriptive analysis. Data was collected using observation,, interview and documentation. The data consist of completed by tourists from two travel agents. Jan's Tours and Travel Ltd, located in Denpasar and Destination Asia Travel, located in Padang galak , Sanur. These questionnaire examined the verbal and non-verbal communication skills of Balinese tour guides. A verbal recording of each tour guide was also obtain as supporting data. The results of this study revealed that in verbal communication, the accuracy of the information was ranked as "good" in 40 % of cases, the fluency of the communication was ranked "good" in 35% of cases and the comprehension was ranked " good " in 35 % of cases. In terms of the non-verbal communication skills, body language was rated "good" in 25%, facial expression, 50%, eye contact, 60% , walking gesture, 55% and hand shaking 55%. keyword : verbal and non-verbal communication, tour guides
Upaya Pemberdayaan Bisnis Skala Kecil Pariwisata Bali Berkelanjutan pada Era New Normal I Gede Sutarya; I Nengah Suardhana; I Gusti Bagus Rai Utama
Indonesian Journal of Tourism and Leisure Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Lasigo Akademia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36256/ijtl.v4i1.299


Bali tourism was experiencing difficult times with minus growth during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021. In 2022, Bali tourism has’nt recovered as before yet. This proves that the Bali tourism development model based on mass tourism cannot provide comfort and security for the people of Bali. Amid this crisis, it was difficult for Balinese people to return to the agricultural sector due to the decline in agricultural land. Therefore, finding a model for tourism development in Bali for the future was a serious matter. This model must also touch on the philosophy of tourism development in Bali, namely Tri Hita Karana. The results of the analysis show that this philosophy cannot work in the context of mass tourism development. This philosophy can only work in small-scale rural tourism development. Therefore, the ideal Bali tourism model was a small-scale rural tourism model. This model was also threatened by the development of mass tourism. Therefore, the government must pay more attention to the development of small-scale tourism businesses, which were stronger in times of crisis because the small-scale business model was a model of sustainable tourism development in the new normal era.