Hudiyati Agustini
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Tinjauan Ketidaklengkapan Pengisian Resume Medis Pasien Rawat Inap di RS Setia Mitra Tahun 2018 Diaz Maulana; Hudiyati Agustini
MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis Vol 5 (2018): MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis
Publisher : APIKES Bhumi Husada Jakarta

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ABSTRAK Based on preliminary observations carried out the medical records of the Setia Mitra Hospital in March 2018 of the 10 medical resumes observed were incomplete results with an average proportion of 14%. The purpose of this study was to find out the description of the incompleteness of filling out medical resumes of hospitalized patients at Setia Mitra Hospital. Specific Objectives, namely (1) identifying Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) filling in medical resumes of hospitalized patients. (2) identify the contents of the inpatient medical resume form. (3) calculate the number of incompleteness in filling out medical resumes of inpatients. The method used is descriptive method. Based on the results of research on 169 medical resume forms conducted at Setia Mitra Hospital, the authors can draw conclusions that the Setia Mitra Hospital has Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). There is a difference in the application of the part of the medical resume form in Setia Mitra Hospital, the application of which differs from the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that is established and also according to the provisions of the Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit (KARS). The results of calculations according to quantitative analysis with a sample of 169 medical resumes from 293 medical resumes as a result of completing the medical resume form of incomplete inpatients 100% only reached the completeness value of 12% with an incomplete value of 88%. The author's suggestion is to evaluate the medical resume form so that it is in accordance with the provisions of the Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit (KARS) so that the parts that must be filled are simpler, easier to fill and can be completed. Need to be re-socialized to medical personnel to fill out completely. If there is a section that cannot be completed, it is filled with the phrase "none" or with a sign "-" (stripe). Keyword: Incompleteness in filling out medical resumes of hospitalized patients
Tinjauan Kelengkapan Pengisian Persetujuan Tindakan Kedokteran Pasien Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Setia Mitra Hudiyati Agustini
MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis Vol 4 (2017): MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis
Publisher : APIKES Bhumi Husada Jakarta

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ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is general to know completeness of filling in Approval of Medical Action form of inpatient at Setia Mitra Hospital. The specific objective is to identify the Standard Operating Procedures (SPO) on completing the Approval of Medical Action form, calculating the completeness of the completion of the Approval of Medical Action form and knowing the factors causing incomplete filling of the inpatient Approval of Medical Action forms at Setia Mitra Hospital. The research method used is descriptive method and the steps that are done is by collecting data, data classification or analysis, then make conclusions and reporting. Also conducted interview method to the head of medical record at Setia Mitra Hospital. From the results of the study, conclusions were concluded at Setia Mitra Hospital, which already had SPO filling out the Approval of Medical Action and there was an attempt to improve it better. Complete patient identification of 81,23% incomplete equal to 18,77%, complete medical treatment 100%, complete authentication 70% and incomplete 30%, complete recording complete 71,79% and an incomplete amount of 28.20%. Overall, the most complete is the important note that is filled 100% type of medical action, while the most incomplete component is complete 30% complete authentication. Factors that led to incompleteness according to the chief medical record interview were that doctors were busy checking patients so that they did not have time to complete the Approval of Medical Action form. Based on the results of this research, the filling out of Approval of Medical Action forms at Setia Mitra Hospital is still not good and needs to be improved. ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini secara umum untuk mengetahui kelengkapan pengisian formulir persetujuan tindakan kedokteranpasien rawat inap di RS Setia Mitra. Tujuan khusus adalah mengidentifikasi standar prosedur operasional (SPO) tentang pengisian formulir persetujuan tindakan kedokteran, menghitung kelengkapan pengisian formulir persetujuan tindakan kedokteran dan mengetahui faktor- faktor yang menyebabkan ketidaklengkapan pengisian formulir persetujuan tindakan kedokteran pasien rawat inap di RS Setia Mitra. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan langkah-langkah yang di lakukan adalah dengan pengumpulan data, klasifikasi pengelohan atau analisis data, kemudian membuat kesimpulan dan pelaporan.Juga dilakukan metode wawancara kepada kepala rekam medis di RSSetia Mitra. Dari hasil penelitian diambil kesimpulan di RS Setia Mitra sudah ada SPO pengisian persetujuan tindakan kedoktean dan sudah ada usaha untuk memperbaiki dengan lebih baik. Pengisian identitas pasien yang lengkap sebesar 81,23% yang tidak lengkap sebesar 18,77%, jenis tindakan kedokteran lengkap 100%, autentifikasi yang lengkap sebesar 70% dan yang tidak lengkap sebesar 30%, pencatatan yang baik yang lengkap sebesar 71,79% dan yang tidak lengkap sebesar 28,20%. Secara keseluruhan maka yang paling lengkap adalah catatan penting yaitu diisi 100%jenis tindakan medis, sedangkan komponen yang paling tidak lengkap adalah autetifikasi sebesar 30% yang diisi lengkap.Faktor- faktor yang menyebabkan ketidaklengkapan menurut wawancara kepala rekam medis adalah karena dokter sibuk untuk memeriksa pasien sehingga tidak punya waktu untuk melengkapi formulir persetujuan tindakan kedokteran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, pengisian formulir persetujuan tindakan kedokteran di RS Setia Mitra masih kurang baik dan perlu diperbaiki.
Pelaksanaan Kode Penyakit dan Kode Tindakan di Klinik Bedah Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Pasar Rebo Hudiyati Agustini; Sintiawati Agustina
MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis Vol 3 (2016): MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis
Publisher : APIKES Bhumi Husada Jakarta

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ABSTRACT In RSUD Pasar Rebo, medical record procedure is as follows, registration is done by Cashier Section, Medical Record Installation has a function as storage place of medical record, assembling, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, and hospitalization coding. Data processing is done by SIM Section (Management Information System ), Whole coding The outpatient installation includes a surgical clinic performed by nursing staff. The number of patient visits per day at the surgical clinic is 56 patients, as long as the coding done by the Nurse there are many incomplete coding actions. The formulation of this research problem is how the implementation of disease code and code of operations in Surgical Clinic of Pasar Rebo Regional General Hospital. General purpose of the research to find out the implementation of disease code and surgical procedure of surgical patient's clinic at Pasar Rebo Regional General Hospital. Methods using descriptive analytics. The observed aspect is to determine the number of medical records with the inaccuracy of disease coding and operations codes and to analyze whether the code of action chosen by the coder is in accordance with ICD 9 CM. ABSTRAK Di RSUD Pasar Rebo, prosedur rekam medis sebagai berikut, pendaftaran dikerjakan oleh Bagian Kasir, Instalasi Rekam Medis mempunyai fungsi sebagai tempat penyimpanan rekam medis, assembling, analisis kuantitatif, analisis kualitatitif, koding rawat inap, Pengolahan data dikerjakan oleh Bagian SIM (Sistem Informasi Manajemen), Koding seluruh Instalasi rawat jalan termasuk klinik bedah dilakukan oleh tenaga keperawatan. Jumlah kunjungan pasien perhari di klinik bedah adalah 56 pasien, selama koding dikerjakan oleh Perawat terdapat banyak ketidaklengkapan pengkodean tindakan. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pelaksanaan kode penyakit dan kode tindakan di Klinik Bedah Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Pasar Rebo. Tujuan Umum penelitian untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan kode penyakit dan kode tindakan pasien klinik bedah di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Pasar Rebo. Metode menggunakan deskriptif analitik. Aspek yang diamati adalah menentukan jumlah rekam medis dengan ketidaktepatan pengkodean penyakit dan kode tindakan serta menganalisa untuk melihat apakah kode tindakan yang dipilih oleh pengkode sesuai dengan ICD 9 CM.
Ketepatan Penentuan Diagnosa Penyebab Kematian Pada Sertifikat Medis Penyebab Kematian di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Persahabatan Hudiyati Agustini
MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis Vol 2 (2015): MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis
Publisher : APIKES Bhumi Husada Jakarta

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Registrasi kematian adalah pencatatan dan pelaporan kejadian kematian dan penyebabnya dan faktor resiko yang dilakukan secara terus menerus, tetap, wajib, universal. Sehinggga laporan yang dihasilkan dapat menjadi sistem informasi kesehatan. Agar tercapai tujuan tersebut maka perlu diselenggarakan prosedur pengisian sertifikat medis penyebab kematian yang baik berdasarkan diagnosa , kelompok penyebab kematian, penyebab kematian berdasarkan ICD-10 yaitu penyebab dasar kematian, penyebab langsung, dan penyebab antara kematian. Berdasarkan laporan yang dipublikasikan di RSUP Persahabatan menerangkan bahwa pengisian sertifikat medis tidak semua lengkap, sehingga laporan yang dipublikasikan kepada pihak rumah sakit berdasarkan penyakit terbanyak penyebab kematian berdasarkan penyebab dasar, penyebab antara dan penyebab langsung tidak menggambarkan penyebab kematian secara optimal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ketepatan penentuan diagnosa penyebab kematian pada sertifikat medis kematian untuk semua kasus penyakit yang tepat sudah cukup baik, yaitu sebesar 83 % Kata Kunci: Ketepatan penentuan Diagnosa Penyebab Kematian Pada Sertifikat Medis Penyebab Kematian
MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis Vol 9 No 1 (2022): MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis
Publisher : APIKES Bhumi Husada Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (11.033 KB) | DOI: 10.59300/mjrm.v9i1.79


ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine the need for medical recorders and health information at the Medical Record Unit of the Indonesian Christian University General Hospital. By using the Health Workload Analysis method and data collection techniques by direct observation and distributing questionnaires conducted from May to July 2021. Medical Record is a file that contains records and documents about the patient's identity, examination, treatment, actions and other services that have been provided to patients. Organizing quality medical records requires qualified health personnel and in accordance with their competencies. A good workforce will greatly affect the quality of service in the medical record work unit. The quality of service is related to the workload, so the workload must be in accordance with the number of personnel so that the service becomes quality. Based on the results of the research on the calculation of HRK needs using the Health Workload Analysis (ABK-Kes) method, it was found that the current required workforce is 10 people with the distribution of officers in each activity. Meanwhile, the number of staff available at this time is 9 people, therefore the Medical Record and Health Information Unit of the Indonesian Christian University General Hospital still requires an additional 1 person. Keywords : Manpower needs, medical records, Workload Analysis, ABK-Kes ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui jumlah kebutuhan tenaga Perekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan di Unit Rekam Medis Rumah Sakit Umum Universitas Kristen Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode Analisis Beban Kerja Kesehatan dan teknik pengumpulan data secara observasi langsung serta penyebaran kuesioner yang dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai dengan Juli tahun 2021. Rekam Medis adalah berkas yang berisikan catatan dan dokumen tentang identitas pasien, pemeriksaan, pengobatan, tindakan dan pelayanan lain yang telah diberikan kepada pasien. Penyelenggaran rekam medis yang bermutu diperlukan tenaga kesehatan yang bermutu dan sesuai dengan kompetensinya. Tenaga kerja yang baik akan sangat mempengaruhi mutu pelayanan di unit kerja rekam medis. Mutu pelayanan berkaitan dengan beban kerja, maka beban kerja harus sesuai dengan jumlah tenaga agar pelayanan menjadi bermutu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian perhitungan kebutuhan SDMK dengan metode Analisis Beban Kerja Kesehatan (ABK-Kes) didapatkan tenaga yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah 10 orang dengan pembagian petugas dimasing-masing kegiatan. Sedangkan, jumlah tenaga yang tersedia saat ini adalah 9 orang, maka dari itu Unit Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Rumah Sakit Umum Universitas Kristen Indonesia masih membutuhkan penambahan 1 orang tenaga. Kata Kunci : Kebutuhan tenaga kerja, Rekam Medis, Analisis Beban Kerja, ABK-Kes
MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis Vol 9 No 1 (2022): MEDICORDHIF Jurnal Rekam Medis
Publisher : APIKES Bhumi Husada Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (11.033 KB) | DOI: 10.59300/mjrm.v9i1.85


Community Service is one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education, research, and community service. One of the realizations of community service carried out by APIKES BHJ is in the form of blood donation which is carried out in a systematic and coordinated manner. Blood is one of the most important components in the body considering its function as a means of transportation. Lack of blood in the body can trigger a number of diseases starting from anemia, hypotension, heart attacks and several other diseases. To show concern for others, the entire APIKES Bhumi Husada Jakarta community held a Blood Donation activity with the theme "APIKES BHJ Spreads Benefits, We Are Healthy They Are Safe". The blood donation activity was held on Monday, March 22, 2021. Participants who attended on the day of the implementation were 36 people, consisting of 5 lecturers, 25 students, 4 employees, and 2 people from the general public. The number of participants who could donate blood was 22 people (61%), while 14 people (38%) could not donate blood, because of low hemoglobin or blood pressure, menstruating, and underweight. Keywords; PKM; blood donors;