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ASSESSING OF ROCKFALL RISKS (CASE STUDY: KLÖCH, AUSTRIA) Sandyavitri, Ari; Preh, Alexander; Tohom, Frans
Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi Vol 2 No 1 (2015): Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi
Publisher : FSTPT Indonesia

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Rockfall cases are a natural and dynamic geologic process, commonly occur within mountainous areas near by the cliffs undercut by human for developing building or highway. This paper aims are to; (i) identify parameters of slope surface, and (ii)  simulates rockfall process. Case study of slope was taken in the quarry at the Kloch, Austria. This paper revealed 7 (seven) slope surface parameters for this slope, including; dynamic and static friction angles were 350, normal and tangential damping were 0.2 and 0.95,  rolling resistance 0.2 to 0.3, amplitude of roughness 0, and frequency of roughness 1. These results were than treated as an input data in simulating the rockfall. Based on the simulation, it was identified that within the 15 m of the Kloch height, the rocfall would yield the average of kinetic energy of 240 kJ, and 0.5 m of bounce height. Hence, in order to reduce rockfall risk to road way close to the cliff toe area, it is recommended to extend road shoulder at 5-10 meters from the slope or construct an appropriate rockfall barrier that is in capable to restrain energy kinetic of 250 kJ and the height of barrier minimum 1 m.
Perilaku Berkendara Sepeda Motor pada Siswa SMP Ditinjau dari Izin dan Persepsi Orang Tua Kusumastutie, Naomi Srie; Rahmita, Destria; Tohom, Frans
Jurnal Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan (Indonesian Journal of Road Safety) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021): JURNAL KESELAMATAN TRANSPORTASI JALAN (INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF ROAD SAFETY)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46447/ktj.v8i1.298


Semakin maraknya fenomena anak di bawah umur yang telah bisa berkendara sepeda motor dewasa ini semakin memprihatinkan. Salah satu faktor yang ditengarai menjadi penyebabnya adalah izin orang tua terhadap anak untuk berkendara. Untuk itu studi ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran perilaku berkendara anak di bawah umur ditinjau dari izin dan persepsi orang tua. Responden studi ini adalah orang tua siswa SMP di 13 sekolah di Kota Tegal. Pemilihan sekolah dilakukan secara purposive sampling, dengan jumlah responden 711 orang. Instrumen pengumpulan data dalam studi ini adalah kuesioner yang disajikan secara online. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 37% responden yang melaporkan bahwa anaknya sudah bisa mengendarai sepeda motor. Mayoritas responden yang anaknya sudah bisa berkendara sepeda motor mengizinkan anaknya tersebut berkendara (64,3%). Terdapat 5,6% responden yang anaknya belum bisa berkendara sepeda motor berpeluang untuk mengizinkan anaknya tersebut berkendara. Mayoritas responden mempersepsikan bahwa anak di bawah umur sudah bisa berkendara sepeda motor merupakan perilaku yang berbahaya, tidak menguntungkan, dan melanggar peraturan lalu lintas. Diperlukan studi lebih lanjut untuk mengungkap faktor-faktor berperan penting dalam mendorong orang tua untuk mengjinkan anaknya berkendara.
Efektivitas Pemanfaatan QGIS Dalam Pembuatan Peta Inventarisasi Perlengkapan Jalan Wijayanthi, Kanthi; Basuki, Ahmad; Tohom, Frans
Jurnal Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan (Indonesian Journal of Road Safety) Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): JURNAL KESELAMATAN TRANSPORTASI JALAN (INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF ROAD SAFETY)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46447/ktj.v8i2.315


In the field of road traffic and transportation, road inventory activities are needed to monitor or monitor the condition of road equipment. The proper data collection will facilitate evaluation and supervision by managers or supervisors of traffic and road transportation. The data collection of road equipment inventory data can be compiled manually or electronically, which is integrated with the road equipment information system. One of the electronic data collections is by utilizing QGIS, which is one part of the Geographic Information System (GIS). This study aims to measure the effectiveness of using QGIS in making road equipment inventory maps using survey data and questionnaires to determine the difference between manual inventory data collection and WebGIS-based inventory data collection. Data analysis used SPSS calculation to test data validity, reliability, normality, Wilcoxon test and N-Gain Score test. From this data, it is found that the use of QGIS in road equipment inventory mapping has an average effectiveness of 60.26%, with the interpretation criteria being quite effective.
Penanganan Risiko Jatuhan Batu Dengan Simulasi Jatuhan Batuan (Studi Kasus Di Kloch) Frans Tohom; Ari Sandyavitri
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Rockfalls are a natural and dynamic geologic process and is common in mountainous areas near cliffs of broken, faulted, or jointed bedrock, on steep slopes of rocky soils, or where cliffy bedrock ledges are undercut by erosion or human activity. Simulation of rock falls, along with analyzing kinetic energy and bounce height, can result in providing protection measures in the right places with the least costs. In this study, slopes that were analyzed is a manmade slope in quarry at Kloch, Austria.   Three different construction alternatives or barrier were then proposed:(i) constructing of a catchfences with a capacity to restrain the rockfall energy about 100 - 5000 kJ, (ii) construction of concrete barrier with the capacity up to 100 kJ, and (iii) construction of a wooden retaining wall with the capacity up to 30 kJ. Keywords: Simulation, Rockfall, barriers, slope
Strategi Penanganan Daerah Rawan Kecelakaan Di Ruas Jalan Kota Pekanbaru Frans Tohom; Brasie Pradana Sela Bunga Riska Ayu
Borneo Engineering : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Volume 6 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/be.v1i2.2528


The increase in population and the number of motorized vehicles is a factor causing the increase in traffic accidents. In the city of Pekanbaru there is an increase in the number of residents by 2.3% each year and an increase in the number of motorized vehicles by 6.8%. Traffic accidents in Pekanbaru were recorded as many as 576 incidents in the 2018-2020 period with the death toll increasing every year, added up to 38, 40, and 53 people. For this reason, this study aims to identify accident-prone locations, analyze accident characteristics, and develop strategies for handling accident-prone locations in the city of Pekanbaru. Identification of accident-prone locations is carried out using the frequency, AEK, and UCL methods. Analysis of accident characteristics is carried out using the 5W+1H approach. The results of the study indicate that the accident-prone location is the Jl. Siak II, Sp. Palas-City Boundary, and Jl. Yos Sudarso. Analysis of accident characteristics shows that the dominant type of accident that occurs is due to lack of anticipation with the type of front-to-front collision, involving a motorcycle, and occurring during the day. This study recommends 3 recommendations, namely: Traffic Engineering, Education, and Law Enforcement.