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Spektra: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Vol 6 No 3 (2021): SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Volume 6 Issue 3, December 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Fisika Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/SPEKTRA.063.04


Traditional drying of fish, the water content produced is not in accordance with SNI (Indonesian National Standard), which is less than 40%. This research aims to determine the correlation between time and water content of fish dried with an electric-based fish dryer produced from solar panels. The method used is a quantitative method. The solar panel-based electric fish dryer has a maximum capacity of 2237 grams (12 fish) with a temperature above 30°C. Based on the data analysis, the correlation between time and water content was obtained, the results for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd experiments, the average correlation coefficient was R² = 0.99, and the correlation between the mass of dried fish and the water content of fish, the more mass of fish that is dried the more water content evaporates (dry), To meet the water content of fish that is permitted according to SNI, which is less than 40%, it takes a long time to dry. about 4 days. The heating system in the drying chamber was based on the first experiment until the third experiment, the heat was evenly distributed and quite good in the drying chamber, so that the temperature control system worked well. This solar panel-based fish drying system can be used by fishermen to lighten fish in improving the quality of their products according to SNI.
Identifikasi struktur lapisan batuan akibat patahan (Normal Fault) dengan menggunakan metode geolistrik Yanuar Dhita Tri Nugroho Subiyanto; Daeng Achmad Suaidi; Eny Latifah
Jurnal MIPA dan Pembelajarannya (JMIPAP) Vol. 1 No. 8 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.923 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um067v1i8p587–595


Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi struktur lapisan batuan akibat patahan dengan menggunakan metode geolistrik pada tanggal 15 Januari 2009 di laboratorium. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pemodelan, dimana sebelumnya membentuk formasi batuan terdiri dari pasir, kapur, dan tanah yang dimasukkan ke dalam balok dengan ukuran 200 x 60 x 30 (cm). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan peralatan geolistrik OYO McOHM-EL buatan Jepang untuk mengukur besarnya beda potensial, dan hambatan. Langkah awal dari penelitian adalah formasi batuan masih dalam kondisi mendatar, kemudian diinjeksikan arus listrik dan diukur nilai beda potensial, dan hambatan. Langkah selanjutnya dilakukan penurunan posisi pada lapisan batuan di sebelah kiri, sehingga terjadi patahan pada lapisan. Untuk data ketiga, terjadi penurunan posisi lapisan batuan di sebelah kanan sehingga terjadi patahan pada lapisan kapur. Data kemudian diolah menggunakan Software Res2dinV untuk mendapatkan interpretasi struktur lapisan batuan batuan pada zona yang dikaji. Berdasarkan hasil interpretasi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendeteksian patahan sebenarnya direpresentasikan oleh perbedaan nilai resistivitas antar lapisan batuan. Lapisan batuan yang semula mendatar setelah terjadi patahan pada jarak 110 cm dengan kedalaman 20-28 cm terjadi penurunan posisi lapisan batuan di sebelah kiri. Untuk kondisi pada patahan model kedua, dalam jarak 80 cm dengan kedalaman sekitar 20-28 cm terjadi penurunan posisi lapisan batuan di sebelah kanan sementara lapisan batuan di sebelah kiri tidak terlalu mengalami penurunan yang besar.
Identifikasi arah rembesan lindi menggunakan metode geolistrik resistivitas konfigurasi dipole-dipole di sekitar tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) sampah sekoto kabupaten Kediri Yuni Iswahyu Ratih; Daeng Achmad Suaidi; Samsul Hidayat
Jurnal MIPA dan Pembelajarannya (JMIPAP) Vol. 1 No. 8 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.121 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um067v1i8p624–633


Garbage is matter which is serious enought to society especially in the main city. Increasing number of society will affect to increasing garbage either as resulted. Volume of garbage which al ways increase without measuring last process of garbage will appear many problems for example, leachate seepage. Leachate is a liquid waste resulted of biology decomposition. Leachate soaks to bottom groundwater will affect decreasing level of field water and allergy on the skin. The aim of this research is to know leahate accumulation and direct seepage arround landfill Sekoto. The method will be conducted by field research by geoelectric configuration diple-dipole. Firstly, the writter survey the location to know the condition of research. Then collected data with 5 line arround landfill Sekoto use resistivitymeter. The data will be process using software Res2dinv and Voxler. Software Res2dinv to show the leachate seepage base on resistivity rock value. Software Voxler is used to show direct seepage as 3 dimension. The research finding shows that lye had been permeated in the south of garbage-can with the leachate seepage reaching 6.79 meters. While, in the north of garbage-can, there was no leachate seepage found. In the west road of Garbage Dump and near to leachate waste pipe, it had been found the leachate seepage reaching 11.8 meters. In summary, the direction of leachate seepage in Garbage Dump is congruence with river flow and the distribution of leachate horizontally.