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Konflik Psikologis Tokoh Terry dalam Novel Janji Pelangi Karya Fahrul Khakim Ary Kusuma Wardhani; Nita Widiati
JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.857 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um064v1i12021p90-105


Abstract: This research is based on the psychological conflict caused by an accident experienced by Terry's character that causes trauma. This is reflected in Fahrul Khakim's novel Janji Pelangi. The purpose of this study was to describe the type of trauma, the trauma response, and the personality structure of Terry's character, ego, and superego. The method in this research is qualitative with the type of text analysis research studied through literary psychology. The data collection technique is done by reading, listening, and taking notes. The results of this study include three things, first is the type of trauma, there are 8 data divided into four types, namely situational trauma due to accidents, developmental trauma due to peer rejection, intrapsychic trauma due to anxiety, and existential trauma due to accidents. not important. Second, there are 44 trauma response data which are divided into four responses, namely emotional responses that show shame, turmoil, and panic. Furthermore, cognitive responses that indicate inability to think, troublesome, and nightmares. Then, the behavioral response shows closure, and appetite decreases. Then the physiological response is indicated as a pale, sad, and thin face. Third, there are 56 data, each of which is as follows, Id has sub aspects which include life instinct, death instinct, and anxiety. Furthermore, the ego has sub-aspects of repression, projection, and regression. Then, the superego embraces morality and the pursuit of perfection. Keywords: psychological conflict, novel, Terry's character Abstrak: Penelitian ini didasari oleh konflik psikologis karena peristiwa kecelakaan yang dialami Tokoh Terry sehingga menyebabkan trauma. Kasus tersebut tercermin dalam sebuah novel yang berjudul Janji Pelangi karya Fahrul Khakim. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tipe trauma, respon trauma, dan struktur kepribadian id, ego, dan superego tokoh Terry. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian analisis teks yang dikaji melalui psikologi sastra. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara membaca, menyimak, dan mencatat. Hasil penelitian ini meliputi tiga hal, pertama adalah tipe trauma ada 8 data yang terbagi atas empat tipe, yaitu trauma situasional karena kecelakaan, trauma perkembangan karena penolakan teman sebaya, trauma intrapsikis karena kecemasan, dan trauma eksistensial karena kekurangberartian. Kedua, respons trauma ada 44 data yang terbagi menjadi empat respons, yaitu respons emosional yang berindikator malu, bergejolak, dan panik. Selanjutnya, respons kognitif yang berindikator berpikir tak sanggup, merepotkan, dan mimpi buruk. Kemudian, respons perilaku berindikator mengurung diri, dan nafsu makan menurun. Lalu, respons fisiologis berindikator pucat pasi, wajah pilu, dan kurus. Ketiga, terdapat 56 data yang masing-masing sebagai berikut, Id memiliki subaspek yang meliputi naluri kehidupan, naluri kematian, dan kecemasan. Berikutnya, ego mempunyai sub aspek represi, projeksi, dan regresi. Kemudian, superego meliputi moralitas dan mengejar kesempurnaan. Kata kunci: konflik psikologis, novel, tokoh Terry