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Inovasi Kue Lumpur Berbahan Dasar Pisang Ambon Dan Tepung Kacang Hijau Felia Rana Amanda; Any Sutiadiningsih; Asrul Bahar; Lilis Sulandari
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i4.2328


This research is about mud cakes were made by proportioning the main ingredients, namely banana ambon puree and mung bean flour. This study aims to determine: 1) sensory quality of mud cake made from banana ambon and mung bean flour, 2) nutritional content of mud cake made from banana ambon and mung bean flour, 3) cost of raw materials needed to make mud cake made from banana ambon and mung bean flour. This type of research is an experimental study of making mud cake made from ambon banana and mung bean flour with 3 treatments with proportions of 70%: 30%, 80%: 20%, 90%: 10%. Data collection was done by observation method through sensory test. The product was rated by 40 panelists. Data were analyzed using one way anova test, followed by Duncan's test. The results showed: 1) the best product based on the results of the analysis with sensory quality is obtained in mud cake with the treatment of 90% ambon banana puree and 10% mung bean flour, 2) the results of the best mud cake product criteria test show that it has a water content of 38.26%, fat 4.98%, protein 6.24%, carbohydrates 48.50%, and ash 1.24%, 3) the cost of raw materials needed in making mud cake made from ambon banana and mung bean flour is Rp 23,646.
Pembuatan Kroket Berbahan Dasar Talas (Colocasia Esculenta) Dan Penambahan Krimer Nabati Dengan Isian Ikan Tongkol Berbumbu Kare Elvira Azmi Nafisah; Lilis Sulandari; Lucia Tri Pangesthi; Andika Kuncoro Widagdo
Student Research Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Student Research Journal
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) Yappi Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/srjyappi.v1i4.516


Croquettes are processed products from taro and the addition of vegetable creamer with a filling of tuna with curry spices. The aims of this study were 1) to determine the sensory quality of taro croquettes and the addition of vegetable creamer with cob curry seasoning 2) to determine the nutritional content based on laboratory tests including ash content, water content, protein, fat, and carbohydrates 3) to determine the cost of raw materials for taro croquettes . This type of research is an experiment. Techniques for collecting observational data by means of hedonic quality were carried out by 30 panelists. The independent variable of this research is the amount of creamer added. The dependent variable in this study was the organoleptic properties including shape, color, aroma, texture, taste and overall preference. The control variables in this study are the materials used, the equipment used and the manufacturing procedures. The data analysis technique in this study was a sensory test using a single ANOVA test and Duncan's advanced test. The results showed that 1) there was an effect on the sensory quality of making taro croquettes and the addition of vegetable creamer with curry cob fish filling 2) there was no effect on the production of taro croquettes and the addition of vegetable creamer 3) the selected products contained the same nutrition as or greater in the manufacture Taro croquettes filled with moringa leaves and oyster mushrooms.
Analisis Kualitas Teh Celup Herbal Sebagai Minuman Fungsional Ita Fatkhur Romadhoni; Any Sutiadiningsih; Niken Purwidiani; Lilis Sulandari; Ila Huda
JINGLER : Jurnal Teknik Pengolahan Pertanian Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Desember : JINGLER : Jurnal Teknik Pengolahan Pertanian
Publisher : Politeknik Kampar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59061/jingler.v1i2.539


The potential for diversification of herbal drinks is increasing along with a healthy lifestyle. This research aims to develop herbal drinks in the form of tea bags that are practical and economical in terms of proportions and selling price. There were seven herbal tea samples tested with the proportion of spices, namely mangosteen peel, ginger, lemongrass, cherry leaves, lime leaves (P1= 1:1:1:1:1:1), (P2= 1:2:1 :1:1:1:1), (P3= 1:1:2:1:1:1:1), (P4= 1:1:2:1:1:1), (P5= 1:2 :2:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:2:1:1:1:1:1:1 ): 1:1:2:1:1:1:1), (P5 1:1:1:1:1:2:1:1), (P6 = 1:1:1:1:1:2 :1), and (P7 = 1:1:1:1:1:1:2) The hedonic test method is used to get the best results based on the quality of herbal tea with color, aroma and taste parameters. The sample of respondents consisted of 100 MSME assistants. The research results showed that the best results were with the composition P3 = 1:1:2:1:1:1 in terms of aroma and taste of herbal tea bags. Meanwhile, in terms of the level of importance of herbal teabags, the panel considered the color aspect to be the most important factor, suggesting the taste and aroma of herbal teabags. Meanwhile, the selling price was obtained at IDR 12,500/pack. The results of this research indicate that herbal tea bags can be accepted by the market so that further research is needed regarding chemical content tests.  
Pemanfaatan Tepung Biji Durian Dalam Pembuatan Kulit Choux Paste Vinka Conia; Lilis Sulandari; Mauren Gita Miranti; Niken Purwidiani
Concept: Journal of Social Humanities and Education Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Maret : Journal of Social Humanities and Education
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Yappi Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/concept.v3i1.1001


The main raw material commonly used in making choux paste skin is wheat flour. The wheat flour used is high protein wheat flour. High protein wheat flour has a protein content of 14.45%, fiber 2.01%, and carbohydrates in the form of starch 78.36% (Industrial Research and Consultation Center, 2016). The amylose and amylopectin content in high protein wheat flour is 50.26% and 22.84% (Industrial Research and Consultation Center, 2016). Amylose plays a role in forming gel while amylopectin forms elastic properties. The formation of the dough framework can occur due to the gelatinization ability of starch when the dough is baked. To reduce dependence on the use of wheat flour in making choux paste skin, it can be overcome by increasing the use of local food ingredients, in accordance with Law Number 18 Article 1 Paragraph 16 of 2012 concerning Food of the Republic of Indonesia (UU No. 18/2012), "Food diversity is an effort increasing the availability and consumption of food that is diverse, nutritionally balanced and based on local resource potential."
Kualitas Sensori Snack Bar dengan Perbedaan Proporsi Kelapa Parut dan Pindang Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus Affinis) Pamela Daffa Aliftia Siregar; Lilis Sulandari; Asrul Bahar; Ila Huda Puspita Dewi
Garina Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024): Desember : Garina : Jurnal Pengembangan IPTeks Seni Kuliner, Tata Rias, dan De
Publisher : Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69697/garina.v16i2.121


Snack bars are bar-shaped products that contain carbohydrates and proteins from flour, nuts, dried fruits, and other ingredients that are processed into whole pieces and combined into one ready for consumption. Snack bar innovation with the proportion of grated coconut and tuna pindang. The purpose of this research is to meet the nutritional needs of the community by fulfilling daily protein and can be an entrepreneurial product so that it is necessary to know the organoleptic quality, nutritional content and selling price of the product. The methodology in the research is an experimental approach with quantitative analysis to fulfill the sensory quality and nutritional content of snack bars. The best proportion of snack bars with different proportions of grated coconut and pindang ikan tongkol from the sensory test was obtained from the 50:50 ratio with characteristics of rectangular shape; yellowish brown color with white spots from rengginang; grated coconut and pindang ikan tongkol aroma; crunchy texture; and taste of grated coconut and pindang ikan tongkol. Laboratory analysis of the nutritional content of the best snack bar per 100 grams contained 17.15% protein, 11.55% water content, 1.05% ash, 3.14% fat, 284.10kcal/100g energy, 64.72% carbohydrate, and 2.42% crude fiber. The selling price of snack bars with the proportion of grated coconut and tuna pindang with a percs weight of 15 grams is known to be IDR 3,000.
Analisis Food Cost Vs Actual Cost Menu A’la Carte Hotel Bintang Empat di Surabaya Novita Puspitasari; Any Sutiadiningsih; Lilis Sulandari; Ila Huda Puspita Dewi
JSHP : Jurnal Sosial Humaniora dan Pendidikan Vol 8, No 2 (2024): JSHP (Jurnal Sosial Humaniora dan Pendidikan)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jshp.v8i2.2186


Terdapat perbedaan nilai standard food cost dan actual cost di Hotel ABC di kota Surabaya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui: 1) Perhitungan food cost di Hotel ABC; 2) Perhitungan actual cost menu a’la carte di Hotel ABC.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan studi dokumen. Instrumen wawancara menggunakan lembar panduan wawancara. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian menunjukan: 1) Perhitungan food cost di hotel tersebut ditetapkan 30% dengan toleransi kenaikan 10%.; 2) Perhitungan actual cost menu a’la carte di hotel tersebut didasarkan pada  food sales history dan hasil forecast target penjualan. Hasil actual cost menu a’la carte  Agustus adalah 35%, September 36%, Oktober 46%, November 36%, dan Desember 43%. Menu a’la carte yang memiliki food cost diatas standar adalah Tuna Sandwich, Tongseng Kambing, dan Chicken Fajitas
Pembuatan Snack Bar Rasa Biryani dengan Menggunakan Berbagai Jenis Pemanis Sebagai Bahan Perekat Shi Shi Irgita Alamsyah; Lilis Sulandari; Any Sutiadiningsih; Mauren Gita Miranti
Lencana: Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober : Lencana: Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/lencana.v2i4.4057


Snack bars are snacks consisting of ingredients such as cereals, fruits and sometimes nuts that are glued together with adhesives. The adhesive material has the function of providing a solid and sturdy texture so as to produce the desired characteristics of the snack bar. The adhesive material used in making snack bars is sugar or sweetener. This study aims to determine how the organoleptic quality and nutritional content of snack bars using various types of sweeteners (glucose syrup, High Fructose Syrup (HFS), and honey) as an adhesive material. This type of research is experimental with observational data collection through organoleptic quality assessment and nutritional content of biryani flavored snack bars. The results showed that the snack bar with High Fructose Syrup (HFS) produced the best snack bar organoleptic quality, perfect block-shaped snack bar; solid and not hollow; slightly brown yellow color; biryani aroma; crunchy texture and easy to break; and balanced sweet and biryani taste; Laboratory analysis showed that biryani-flavored snack bar has nutritional content in the form of calories of 285.80 kcal/100g, with carbohydrate content of 69.24%, protein of 15.40%, fat of 3.24%, moisture content of 10.90% and ash content of 1.22%.
Inovasi Snack Bar Dengan Proporsi Tepung Ubi Kayu (Manihot Esculenta) dan Tepung Kacang Hijau (Vigna Radiata) Vanessa Melia Octaviany; Ita Fatkhur Romadhoni; Nugrahani Astuti; Lilis Sulandari
Lencana: Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober : Lencana: Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/lencana.v2i4.4084


This research aims to develop a snack bar innovation using a combination of cassava flour and mung bean flour in three different proportions: 35g:15g, 30g:20g, and 25g:25g. An organoleptic test was conducted to evaluate the color, taste, shape, compactness, aroma, and overall preference of each product variation. The results of the organoleptic test showed that the proportion of cassava flour and mung bean flour significantly affected the panelists' preferences. The 25g:25g proportion received the highest scores for color, taste, and compactness, while the 35g:15g proportion was preferred for aroma. The 30g:20g proportion demonstrated a good balance in all aspects but did not stand out in any specific category. Nutritional content analysis indicated that the snack bar with a combination of cassava flour and mung bean flour contained 57.81% carbohydrates, 11.82% protein, 6.05% fat, and 1.2% fiber. It can be concluded that the combination of cassava flour and mung bean flour in a 25g:25g proportion is the best formula favored by the panelists.
Inovasi Mi Basah Menggunakan Tepung Mocaf Dengan Penambahan Puree Labu Kuning Gadis Rizkynia Aisya; Lilis Sulandari; Ita Fatkhur Romadhoni; Andika Kuncoro Widagdo
Lencana: Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober : Lencana: Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/lencana.v2i4.4091


Wet noodles are raw noodles that are boiled in boiling water before being marketed. The making of noodles includes the stages of mixing, forming cutting sheets or printing and cooking. The average yellow noodles that are often sold in the market are dry noodles, wet noodles that are traded on average white noodles. In this report, the researcher wants to make an innovation of yellow wet noodles. The type of additional ingredient in wet noodles that functions to give a natural yellow color is yellow pumpkin. The nutritional content of yellow pumpkin is quite large, including rich in vitamins A & C, minerals, and carbohydrates, and the flesh of yellow pumpkin also contains antioxidants that are useful as anti-cancer. The addition of this yellow pumpkin will make wet noodles rich in β-carotene and can improve the color of processed products. This study used a pattern design of yellow pumpkin puree addition factor with 3 treatments, namely (30 grams), (40 grams) and (50 grams). Data collection was carried out by observation method through organoleptic quality tests assessed by 30 panelists. Data from organoleptic tests with single anova or one away anova test and Duncan's follow-up test. To determine the content of proximate (protein, water content, fat, carbohydrates, ash) and β-carotene, laboratory tests were carried out. The results of the study showed: 1) the best proportion of mocaf flour wet noodles with the addition of the best yellow pumpkin puree from the organoleptic test was obtained from a sample of 350 with the addition of 50 grams of yellow pumpkin puree, with the characteristics of a slightly straight shape; dark yellow color; the taste is quite like yellow pumpkin; the chewy texture and aroma are quite flavorful of yellow pumpkin. 2) The nutritional content of the best wet noodle results with 350 samples based on laboratory tests shows that per 100 grams has a B-carotene content of 86.50 mg; water content of 48.10%; protein 4.90%; fat 4.25%; carbohydrates 3.90%; ash content of 1.18%.
Inovasi Pasta Farfalle dengan Pemanfaatan Tepung Kedelai Mocaf dan Daun Jelatang (Urtica dioica L) Bima Muhammad Pembayun; Ita Fatkhur Romadhoni; Lilis Sulandari; Nugrahani Astuti
Lencana: Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober : Lencana: Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/lencana.v2i4.4095


Pasta farfalle in this study is a processed product made from pasta (wheat flour, eggs, water, oil, salt) soybean flour, mocaf and nettle leaves processed by drying and boiling techniques. Ribbon-shaped and jagged, which served as complementary foods. The purpose of this product is 1) to determine the organoleptic properties that include shape, color, aroma, taste and texture, 2) to determine the nutritional content of soy flour farfalle paste, mocaf and nettle leaves. The data collection technique used was observation through 5 trained panelists and 25 semi-trained panelists assisted by observation sheets scoring 1-5. The independent variables in this study are soy flour and mocaf, the dependent variables in the study are the shape, color, aroma, taste and texture, and the control variables of this study are the tools used, materials of manufacture, and manufacturing techniques. Data analysis in this study showed 1) there is no influence of color, aroma, and taste, 2) there is an influence of shape and texture of pasta products farfalle.