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Pengaruh Pemberian Merica terhadap Sifat Fisika dan Kimia dari Produk Kubis Asam (Kimchi) Asal Aceh Rahmah Hayati; Muhammad Irzan Majid; Syamratul Achwan; Rahmiati Rahmiati; Mulyadi Mulyadi; Riki Musriandi
Serambi Saintia : Jurnal Sains dan Aplikasi Vol 11, No 1 (2023): Serambi Saintia
Publisher : Universitas Serambi Mekkah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jss.v11i1.6124


Brassica oleracea atau sayuran berasal dari Takengon mengandung banyak vitamin, karbohidrat, protein serta mineral. Umur simpan sayuran ini terbatas. Hal ini disebabkan karna kandungan kadar air yang tinggi mengakibatkan mudah rusak juga tidak tahan lama. B. oleracea sering diawetkan atau di fermentasi sebagai makanan sauerkraut di Negara Jerman. Namun di Indonesia belum banyak di produksi. Makanan ini memiliki sifat inderawi yang sangat khas menyerupai kimchi dari aroma dan cita rasanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi produk kubis asam dari B. oleracea atau kimchi asal Aceh dengan penambahan merica terhadap variasi konsentrasi persentase garam selama fermentasi. Pengujian sifat fisika-kimia dilakukan di Laboratorium. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analysis of variance (ANOVA) signifikan 5% dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Faktor yang diuji adalah penambahan 1% merica pada konsentrasi garam K 2,25%, MG1 2,5%, MG2 7,5% dan MG3 12,5%. Hasil penelitian menyatakan perlakuan rekomendasi yaitu pada K 2,5% dan MG 2,25%. Rataan K 2,25% dengan sifat fisika-kimia susut bobot 20,75% dalam pH 3,56, TPT 7,75%, kandungan vitamin C 7,41 mg, kandungan kadar air 90,9%, serta asam laktat terkecil adalah 0,0096%. Namun rata-rata MG1 2,5% dengan sifat fisika-kimia susut bobot 20,05% dalam pH 3,69 TPT 7,55%, kandungan vitamin C 13,15 mg, kadar air 92,1%, serta asam laktat yang lebih kecil yaitu 0,0095%. Pemberian merica dalam konsentrasi garam yang berbeda terhadap kimchi asal Aceh berpengaruh nyata pada sifat fisika dan kimia. Berdasarkan hasil uji kesukaan dengan penambahan merica pada variasi garam terhadap panelis tidak terlatih diperoleh pada perlakuan K 2,25% dan MG1 2,5%.Kata kunci : Kimchi, B. oleracea, kubis, garam, sifat fisika-kimia.ABSTRACTBrassica oleracea or vegetables from Takengon were contain a lots of vitamins, carbohydrates, protein and minerals. The shelf life of these vegetables was limited. That case, it because the higher water content made easily damaged and it was not durable. B. oleracea was often preserved or fermented as a sauerkraut dish in Germany. But, in Indonesia not too much in production. This food has very distinctive sensory properties resembling kimchi in aroma and the taste. This study aims to identify vegetable cabbage products from B. oleracea or kimchi from Aceh with the addition of pepper at various percentages of salt concentration during fermentation. Furthermore, testing of physico-chemical properties was carried out in the laboratory. The research method used was analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a completely randomized design (CRD) with a significance of 5%. The factor tested was the addition of 1% pepper to a salt concentration of 2.25% K, 2.5% MG1, 7.5% MG2 and 12.5% MG3. The results of the study stated that the recommended treatment was 2.5% K and 2.25% MG. Average K 2.25% with physico-chemical properties weight loss 20.75% at pH 3.56, TPT 7.75%, vitamin C content 7.41 mg, water content 90.9%, and the smallest lactic acid 0.0096%. However, the average MG1 was 2.5% with physical and chemical properties, 20.05% weight loss at pH 3.69, TPT 7.55%, 13.15 mg vitamin C content, 92.1% moisture content, and lactic acid is smaller, namely 0.0095%. The adding the pepper with different salt concentrations to kimchi from Aceh had a significant effect on the physical and chemical properties. Based on the results of the preference test with the addition of pepper to the salt variation for untrained panelists, it was found in the K treatment of 2.25% and 2.5% MG1.Keyword : Kimchi, B. oleracea, cabbage, salt, physico chemist.
Pengaruh Pemberian Merica terhadap Sifat Fisika dan Kimia dari Produk Kubis Asam (Kimchi) Asal Aceh Rahmah Hayati; Muhammad Irzan Majid; Syamratul Achwan; Rahmiati Rahmiati; Mulyadi Mulyadi; Riki Musriandi
Serambi Saintia : Jurnal Sains dan Aplikasi Vol 11, No 1 (2023): Serambi Saintia
Publisher : Universitas Serambi Mekkah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jss.v11i1.6124


Brassica oleracea atau sayuran berasal dari Takengon mengandung banyak vitamin, karbohidrat, protein serta mineral. Umur simpan sayuran ini terbatas. Hal ini disebabkan karna kandungan kadar air yang tinggi mengakibatkan mudah rusak juga tidak tahan lama. B. oleracea sering diawetkan atau di fermentasi sebagai makanan sauerkraut di Negara Jerman. Namun di Indonesia belum banyak di produksi. Makanan ini memiliki sifat inderawi yang sangat khas menyerupai kimchi dari aroma dan cita rasanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi produk kubis asam dari B. oleracea atau kimchi asal Aceh dengan penambahan merica terhadap variasi konsentrasi persentase garam selama fermentasi. Pengujian sifat fisika-kimia dilakukan di Laboratorium. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analysis of variance (ANOVA) signifikan 5% dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Faktor yang diuji adalah penambahan 1% merica pada konsentrasi garam K 2,25%, MG1 2,5%, MG2 7,5% dan MG3 12,5%. Hasil penelitian menyatakan perlakuan rekomendasi yaitu pada K 2,5% dan MG 2,25%. Rataan K 2,25% dengan sifat fisika-kimia susut bobot 20,75% dalam pH 3,56, TPT 7,75%, kandungan vitamin C 7,41 mg, kandungan kadar air 90,9%, serta asam laktat terkecil adalah 0,0096%. Namun rata-rata MG1 2,5% dengan sifat fisika-kimia susut bobot 20,05% dalam pH 3,69 TPT 7,55%, kandungan vitamin C 13,15 mg, kadar air 92,1%, serta asam laktat yang lebih kecil yaitu 0,0095%. Pemberian merica dalam konsentrasi garam yang berbeda terhadap kimchi asal Aceh berpengaruh nyata pada sifat fisika dan kimia. Berdasarkan hasil uji kesukaan dengan penambahan merica pada variasi garam terhadap panelis tidak terlatih diperoleh pada perlakuan K 2,25% dan MG1 2,5%.Kata kunci : Kimchi, B. oleracea, kubis, garam, sifat fisika-kimia.ABSTRACTBrassica oleracea or vegetables from Takengon were contain a lots of vitamins, carbohydrates, protein and minerals. The shelf life of these vegetables was limited. That case, it because the higher water content made easily damaged and it was not durable. B. oleracea was often preserved or fermented as a sauerkraut dish in Germany. But, in Indonesia not too much in production. This food has very distinctive sensory properties resembling kimchi in aroma and the taste. This study aims to identify vegetable cabbage products from B. oleracea or kimchi from Aceh with the addition of pepper at various percentages of salt concentration during fermentation. Furthermore, testing of physico-chemical properties was carried out in the laboratory. The research method used was analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a completely randomized design (CRD) with a significance of 5%. The factor tested was the addition of 1% pepper to a salt concentration of 2.25% K, 2.5% MG1, 7.5% MG2 and 12.5% MG3. The results of the study stated that the recommended treatment was 2.5% K and 2.25% MG. Average K 2.25% with physico-chemical properties weight loss 20.75% at pH 3.56, TPT 7.75%, vitamin C content 7.41 mg, water content 90.9%, and the smallest lactic acid 0.0096%. However, the average MG1 was 2.5% with physical and chemical properties, 20.05% weight loss at pH 3.69, TPT 7.55%, 13.15 mg vitamin C content, 92.1% moisture content, and lactic acid is smaller, namely 0.0095%. The adding the pepper with different salt concentrations to kimchi from Aceh had a significant effect on the physical and chemical properties. Based on the results of the preference test with the addition of pepper to the salt variation for untrained panelists, it was found in the K treatment of 2.25% and 2.5% MG1.Keyword : Kimchi, B. oleracea, cabbage, salt, physico chemist.
Efektivitas pemupukan N, P, K dan Mg atas estimasi kebutuhan unsur hara makro untuk tanaman sawi hijau akuaponik Rahmah Hayati; Muhammad Irzan Majid; Erwin Masrul Harahap
Composite: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Agustus
Publisher : University of Insan Cendekia Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37577/composite.v5i2.579


Brassica juncea L. was know as mustard vegetable that has higher an economic value. However, it was a cultivation depend on the estimation of fertilizer application to increase to crop production. This study determine to nutrients obtained the optimal production results. Furthermore, the method used a survey method or qualitative research. Whereas, the conventional planting experimental design with a spacing of 20 × 20 cm per plant in 1 hectare. The percentage of N was calculated using the Kjeldahl method. Then, the compound of P, K, and Mg used a spectrophotometry. The data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2019. For parameters observed i.e: the wet weight (gr) and dry weight (gr), dry basis or Md (%), percentage from N, P, K, and Mg. Needed for total fertilizer to 10 tons/ha until 40 tons/ha. The results showed that fertilizer N was found in 3.86%, P was calculate in 0.72%, K was obtain in 3.83% and Mg was found in 0.37%. Furthermore, it was the average weight of Brassica juncea L. was 91.01 gr, wherein the dry weight was found in 6.72 gr. The dry basis Md was 12.54%. Finally, the fertilizer recommendations for Brassica juncea L. plants to optimal results up to 40 tons/ha using the fertilizer 5.45 grams. In this case, to the total urea in fertilization was 2.5 grams, and SP-36 fertilizer was 0.6 grams. Then, the KCl fertilizer was 1.8 grams, and dolomite of 0.6 grams with a recommended planting doses to aquaphonic system.
Struktur Genetik Molekuler Selada Laut (Ulva lactuca) di Pantai Ulee Lheue, Indonesia Rahmah Hayati; Fawwa Rahly; Muhammad Irzan Majid
Agroteknika Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Green Engineering Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55043/agroteknika.v6i2.224


Pantai Ulee Lheue merupakan kawasan pantai di Kota Banda Aceh yang dikembangkan untuk wisata. Spesies rumput laut makro alga tersebar luas di Pantai Ulee Lheue namun belum pernah dimanfaatkan. Satu diantara selada laut hijau (sea lettuce) yang melimpah di Pantai Ulee Lheue yaitu Ulva lactuca. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur genetik Ulva lactuca yang berasal dari Pantai Ulee Lheue, Aceh, Indonesia secara molekuler. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu skrining morfologi Ulva lactuca yang berpedoman pada literatur jurnal kemudian analisis molekuler ekstraksi DNA genom menggunakan gen primer ITS. Selanjutnya pengujian jarak genetik dengan metode Trichotomy melalui software Treeview X dari analisis statistik GenAlex. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai Fit tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dengan Fis. Nilai total migran (Nm) menunjukkan nilai yang berbeda yaitu pada lokus ITS1 0,330 dan ITS 2 yaitu 0,094. Variasi alel lokus ITS dibedakan dengan jelas dari nilai PIC >0,5 artinya memiliki nilai polimorfis yang tinggi. Panjang alel dalam PCR teramplifikasi 300 bp s/d 500 bp. Identifikasi frekuensi statistik gen ITS dari sampel diperoleh pada kedua lokus menunjukkan nilai yang sama (1,000), Fst menunjukkan nilai dalam lokus ITS 1 adalah 0,431, dan ITS 2 0,726. Kekerabatan sangat erat diperoleh dari analisis filogenetik terbagi dalam dua (2) kelompok. Sampel UL8 terpisah dengan sampel UL1, UL2, UL3, UL4, UL5, UL6, UL7, UL9, UL10, UL11, UL12, UL13, UL14 dan UL15. Namun sampel UL10 dan UL14 berada dalam 1 klaster sama dengan sampel UL9 dan UL13. Kekerabatan tersebut kemungkinan dikarenakan spesies Ulva berasal dari pesisir pantai yang sama.