Philipus J. Kastanya
Politeknik Perdamaian Halmahera, Indonesia

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Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Hutan, Pascasarjana Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/jhppk.v7i1.8988


Environmental Services are the benefits of ecosystems and the environment for humans and the sustainability of life which includes providing natural resources, managing nature and the environment, supporting natural processes, and preserving cultural values. One of the important environmental services classified as service providers in Tobelo District is water supply ecosystem services. The purpose of this study is principally to analyze land cover, natural vegetation and ecoregions (landscapes) in the Tobelo District, as well as to analyze the water supply ecosystem services in the Tobelo District. The method used in this study is the visual classification method through the ArcGIS application for processing and analysis of land cover, natural vegetation and ecoregions (landscapes). Meanwhile, the spatial join method using ArcGIS aims to produce spatial information on water supply ecosystem services in Tobelo District. The results of the analysis show that areas have ecosystem services are classified as very high in providing water in Tobelo District covering an area of ​​4,492.23 Ha or 36.71% with an IJE of 3.16-4.40, located in primary dry forest land cover, which is a natural vegetation of Lowland Monsoon Forest and Lower Monsoon Mountain Forest, with a landscape (ecoregion) belonging to the Structural Hills of the Halmahera Complex and the Volcanic Mountains of the Gamalama Complex. In addition, very high category of ecosystem services is also found in dryland agriculture, with the Gamalama Complex Volcanic Plain landscape. Meanwhile, the ability of ecosystem services in the widest Tobelo Subdistrict area to provide water in the area, is included in the medium category.
BROMELIN UNTUK PRODUKSI GELATIN TULANG KAMBING KACANG Dellen N. Matulessy; Yuny Erwanto; Philipus J. Kastanya; Marcus J. J. Latupapua
Agrinimal Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Tanaman Vol 11 No 2 (2023): Agrinimal Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Tanaman
Publisher : Jurusan Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/ajitt.2023.11.2.83-91


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi sifat kimia, fisik dan fungsional gelatin tulang kambing Kacang yang diekstraksi menggunakan bromelin dengan perlakuan konsentrasi yang berbeda, yaitu GB-0 (gelatin dengan bromelin 0 %), GB-1 (Gelatin dengan bromelin 10 U), GB-2 (Gelatin dengan bromelin 15 U dan GB-3 (Gelatin dengan bromelin 20 U). Tulang yang digunakan adalah tulang kambing kacang. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap pola searah dengan 4 perlakuan konsentrasi bromelin dengan 5 ulang. Parameter yang diamati adalah rendemen, analisis proksimat (kadar air, abu, lemak dan protein kasar), pH, distribusi berat molekul protein, profil gugus fungsional FTIR, morfologi, foaming expansion (FE) dan stability (FS) serta kapasitas dan stailitas emulsi gelatin. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rendemen tertinggi pada gelatin tulang kambing Kacang dengan perlakuan bromelin 20 U (GB-3), adalah 8,31%. Kadar air, protein, sifat foaming dan emulsi tertinggi dengan perlakuan bromelin 15 U (GB-2), dengan pH, kadar abu terendah. Rantai ß telah terdegradasi, rantai α1 dengan berat molekul 31,00 - 91,12 kDa, menghilangnya tripel heliks ditunjukkan FTIR dan struktur gel yang lebih halus, kompak dengan rongga yang lebih kecil pada gelatin GB-1 dan GB-2. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bromelin 15 U/g tulang dapat digunakan untuk ekstraksi tulang kambing Kacang dengan menghasilkan gelatin dengan sifat fisiokimia dan fungsional yang dapat digunakan untuk aplikasi pangan. ABSTRACT This study aims to evaluate the chemical, physical, and functional properties of Kacang goat bone Kacang gelatin extracted using different concentrations of bromelain. The concentrations used were GB-0 (gelatin with 0% bromelain), GB-1 (gelatin with 10 U bromelain), GB-2 (gelatin with 15 U bromelain), and GB-3 (gelatin with 20 U bromelain). Kacang Goat bones were used for the extraction. The research design employed a completely randomized unidirectional design with 4 bromelain concentration treatments and 5 repetitions. The parameters observed included yield, proximate analysis (moisture, ash, fat, and crude protein content), pH, protein molecular weight distribution, FTIR functional group profile, morphology, foaming expansion (FE) and stability (FS), the capacity and stability gelatin emulsions. The results of the research showed that the highest yield of goat Kacang bone gelatin was obtained with the 20 U bromelain treatment (GB-3), which yielded 8.31%. The gelatin extracted with the 15 U bromelain treatment (GB-2) had the highest water content, protein content, foaming properties, and emulsion properties, as well as the lowest ash content and pH. The ß chain of the gelatin was degraded, while the α1 chain had a molecular weight of 31.00 - 91.12 kDa. The FTIR analysis showed the disappearance of the triple helix structure, and the gel structure of GB-1 and GB-2 gelatin was smoother and more compact with smaller cavities. In conclusion, bromelain at a concentration of 15 U/g bone can be used for the extraction of Kacang goat bones, resulting in gelatin with desirable physiochemical and functional properties suitable for food applications.