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All Journal Jurnal Kewarganegaraan
Puguh Santoso
Universitas Pertahanan Republik Indonesia

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Tantangan dan Upaya Penanganan Politik Identitas pada Pemilu 2024 Elsa Kristina Hutapea; Puguh Santoso; Halomoan Freddy Sitinjak Alexandra; Achmed Sukendro; Pujo Widodo
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Juni 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v7i1.4811


Abstrak Indonesia akan menghadapi pesta demokrasi yang akan menentukan pemimpin dalam Pemilu 2024. Sudah selayaknya masyarakat Indonesia melakukan sikap toleransi akan perbedaan dan tidak menunjukkan hal yang berdasarkan kepentingan masing-masing agar tidak terjadi Politik Identitas. Tulisan ini akan menganalisis tantangan masyarakat Indonesia dalam menghadapi pemilu 2024 dan Upaya Penanganan Politik Identitas. Metode penulisan yang dilaksanakan menggunakan studi pustaka (library research). Penulis selanjutnya akan merumuskan hal-hal yang menjadi tantangan terutama kaitannya dengan teknologi, internet dan media sosial. Hasil penelitian menunjukan tantangan-tangan Pemilu 2024 jika tidak ada tokoh yang mengajukan diri, perlunya perekrutan kaderisasi yang baik agar membentuk kandidasi, serta menjadi tantangan apabila kualitas suara yang berasal dari dukungan politik identitas. Upaya penanganan dengan dilakukan pendidikan politik, Partai politik memiliki peran untuk memberikan pendidikan politik pada masyarakat. Sebagai kesimpulan bahwa persiapan Pemilu 2024 dibutuhkannya sinergi dalam menghadapi tantangan maupun upaya penanganan politik identitas dengan pendidikan politik yang dilakukan aktor politik. Keywords: politik identitas, tantangan, upaya Abstract Indonesia will face a democratic party that will determine the leader in the 2024 elections. It is appropriate for the Indonesian people to tolerate differences and not show things based on their respective interests so that Identity Politics does not occur. This paper will analyze the challenges of Indonesian society in facing the 2024 elections and Efforts to Handle Identity Politics. Methode writing is carried out using library research. The author will then formulate things that pose challenges, especially in relation to technology, the internet and social media. The results show the challenges of the 2024 election if no figures volunteer, the need for good regeneration recruitment to form candidates, and a challenge if the quality of votes comes from identity politics support. Efforts to handle political education are carried out, political parties have a role to provide political education to the community. In conclusion that preparation for the 2024 elections requires synergy in facing challenges and efforts to handle identity politics with political education carried out by political actors. Keywords: identity politics, challenge, effort
Analysis of Papua Separatist Group Insurgency and the Indonesian Government's Contra-Insurgency from an International Law Perspective Zulfikar Fabri; Djayeng Tirto; Puguh Santoso
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Juni 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v7i1.5204


Rebellion or insurgency is one possible threat that interferes with the sovereignty and security of a country; the insurgency is come by the presence of non-state actors against state actors with the use source Power political and military with objective take over state power. The Papuan conflict began from marginal dissatisfaction and poverty, giving rise to a passion for liberation self, with do attacks, rebellions, and killings committed by the now OPM Free Papua Organization labeled as Papuan Terrorist Separatist Group KSTP. Therefore, it is essential to analyze descriptive qualitative To use study Insurgency and cons Insurgency from an international law perspective. According to International Law, The OPM status mentioned as Group Separatist Papuan terrorists (KSTP) are not as organization or Beligerent. Therefore, the government so far labeled the group as an insurgent. Based on Policy in progress conflict Papua terrorists who have differences in application, the Indonesian government has carried out effort Soft Power, Hard Power, and Smart Power strategies. As for the shape can form Cold counter-insurgency and hot counter-insurgency. Every effort settlement conflict insurgency must customize with conditions and form their respective territories. Keywords: Insurjency, Papuan Terrorist Separatist Group, International Law