Tumartony Thaib Hiola
Prodi Sarjana Terapan Sanitasi Lingkungan, Poltekkes Gorontalo

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JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 7, No 3 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v7i3.14736


Abstrak: Keberadaan sampah rumah tangga di lingkungan merupakan hal yang tidak dapat dicegah. Meskipun sampah merupakan tanggung jawab bersama untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan, namun hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan sampah tidak mendapat perhatian dan upaya terbaik dari berbagai pihak masyarakat dan pemerintah. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh Dosen Poltekkes Kemenkes Gorontalo yang bermitra dengan pemerintah Desa Dutohe Barat Bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan pemanfaatan wadah untuk tanaman sayur hidroponik dari sampah berbahan dasar plastik yang bernilai estetik dan bernilai jual. Melalui kader kesehatan berjumlah 6 orang dan kepala dusun berjumlah 4 orang yang ada di Desa disampaikan cara pembuatan pemanfaatan wadah untuk tanaman sayur hidroponik dari sampah berbahan dasar plastik. Kemudian dilakukan pemantauan secara bertahap oleh tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat setiap pekan. Evaluasi proses dilakukan pada saat kegiatan berlangsung, indikatornya berupa jumlah peserta yang hadir sebanyak 30 yang terdiri dari para kader kesehatan, para kepala dusun, masyarakat desa, dan apparat desa. Dan dilakukan evaluasi akhir yaitu tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat turun langsung ke lokasi peletakkan wadah tanaman hidropinik dan tim melakukan tanya jawab pada para kader kesehatan dan aparat desa tentang perkembangan pembuatan wadah. Setelah kegiatan dilaksanakan, diperoleh hasil masyarakat Di Desa Dutohe Barat sadar akan pentingnya mengelola sampah dengan baik, dan adanya peningkatan soft skill dari para kader kesehatan dan kepala dusun dalam melakukan pemanfaatan wadah untuk tanaman sayur hidroponik.Abstract: The existence of household waste in the environment is something that cannot be prevented. Even though waste is a shared responsibility to preserve the environment, this shows that waste management does not receive the best attention and efforts from various parties from society and the government. Community service by Lecturers at the Gorontalo Ministry of Health Poltekkes in partnership with the West Dutohe Village government. Aims to provide training on the use of containers for hydroponic vegetable plants from plastic-based waste that has aesthetic value and selling value. Through 6 health cadres and 4 hamlet heads in the village, they were told how to make use of containers for hydroponic vegetable plants from plastic-based waste. Then monitoring is carried out in stages by the community service team every week. Process evaluation was carried out during the activity, the indicator was in the form of the number of participants who attended as many as 30 consisting of health cadres, hamlet heads, village communities, and village officials. And a final evaluation was carried out, namely the community service team went directly to the location where the hydropinic plant containers were placed and the team conducted questions and answers to the health cadres and village officials about the progress of making the containers. After the activity was carried out, the results obtained were that the people in Dutohe Barat Village were aware of the importance of managing waste properly, and there was an increase in the soft skills of health cadres and hamlet heads in utilizing containers for hydroponic vegetable plants.