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Enrichment of Anti Hoax Competency among Secondary School Students Watumesa Agustina Tan; Theodorus Eko Pramudito
MITRA: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Mitra: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/mitra.v6i2.2555


Hoax and misinformation are common occurrences in the current era of social media. Nurturing critical thinking is necessary to combat the proliferation of hoaxes, especially in the younger generation. In this activity, we conducted a workshop for high school students and teachers to build awareness of hoaxes and how to identify them. This in-person workshop was held at Canisius College High School in a three-hour session. After taking part in the workshop, participants were expected to be able to explain the definition of a hoax, explain why hoaxes exist and are spread out among the community, and analyze the credibility of new information. For this purpose, the workshop consisted of three sessions. In the first session, the facilitators walked all participants through a lively discussion on what hoaxes are and how they get passed on from one person to another. In the second session, we introduced the concept of credibility to the participants. In the final session, the participants practiced evaluating the credibility of news. All sessions were delivered as paired or group discussions using authentic articles or postings from various social media platforms. The evaluation survey at the end of the activity showed that the participants agreed that the topic covered by this workshop was necessary and useful; however, they felt that the event was too short. This opportunity provided insights into how to improve similar hoax awareness-raising programs in the future.
Sosialisasi implikasi minyak jelantah kepada pedagang kantin di Kampus BSD, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya Daru Seto Bagus Anugrah; Adeline Mayvie Wijanarko; Juan David Sinanu; Yanti Yanti; Watumesa Agustina Tan; Krismanto Rabin Chandra
ABDIMAS DEWANTARA Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Article in Press
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/ad.v6i2.15731


Minyak jelantah adalah minyak bekas yang diperoleh dari hasil menggoreng makanan. Penggunaan minyak jelantah berulang menyebabkan penurunan kualitas lingkungan dan manusia. Minyak jelantah mengandung zat polifenol dan akrilamida yang meningkatkan risiko kanker dan penyakit lainnya. Selain itu, minyak jelantah juga mempengaruhi kualitas makanan, menyebabkan perubahan rasa dan tekstur makanan. Pembuangan minyak jelantah sembarangan menyebabkan penumpukan pada saluran air dan tempat pembuangan sampah, berdampak negatif pada ekosistem dan organisme di perairan dan tanah. Namun demikian, minyak jelantah masih dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi produk yang lebih bermanfaat. Melihat hal ini, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya (Unika Atma Jaya) Bersama dengan PT Ubah Limbah Indonesia bekerja sama untuk mengedukasi pedagang di kantin Atma Jaya sebagai salah satu bagian masyarakat yang sering menggunakan minyak goreng. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan pedagang mengenai minyak jelantah serta bagaimana cara mengolahnya menjadi produk lain seperti lilin aromatik. Penyampaian materi dari empat pembicara menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dari pedagang mengenai minyak jelantah, dilihat dari hasil pre-test dan post-test serta analisis Wilcoxon Rank Test. Secara keseluruhan, upaya kolaboratif antara Unika Atma Jaya dan PT Ubah Limbah Indonesia untuk memberikan edukasi kepada pedagang kantin telah berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan pedagang mengenai potensi dan pengolahan minyak jelantah.   Socialisation of the implications of used cooking oil to the canteen vendors at the BSD Campus of Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya   Abstract: Used cooking oil is the residual oil obtained from frying food. Repeated use of used cooking oil leads to a decline in environmental and human quality. Used cooking oil contains polyphenols and acrylamide compounds that elevate cancer risk and other diseases. Furthermore, used cooking oil affects the quality of food, inducing alterations in taste and texture. Improper disposal of used cooking oil results in accumulation within waterways and waste disposal sites, adversely impacting ecosystems and aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Nevertheless, there is potential to repurpose used cooking oil into more beneficial products. Recognizing this, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (Unika Atma Jaya), in collaboration with PT Ubah Limbah Indonesia, endeavors to educate vendors at the Atma Jaya canteen, a segment of society that frequently employs cooking oil. This initiative aims to enhance vendors' understanding of used cooking oil and its transformation into alternative products such as scented candles. Delivery of content by four presenters demonstrates an improvement in vendors' comprehension of used cooking oil, evident from pre-test and post-test results and Wilcoxon Rank Test analysis. Overall, the collaborative effort between Unika Atma Jaya and PT Ubah Limbah Indonesia to educate canteen vendors has effectively elevated their knowledge regarding the potential and processing of used cooking oil.