Leffi Noviyenty, Leffi
Insititut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

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An Analysis of Marking System Used by Speaking Lecturers of STAIN Curup in Testing Students’ Speaking Ability Noviyenty, Leffi
ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/ef.v1i1.156


Abstrak : Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang akan dipresentasikan secara kualitatif (naratif). Peneliti akan mengumpulkan informasi secara mendalam tentang klasifikasi penilaian keahlian berbicara (speaking) mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STAIN Curup, skema nilai yang digunakan serta alasan pengggunaan klasifikasi dan sistem nilai tersebut. Adapun subjek penelitian ini adalah dosen-dosen Speaking II dan Speaking IV Tahun akademik berjalan Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STAIN Curup. Sebuah checklist dan pedoman wawancara digunakan untuk menggali informasi tentang klasikasi penilaian dan sistem nilai dari subjek penelitian secara langsung. Catatan lapangan (fieldnotes) juga dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh data yang tidak tampak pada performansi di kelas dan untuk kepentingan trianggulasi data yang diperoleh secara keseluruhan nantinya. Adapun observasi, analisis dokumen dan wawancara adalah teknik dalam pengumpulan data. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dosen-dosen speaking memiliki klasifikasi penilaian yang beberapa komponennya telah sesuai dengan teori menilai keahlian berbicara, seperti Fluency, Grammatical accuracy, Comprehension/content, and pronunciation. Sementara sistem nilai dan penentuan skor untuk tiap elemen klasifikasi penilaian tersebut belum cukup jelas. Efisiensi dan efektivitas pemberian tes berbicara (speaking) menjadi alasan utama yang melatarbelakangi kriteria yang mereka pilih serta sistem penentuan skor yang mereka berlakukan. Sangatlah perlu bagi para dosen speaking untuk mempedomani teori tentang kriteria penilaian serta penentuan skor untuk tiap kriteria dalam melakukan penilaian keahlian berbicara mahasiswa. Hal ini akan meningkatkan objektivitas penilaian dan meminimalisir subjektivitas. Walaupun klasifikasi penilaian harus tetap merujuk pada aturan yang dibuat institusi (STAIN), diharapkan para dosen juga mempertimbangkan tujuan pengajaran speaking itu sendiri. Keywords : Marking system, criteria of marking dan scoring scheme
Strategies in Learning and Techniques in Teaching English Speaking Noviyenty, Leffi
ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/ef.v2i1.454


Learning how to speak English fluently and accurately is always a grand task for foreign students. Strategies in learning to speak as one of important factors of speaking skill should be considered not only by foreign students but also the teachers. Students’ strategies in learning to speak English should be in balance with teachers’ techniques in teaching students to speak English. Both affect the improvement of students’ ability in speaking English. This research is descriptive which tries to describe and elaborate the students of SMAN 1 Curup’s strategies in learning to speak English and their English techniques in teaching them to speak. There were 47 third year students selected as the sample from 8 classes and 7 English teachers. The instruments used in this study were questionnaire which were given both to the students and teachers with different items and also interview guidance. The findings showed that the strategies used by SMAN 1 Curup’s students in learning to speak English were classified into metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, social strategies, and affective strategies. The English teacher techniques in teaching student were roleplay, group presentation, group discussion, speech competition, dialogues, direct correction, speaking in group, debate competition, games, and listening song. Keyword : Students’ Strategies, Speaking, Teachers’ Techniques
QIJIS Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/qijis.v3i1.1597


This is a descriptive study which is presented in narative way since the data is analysed by using verbal explanation. The reseracher collects the data about Writing test format, the criteria of marking and the scoring system used by Writing lecturers of STAIN Curup deeply. The subjects of this reserach are Writing Letcurers in English Tadris Study Program of STAIN Curup. A checklist and an interview guidance are used as the intruments of this research to gain the data on format of writing test and the criteria of marking. Fieldnotes are also taken in order to observe some data which is not performed in observation and also used to trianggulate the whole result. Observation, document analysis and interview are the technigues in collecting data. The finding of this research shows that Writing lecturers useGap Filling, Form Completion, Information transfer task, Letter writing, Integrating reading into Writing, Open-ended Essay Test, Responding to a given Information are their formats in testing students’ writing ability. The finding also finds that the criteria of marking used by the Writing lecturers are Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Relevance and Adequacy of Content. Unfortunately the writing lecturers do not include the score for each criteria. The scoring scheme is only based on the scheme designed by institusion (STAIN Curup) they are: 00 – 49 = E (gagal), 50 – 59 = D, 60 – 69 = C, 70 – 85 = B dan 86 – 100 = A.There is also no scale of scoring for each aspect of writing. It is important for writing lecturers to include the score for each criteria of marking in writing test as suggested by the theory. It can improve the objectivity of scoring and directly minimize the subjectivity. Eventhough the institution has its own regulation in calculating the score, the writing lecturers also need to consider the purpose of teaching writing skill itself.
Upaya Peningkatan Kompetensi Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Jurusan Tarbiyah Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) STAIN Curup Dan Relevansinya Terhadap TOEFL Score Sebagai Syarat Wisuda Noviyenty, Leffi
BELAJEA: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/belajea.v3i2.654


This is a descriptive qualitative research which investigates English Competence of PAI students in STAIN Curup, students’ problems in facing TOEFL as one of graduation requiremnets in STAIN Curup. All PAI students who followed TOEFL is taken as sample of this research. Document analysis and deep interview are the techniques of collecting data. The informan are selected from Unit Pengembangan Bahasa (UPB)’s tutors and staff who responsible to held TOEFL. Data analysis is developed by comparing the three basic components, data reduction, data presentation and data conclusion/verification. The findings show that 1. PAI students’ English competence on TOEFL needs to be improved since their average score is 351 and only 4 students got above 400 score ; 2. The problems they face on TOEFL are the material of TOEFL is not yet familiar to them, the students’ attitude toward TOEFL is still low, English subjects during college are not enough to develop their English ability, even the lesson in English subjects is not relevan with TOEFL material, and there is no solution from the institution to help the students preparing TOEFL, so they can only solve the problem themselves; 3. Most of English lecturers are agree to develop a particular learning model for PAI students in preparing TOEFL.
An Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant to Effective Techniques Teaching English in Integrated Vocational Schools Agustin, Heli; Noviyenty, Leffi; Utami, Henny Septia
ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education Vol 3, No 02 (2019)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/ef.v3i02.1112


The objective of this research are to describe classroom activities pursuant to effective techniques teaching English in integrated vocational schools, and to investigate  classroom activities pursuant to effective techniques teaching English in integrated vocational schools at Islamic integrated Rabbi Radhiyyahand vocational high school Islamic integrated  KhoiruUmmah in CurupRejangLebong. The design of this research is descriptive qualitative. The subject of this research were two teachers who teach English in Islamic integrated vocational schools. In collecting the date, the researcher used the following techniques: checklist observation and interview. There are some instruments which the researcher used forcollecting the data, consist of: notes and interview guidance. The notes was used to find the techniques the teachers used, the classroom activities the teacher used, and identify the classroom activities that pursuant to techniques suit the elements of effective teaching, and the interview guidelines was used to find the technique the teachers used based on the theory of elements of effective teaching. In analyzing the data,the steps were data managing, description, and interpreting. Theresult from notes and interview showed that the techniques and classroom activities the teacher used and all techniques and classroom activities pursuant with element of effective teaching. The elements of effective teaching consisted of academic learning time, use of positive reinforcement, cues and feedback, cooperative learning activities, classroom atmosphere, high order questioning, direct instruction, and indirect teaching.
Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (677.49 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/elite.v5i1a6


This is an expose facto reserach which analysed and evaluated a program done in 2016 at Language Center in State College of islamic Studies (STAIN) Curup.  The purposes of this study iwas to evaluate the improvement of students' score on TOEFL particularly those who followed TOEFL Matriculation Program at Language Center.  The improvement were investigated from three aspects of TOEFL, listening comprehension, structure and written expression and reading comprehension.  This research also searched the strategies used by lecturers in teaching TOEFL during the program, and the students' motivation in following the program.  Document analysis in the form of students' score for pre and post program, checklist, interview guidance and questionnaire were the instruments of this study.  The data was analyzed by mix method.  There were 2 English lecturers and 30 students who represented all study program in STAIN Curup.  The findings showed that there was a significant improvement of students' TOEFL score after they followed the TOEFL matriculation program at Language Center.  The score of each aspect of TOEFL also increased significantly.  The lecturers also used suitable strategies in teaching TOEFL based on the need of students.  Furthermore, the students' motivation in following the TOEFL matriculation Program was also high.  It is suggested that this program should be continued by involving more students and improving the quality of program in the future.
An Analysis of Marking System Used by Speaking Lecturers of STAIN Curup in Testing Students’ Speaking Ability Leffi Noviyenty
ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/ef.v1i1.156


Abstrak : Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang akan dipresentasikan secara kualitatif (naratif). Peneliti akan mengumpulkan informasi secara mendalam tentang klasifikasi penilaian keahlian berbicara (speaking) mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STAIN Curup, skema nilai yang digunakan serta alasan pengggunaan klasifikasi dan sistem nilai tersebut. Adapun subjek penelitian ini adalah dosen-dosen Speaking II dan Speaking IV Tahun akademik berjalan Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STAIN Curup. Sebuah checklist dan pedoman wawancara digunakan untuk menggali informasi tentang klasikasi penilaian dan sistem nilai dari subjek penelitian secara langsung. Catatan lapangan (fieldnotes) juga dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh data yang tidak tampak pada performansi di kelas dan untuk kepentingan trianggulasi data yang diperoleh secara keseluruhan nantinya. Adapun observasi, analisis dokumen dan wawancara adalah teknik dalam pengumpulan data. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dosen-dosen speaking memiliki klasifikasi penilaian yang beberapa komponennya telah sesuai dengan teori menilai keahlian berbicara, seperti Fluency, Grammatical accuracy, Comprehension/content, and pronunciation. Sementara sistem nilai dan penentuan skor untuk tiap elemen klasifikasi penilaian tersebut belum cukup jelas. Efisiensi dan efektivitas pemberian tes berbicara (speaking) menjadi alasan utama yang melatarbelakangi kriteria yang mereka pilih serta sistem penentuan skor yang mereka berlakukan. Sangatlah perlu bagi para dosen speaking untuk mempedomani teori tentang kriteria penilaian serta penentuan skor untuk tiap kriteria dalam melakukan penilaian keahlian berbicara mahasiswa. Hal ini akan meningkatkan objektivitas penilaian dan meminimalisir subjektivitas. Walaupun klasifikasi penilaian harus tetap merujuk pada aturan yang dibuat institusi (STAIN), diharapkan para dosen juga mempertimbangkan tujuan pengajaran speaking itu sendiri. Keywords : Marking system, criteria of marking dan scoring scheme
Strategies in Learning and Techniques in Teaching English Speaking Leffi Noviyenty
ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/ef.v2i1.454


Learning how to speak English fluently and accurately is always a grand task for foreign students. Strategies in learning to speak as one of important factors of speaking skill should be considered not only by foreign students but also the teachers. Students’ strategies in learning to speak English should be in balance with teachers’ techniques in teaching students to speak English. Both affect the improvement of students’ ability in speaking English. This research is descriptive which tries to describe and elaborate the students of SMAN 1 Curup’s strategies in learning to speak English and their English techniques in teaching them to speak. There were 47 third year students selected as the sample from 8 classes and 7 English teachers. The instruments used in this study were questionnaire which were given both to the students and teachers with different items and also interview guidance. The findings showed that the strategies used by SMAN 1 Curup’s students in learning to speak English were classified into metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, social strategies, and affective strategies. The English teacher techniques in teaching student were roleplay, group presentation, group discussion, speech competition, dialogues, direct correction, speaking in group, debate competition, games, and listening song. Keyword : Students’ Strategies, Speaking, Teachers’ Techniques
An Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant to Effective Techniques Teaching English in Integrated Vocational Schools Heli Agustin; Leffi Noviyenty; Henny Septia Utami
ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education Vol 3, No 02 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/ef.v3i02.1112


The objective of this research are to describe classroom activities pursuant to effective techniques teaching English in integrated vocational schools, and to investigate classroom activities pursuant to effective techniques teaching English in integrated vocational schools at Islamic integrated Rabbi Radhiyyahand vocational high school Islamic integrated KhoiruUmmah in CurupRejangLebong. The design of this research is descriptive qualitative. The subject of this research were two teachers who teach English in Islamic integrated vocational schools. In collecting the date, the researcher used the following techniques: checklist observation and interview. There are some instruments which the researcher used forcollecting the data, consist of: notes and interview guidance. The notes was used to find the techniques the teachers used, the classroom activities the teacher used, and identify the classroom activities that pursuant to techniques suit the elements of effective teaching, and the interview guidelines was used to find the technique the teachers used based on the theory of elements of effective teaching. In analyzing the data,the steps were data managing, description, and interpreting. Theresult from notes and interview showed that the techniques and classroom activities the teacher used and all techniques and classroom activities pursuant with element of effective teaching. The elements of effective teaching consisted of academic learning time, use of positive reinforcement, cues and feedback, cooperative learning activities, classroom atmosphere, high order questioning, direct instruction, and indirect teaching.
QIJIS Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/qijis.v3i1.1597


This is a descriptive study which is presented in narative way since the data is analysed by using verbal explanation. The reseracher collects the data about Writing test format, the criteria of marking and the scoring system used by Writing lecturers of STAIN Curup deeply. The subjects of this reserach are Writing Letcurers in English Tadris Study Program of STAIN Curup. A checklist and an interview guidance are used as the intruments of this research to gain the data on format of writing test and the criteria of marking. Fieldnotes are also taken in order to observe some data which is not performed in observation and also used to trianggulate the whole result. Observation, document analysis and interview are the technigues in collecting data. The finding of this research shows that Writing lecturers useGap Filling, Form Completion, Information transfer task, Letter writing, Integrating reading into Writing, Open-ended Essay Test, Responding to a given Information are their formats in testing students’ writing ability. The finding also finds that the criteria of marking used by the Writing lecturers are Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Relevance and Adequacy of Content. Unfortunately the writing lecturers do not include the score for each criteria. The scoring scheme is only based on the scheme designed by institusion (STAIN Curup) they are: 00 – 49 = E (gagal), 50 – 59 = D, 60 – 69 = C, 70 – 85 = B dan 86 – 100 = A.There is also no scale of scoring for each aspect of writing. It is important for writing lecturers to include the score for each criteria of marking in writing test as suggested by the theory. It can improve the objectivity of scoring and directly minimize the subjectivity. Eventhough the institution has its own regulation in calculating the score, the writing lecturers also need to consider the purpose of teaching writing skill itself.