Ahmad Tarmizi Hasibuan
UIN Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

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ABDAU : Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol 5 No 1 (2022): JUNI, ABDAU: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Publisher : Prodi PGMI STPI Bina Insan Mulia Yogyakarta

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Citizenship education is a compulsory subject for elementary school children, this subject has the aim of patriotism from an early age. Student interest in Civic Education learning is less attractive due to unattractive, creative, and innovative learning methods or methods. This study aims to increase the learning interest of elementary school students in the subject of civic education. The study used a qualitative descriptive method with interview techniques to selected students. This method is carried out by observing and interviewing the selected respondents in which the subjects in this study are the fifth grade students of Dasae School, totaling 20 students, consisting of 10 female students and 10 male students having their address at Jl Taduan, Pancing, North Sumatera. And the results of the study indicate that learning Citizenship Education is less attractive. The lack of interest in student learning in PKN learning is caused by unattractive and boring learning methods and strategies.
SEJARAH SENAM DAN JENIS-JENIS SENAM DI SD/MI Aulia Fitri Damayanti; Ahmad Tarmizi Hasibuan
ABDAU : Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol 4 No 2 (2021): DESEMBER, ABDAU: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Publisher : Prodi PGMI STPI Bina Insan Mulia Yogyakarta

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This research method is the Library Research method with a qualitative research type.Improving the quality of physical fitness in SD/MI through gymnastics can make the bodyhealthy. Doing gymnastics can make children aware of the importance of maintainingphysical health both through sports and physical movement. Each exercise also has adifferent movement. Gymnastics also has benefits for the human body including: smoothingthe circulation of the human body, helping the respiratory system, strengthening themuscles of the hands and feet. The purpose of this study was to determine the history ofgymnastics and the types of gymnastics in SD/MI. The history of the development ofgymnastics in the world began in ancient times BC, both in the western world and in theeastern and middle eastern worlds. Gymnastics itself entered in Indonesia and becameknown in 1912 during the Dutch colonial era. The inclusion of gymnastics makes physicaleducation a compulsory subject in schools. By itself, gymnastics as part of physicaleducation is also taught in schools. Gymnastics is divided into 6 groups according to FIG.First, Aristic Gymnastics (artistic gymnastics). Second, Sportive Rhythmic Gymnastics(sportive rhythmic gymnastics). Third, acrobatic gymnastics. Fourth, Sport AerobicsGymnastics (sports aerobics). Fifth, Trampoline Gymnastics (trampolinning). Sixth,General Gymnastics (general gymnastics). Meanwhile, at the Elementary Age or SD/MIlevel, there are three types of gymnastics. First, Basic Gymnastics. Second, RhythmicGymnastics. Third, Floor Gymnastics or Agility
MAKNA DAN FUNGSI ADMINISTRASI PENDIDIKAN DI ERA DIGITAL PADA JENJANG MI/SD Ahmad Tarmizi Hasibuan; Fani Anggita Lubis; Nurul Rizki Amalia; Dalilah Awanis
ABDAU : Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol 6 No 1 (2023): JUNI, ABDAU: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Publisher : Prodi PGMI STPI Bina Insan Mulia Yogyakarta

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This thesis examines the field of educational administration, particularly with regard to the skill and competency requirements of education administrators in the information age shaped by digital technology. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the skills that must be mastered by administrators in the field of educational administration in the midst of very rapid technological developments. The methodology used in this study is qualitative-descriptive and based on a literature review. The data in this study were collected through documentation techniques from various important sources regarding the topic. The results of the study conclude that in this digital era, there are great benefits in information access and connectivity, but also new challenges related to information reliability, privacy and data security. It is important for individuals and communities to use digital technology wisely and be aware of its impact, and to face the challenges of the digital era with effective and responsive efforts.
ABDAU : Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol 6 No 1 (2023): JUNI, ABDAU: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Publisher : Prodi PGMI STPI Bina Insan Mulia Yogyakarta

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The purpose of this study is to explore how the process of implementing thematic learning at SLBN 1 Yogyakarta which includes methods, strategies, techniques and the learning evaluation process. In this paper, researchers use a qualitative descriptive approach with components in the form of observation, interviews and documentation which then the collected data is then analyzed before a conclusion is drawn. The results of the research obtained are as follows: first, the method used in thematic learning at SLBN 1 Yogyakarta is a direct learning method in the form of teachers teaching material directly to students. Second, the strategy used is a drill strategy in the form of providing activities and exercises repeatedly with the aim of honing the ability of students. Third, the techniques used by teachers in the application of thematic learning to children with intellectual disabilities are thematic by providing rewards and punishments that are in accordance with the needs of students. Fourth, in the thematic learning evaluation process, schools look more at the improvements achieved by students. If there is no improvement, the school will still raise students in the next even though the learning to be delivered remains in the previous class.