Rani, Karina Citra
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Surabaya

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Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

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Pengadukan cepat bertujuan untuk mendispersikan koagulan secara merata ke dalam air baku untuk memacu pembentukan flok. Pada proses koagulasi menggunakan alum, interaksi yang terjadi adalah antara partikel koloid dengan produk hidrolisa aluminum yang terbentuk pada kondisi pH operasi tertentu. Produk hidrolisa aluminum terbentuk dalam waktu yang sangat singkat sehingga diperlukan pengadukan dengan intensitas tinggi agar spesies ini dapat teradsorpsi di permukaan koloid. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian awal guna mengembangkan rancangan penelitian pengaruh pengadukan pada koagulasi alum. Untuk melihat dampak pengadukan pada koagulasi dengan adsorpsi monomer dan polimer aluminum, perlu dilakukan proses koagulasi pada pH 4. Suspensi air baku diperluas dengan suspensi kekeruhan tinggi untuk mengkonfirmasi pecahnya flok. Guna mengatasi kendala kecepatan pengadukan jar-test yang terbatas maka diperlukan reaktor mini koagulasi-flokulasi-sedimentasi dengan motor pengaduk intensitas tinggi yang mencapai gradient kecepatan 16000 detik -1 .Keywords: coagulation, mixing, velocity gradient, adsorption, sweep coagulation  
The effects of croscarmellose sodium concentration on the physicochemical characteristics of orodispersible tablets of atenolol Parfati, Nani; Rani, Karina Citra
Pharmaciana Vol 8, No 1 (2018): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.318 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v8i1.7619


Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular diseases suffered by geriatric patients. Their physiological changes make the administration of conventional tablets less effective, especially regarding compliance. One approach to overcome this problem is the development of orodispersible tablets, which soften easily and disintegrate quickly in the oral cavity. Atenolol is a class of β-blocker functioning as an anti-hypertensive drug that has been extensively used in hypertension therapy, and it has the potential to being developed as orodispersible tablets. A faster disintegration of orodispersible tablets will facilitate an earlier onset of dissolution. The addition of superdisintegrants can reduce the disintegration time of these tablets. Croscarmellose sodium is a superdisintegrant that can decrease the disintegration time to less than three minutes. This study aimed to optimize the formula of orodispersible tablets of atenolol using different concentrations of croscarmellose sodium, namely 10% (formula 1) and 20% (formula 2). The physicochemical characteristics of the tablets were evaluated to determine the best formula. The evaluation included a comparison to the control formula (0% of croscarmellose sodium). The results showed that formula 1 (10% of croscarmellose sodium) produced orodispersible tablets with the best physicochemical characteristics regarding tablet hardness, friability, in vitro dispersion time, and disintegration time. Formula 1 (%Q30 minutes= 98.31%) also met the standard of the dissolution of atenolol tablets set by the Farmakope Indonesia, i.e., the percent of dissolved drug in 30 minutes has to be higher than 85%. The drug dissolution efficiency of formula 1 was twice higher than that of the control formula.
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 11, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v11i2.675


Moringa oleifera leaves potential to be developed as nutraceutical product because it contains amino acids, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, vitamin, and, minerals. Cereal is one of the nutraceutical products which can be developed using Moringa oleifera leaves as main ingredients. This research was conducted to develop Moringa oleifera leaves into dry instant cereals granules. The manufacturing process of this cereal was conducted using a wet granulation method. There are two formulas of Moringa oleifera leaves cereals which was developed in this research, formula 1 (without the arrowroot powder) and formula 2 (with arrowroot powder as a binder). Cereals of Moringa oleifera leaves in this study, then subjected to several evaluations such as physical characteristics of granules, viscosity, pH, proximate analysis based on SNI of cereal (SNI 01-4279-1996) (water content, coarse  fiber, levels of ash, protein, fat, and carbohydrates), and the levels of metals (Pb and Cu). The results showed that formula 1 and formula 2 fulfil the specification of physical characteristics of granules, viscosity, and pH. The results of proximate analysis (levels of ash, protein, carbohydrates, and metal content) revealed that both formula met the requirement of SNI. The results of fat content in cereals showed that formula 2 met the requirement of SNI, hence formula 2 did not meet the requirement. Based on these results, it can be inferred that Moringa oleifera leaves cereals which using arrowroot as a binder (formula 2) has fulfilled the nutrition requirements of SNI.
THE DEVELOPMENT OF PACKAGING DESIGN OF MORINGA TEA BAG AND MORINGA POWDER PRODUCTION OF KWT SRI REJEKI Rani, Karina Citra; Eka Jayani, Nikmatul Ikhrom; Darmasetiawan, Noviaty Kresna; Tandelilin, Elsye; Waluyo, Prayogo Widyastoto
JCES (Journal of Character Education Society) Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jces.v4i3.4713


Abstrak: Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Sri Rejeki Desa Bogo merupakan kelompok yang dibentuk oleh Bumdes Desa Bogo dalam bidang produksi berbagai macam produk berbasis kelor, antara lain teh dan serbuk kelor. Kualitas dan desain kemasan kedua produk yang selama ini digunakan masih terbatas dari segi stabilitas dan belum memberikan ciri khas produk. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan program pengembangan desain kemasan ini adalah untuk melakukan perbaikan kemasan kedua produk melalui pemilihan bahan kemas yang optimal, pemilihan komposisi warna yang meningkatkan atensi konsumen, penambahan logo ciri khas produk dan informasi produk. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan melalui pelatihan konsep desain kemasan, pendampingan penyusunan prototipe kemasan, dan aplikasi kemasan baru pada produk. Pelaksanaan kegiatan melibatkan KWT Sri Rejeki, tim PPDM Sentra Kelor, Bumdes Langgeng Makmur, dan Pemerintah Desa Bogo. Hasil program ini adalah kemasan baru untuk produk teh dan serbuk daun kelor dengan kualitas yang lebih baik, desain yang lebih menarik, dan terdapat informasi serta ciri khas produk. Penjualan produk mengalami peningkatan dan kepercayaan konsumen terhadap kualitas produk meningkat setelah digunakan kemasan baru luaran program ini.  Abstract:  Sri Rejeki Farming Women Group of Bogo village (KWT) is a group formed by Bumdes Desa Bogo in the production of various types of moringa-based products, including tea and moringa powder. The quality and packaging design of the two products which was previously used are still limited in terms of stability and do not yet provide product characteristics. The aim of implementing this packaging design development program is to renew the packaging of the two products by selecting optimal packaging materials, adjusting color compositions that increase consumer preferences, implementing product characteristic logos and product information. The method of implementing these activities is carried out through training on packaging design concepts, assistance in the preparation of packaging prototypes, and application of new packaging to the products. The implementation of this activity involved KWT Sri Rejeki, PPDM Sentra Kelor team, Bumdes Langgeng Makmur, and the Bogo Village Government. The result of this program is the new packaging for tea products and Moringa leaf powder with better quality, more attractive design, additional product information and, product characteristics. Product sales have increased and consumer confidence in product quality has increased after the use of new packaging resulted from this program.