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POLA PEMANFAATAN RUANG KORIDOR JALAN OLEH OJEK ONLINE (Studi kasus: Depan Kampus I UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan) Eli Lamria; Tin Budi Utami
Vitruvian : Jurnal Arsitektur, Bangunan dan Lingkungan Vol 8, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1228.135 KB) | DOI: 10.22441/vitruvian.2018.v8i1.003


Perkembangan teknologi membuat kehidupan manusia semakin mudah, termasuk juga dalam hal transportasi. Transportasi berbasis online, meskipun menjadi pilihan bagi masyarakat namun bukan berarti tanpa kendala.  Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi ojek online yaitu lahan parkir untuk menunggu penumpang. Para pengemudi harus mencari tempat - tempat yang ramai yang banyak terdapat mobilitas manusia seperti sekolah, kampus, pusat perbelanjaan, pasar tradisional dan lain lain dimana tempat-tempat tersebut sangat minim lahan untuk parkir, maka yang sering dilakukan oleh para pengemudi ojek online adalah menunggu penumpang secara berkelompok dengan rekan seprofesi dan memakai tempat yang tidak seharusnya untuk berhenti atau parkir. Penelitian ini membahas tentang pola aktifvitas yang dilakukan oleh pengemudi ojek online pada saat menaikkan, menurunkan dan menunggu order penumpang. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pola aktivitas berdasarkan waku dan memetakannya sehingga mudah dipahami. Penelitian ini juga membahas kaitan ojek online dengan sisi arsitektural yaitu pengaruh setting fisik lingkungan dengan pola aktifitas ojek online. Pada kesimpulan akan disampaikan poin utama dari penelitian yang dilakukan sehingga dapat menjelaskan secara padat penelitian yang telah dilakukan. The development of technology makes human life easier, including also in terms of transportation. Online-based transportation, although popular in the community but it does not mean without obstacles. One of the obstacles faced by an online motorcycle taxi is parking lot to wait for passengers. Drivers should look for crowded places where there is a lot of human mobility such as schools, campuses, shopping centers, traditional markets and other places where there is very little parking space, so often the drivers of online motorcycle taxi are waiting for passengers in groups and use places that are not supposed to stop or park. This study discusses the pattern of activities conducted by online motorcycle taxi drivers at the time of pick up, lowering and waiting for passenger orders. Research is done to know the pattern of activity based on time and mapping so easily understood. This study also discusses the relationship of online motorcycle taxis with the architectural side that is the effect of physical environment settings with the pattern of online motorcycle taxis activities. At the conclusion will be stated the main points of research conducted so as to explain the solid research that has been done.
Vitruvian : Jurnal Arsitektur, Bangunan dan Lingkungan Vol 7, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (779.33 KB)


ABSTRAKKawasan Permukiman Kayu Besar adalah permukiman perkampungan yang terletak di Kota Jakarta yang dikelilingi oleh kawasan Perkantoran Pantai Indah Kapuk. Dalam perkembangannya, kawasan permukiman tumbuh semakin padat, sehingga ruang terbuka semakin sempit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi permasalahan-permasalah yang berkaitan dengan pola pemanfaatan ruang terbuka dan faktor-faktor pembentuk ruang terbuka di pemukiman kampung kota. Keterbatasan ruang terbuka menjadi permasalahan dalam spasial kota dan interaksi sosial masyarakat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan teori Behavioral Mapping, pengumpulan data-data dari penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara survei lokasi, wawancara, dan mendokumentasikan kegiatan masyarakat kampung tersebut untuk kemudian dianalisis dengan metoda deskriptif kualitatif. Setelah dilakukan analisis dari data-data lokasi dan dikaitkan dengan teori-teori terkait, maka didapatkan kesimpulan umum bahwa pada kampung kota terjadi hubungan masyarakat yang masih memiliki sifat kekerabatan yang erat dan saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain baik dalam hubungan antar individu, antar kelompok maupun atar individu dan kelompok, pada ruang umum yang pada dasarnya merupakan suatu wadah yang dapat menampung aktivitas tertentu dari masyarakatnya. Secara khusus disimpulkan bahwa keterbatasan lahan yang ada tidak dijadikan masalah yang dapat menghambat warga pemukiman Kayu Besar untuk berinteraksi sosial. Kegiatan berkumpul tetap dapat dilakukan baik pada halaman rumah, koridor jalan, dan warung. Kebutuhan ruang yang cukup luas sehingga masyarakat memanfaatkan kali untuk membangun ruang komunal. Meskipun ruang berkumpul tersebut tidak responsive, tetapi dapat memenuhi aktifitas masyarakat sehingga menimbulkan kesan democratic, comfort, dan meaningful.Kata Kunci : Kampung Kota, Behavioral Mapping, Teritoritas, Ruang Publik, Kayu Besar ABSTRAKThe Area of Large Timber Habitation is a settlement located in Jakarta surrounded by the area of Indah Kapuk Beach Offices. In its development, residential areas grow increangly crowded, so that the open space is getting narrower. The objectives of this research are indentifying problems of utilization system of open space and factors forming open space in urban and rural settlements. The limitation of open space being a problem in the spatial city and social interaction of society. The reasearch method is by using Behavioral Mapping theory, datas collection of this research are obtained by survey in to location, interview, and documented that village society to analyzed by using qualitative descriptive method. After analyzed from location datas and associated with related theories, therefore, generally it can be concluded that in urban village occured society relationships that still had a close kinship and affected each other both in relationships between individuals, groups, athough individuals and groups, in a common space which was basically a container that can be accomodated certain activities from those societies. Specifically, it can be concluded that the limitation of existing land was not a problem that can be inhibited citizen of Large Timber habitation for social interacted. Gathering activities can still be done both on house yard, road corridor and stall. The necessity space was wide enough until society utilized river to build the communal space. Whereas, the gathering space was not responsive, but can be fulfilled activities of society until created democratic impression, comfort, and meaningful. Keyword: Urban Village, Behavioral Mapping, Teritoritas, Public Space,Kayu Besar
TIPOLOGI FASAD BANGUNAN PADA PENGGAL JALAN PERMUKIMAN PERKOTAAN Studi Kasus: Kampung Arab Pekojan, Jakarta Barat Ardi Kurniadi; Tin Budi Utami
Vitruvian : Jurnal Arsitektur, Bangunan dan Lingkungan Vol 5, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1745.372 KB)


ABSTRAKKawasan Pekojan di Jakarta menjadi titik awal perkembangan Kampung Arab yang lahir hampir bersamaan dengan lahirnya Kota Jakarta. Sejarah Islam di Indonesia telah menyisakan peninggalan/karya budaya yang berharga, salah satunya yaitu permukiman. Kampung Arab Pekojan kini termasuk ke dalam kawasan yang mengalami gejala penurunan kualitas kawasan yang mengakibatkan menurunnya kualitas lingkungan bersejarah. Sebagai perkampungan yang dikenal akan komunitas etnis Arab, Kampung Arab Pekojan juga diperkirakan akan memiliki potensi dalam pembentukan kawasan yang berkarakter. Potensi tersebut terbentuk dari karakter fisik sebagai komponen utama (tipologi fasad) dan ditunjang oleh keberadaan karakter non fisik (komunitas etnis) sebagai komponen penunjang, dengan memperhatikan sejarah perkembangan kawasan. Oleh karenanya perlu untuk mengidentifikasi tipologi fasad bangunan Kampung Arab Pekojan, Jakarta Barat. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian kualitatif-deskriptif. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan metode pengumpulan bahan dokumen/data dan metode pengamatan/observasi.Bangunan di Kampung Arab Pekojan menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan alam di Indonesia yang beriklim tropis. Karakter tipologi bangunan yang terdapat di Kampung Arab Pekojan saat ini merupakan bangunan dengan karakter style tertentu yaitu style arsitektur Indis (hindische). Terdapat beberapa elemen fasad yang saat ini masih mendominasi (identik) diantaranya yaitu bentuk atap. Kampung Arab Pekojan saat ini terbilang belum dapat menjadi kawasan permukiman yang berkarakter. Hal tersebut dikarenakan jumlah eksistensi/keberadaan komunitas masyarakat etnis Arab yang hanya berjumlah sedikit dan banyaknya temuan terkait keberadaan bangunan baru dengan menerapkan elemen fasad yang lebih modern, sehingga terlihat kontras dan berbeda dari fasad bangunan asli nya sebagai komponen utama pembentuk kawasan permukiman berkarakter yang belum terpenuhi.Kata Kunci : Tipologi, Karakter, Fasad, Kampung Arab, PermukimanABSTRACTKampung Arab which was born almost coincided with the birth of the city of Jakarta. The history of Islam in Indonesia has leaving heritage or valuable cultural works and one of them is settlement. Kampung Arab in Pekojan are now include in the area which experiencing symptoms of decline in the environmental quality which result quality degradation of historical region's. As a settlement which known for the ethnic Arab community, Kampung Arab Pekojan expected to have potential in the the establishment of characterization region. The potential of physical character as the main component (typology façade) and supported by the existence of a non physical character as a supporting component (ethnic communities). Therefore it necessary to identify the typology facade of building in Kampung Arab Pekojan. This research included in the types of qualitative-descriptive. The methods used by the collecting the material document/data and observation.The buildings in Kampung Arab Pekojan district adapting with natural tropical conditions in Indonesia. Characteristic of building typology which found in Kampung Arab in Pekojan district these days is building with a specific character with certain style of Indis Architecture (hindische). There are several elements of the facade which is still dominating (identical) among which the shape of the roof. Kampung Arab in Pekojan district currently can't be spelled out be a characteristic residential area. The reason is because the amount of the existence or presence of communities of Arab ethnics are few and the many findings related to the presence of new buildings by implementing elements of the modern facade, so that visible contrast and different from its original building facades as a main component forming the character of the settlement area that has not been fulfilled.Keywords : Typology, Character, Facade, Arab Village, Settlement
Vitruvian : Jurnal Arsitektur, Bangunan dan Lingkungan Vol 6, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1416.232 KB)


Kawasan Pekojan di Jakarta menjadi titik awal perkembangan Kampung Arab yang lahir hampir Kawasan Puri indah adalah kawasan yang terletak di provinsi DKI Jakarta , pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat ini membuat pemilik ruko / toko berlomba-lomba untuk menarik pengunjung mulai dari tampilan bangunan dll, ini juga yang terjadi di ruko kawasan Puri indah, ini membuat peneliti memilih kawasan ini untuk object penelitian ,peneliti ingin mencari tahu Tipologi fasad berdasarkan elemennya dari ruko ini, karakteristik setelah terjadinya perubahan dan faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya perubahan fasad bangunan ruko di penggal jalan Puri indah ini.Metode yang digunakan adalah Metode Kualitatif deskriptif , Beberapa bangunan yang telah dalam kondisi berubah menimbulkan efek perubahan pada elemen fasad secara tidak langsung (beberapa/sebagian) maupun keseluruhan, yaitu pada beberapa elemen-elemen fasad diantaranya: Bentuk Pintu, jendela, Signage, Atap ,Ornamen bangunan dan lainnya. Ruko di Puri Indah saat ini terbilang belum dapat menjadi kawasan permukiman yang berkarakter dari bangunan lamanya. Hal tersebut dikarenakan lebih dominannya bangunan yang telah merubah fasad bangunan, sehingga terlihat kontras dan berbeda dari fasad bangunan asli nya.Kata Kunci : Tipologi, Fasad dan Ruko
SINERGI Vol 23, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.295 KB) | DOI: 10.22441/sinergi.2019.2.010


The presence of real estate in South Tangerang cannot be separated from a surrounding settlement or new settlements that grew later. Regulation and design are more set-in real estate planning so that real estate tends to form an enclave for security and social image. Forming some type of physical boundary with surrounding residential of real estate perceived vary both by residents and outside the real estate. This study aims to map out how the perception of the surrounding community to the physical boundaries of real estate on a cluster pattern made by the developer, with research sites in Bintaro Jaya, South Tangerang. The method used observation and structured interviews with communities. The surrounding community has very positively responded to the presence of real estate, but the relationship with the institution is perceived as not useful because of the boundary design is more detrimental for them. Their participation in the plan has not been well accommodated so that access is closed unilaterally by the developer.The presence of real estate in South Tangerang cannot be separate from a surrounding settlement or new settlements that grew later. Regulation and design are more set-in real estate planning so that real estate tends to form an enclave for security and social image. Forming some physical boundary with surrounding residential of real estate perceived vary both by residents and outside the real estate. This study aims to map out how the perception of the surrounding community to the physical boundaries of real estate on a cluster pattern made by the developer, with research sites in Bintaro Jaya, South Tangerang. The method used observation and structured interviews with communities.The surrounding community has very positively responded to the presence of real estate, but the relationship with the institution is perceived as not useful because the boundary design is more detrimental for them. Their participation in the plan has not been well accommodated so that access is closed unilaterally by the developer.
The Process Occupying and Tending to the Use of Roads by Online Motorcycle Transportation Tin Budi Utami
International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research Vol 3, No 1 (2019): International Journal of Built Environment and Scientific Research
Publisher : Department of Architecture Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (343.146 KB) | DOI: 10.24853/ijbesr.3.1.31-38


Jakarta is increasingly improving its public transportation services. At present, a breakthrough in the development of transportation has been made, especially related to the protocol road. These include expanding Transjakarta routes, Mass Rapid Transit, and Light Rail Transit. The addition of the number of modes of transportation has an impact on the addition of the number of stations or stops. However, it does not match by the availability of the government in procuring land for connecting transportation modes into deeper areas. The formal and informal transportation providers as an introduction to integrated transportation users still use the highway corridor as their place to raise, lower, and wait for passengers. Not yet found a place to raise, lower, and wait for those around the top of the officially integrated mode of transportation from the government or service providers. Therefore, this study was conducted to see how the division of land used by providers of the integrated transportation mode connector. This research method is to observe the spread of land use providers of formal and informal transportation services.