Enny Sholichah, Enny
Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna - LIPI Jl. KS Tubun, No. 5, Subang, Jawa Barat - Indonesia

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PENGARUH PENINGKATAN KAPASITAS PRODUKSI MI JAGUNG KERING TERHADAP NERACA BAHAN (Effect of Scale up Dried Corn Noodle Production Capacity on Material Balance) Sholichah, Enny; Indrianti, Novita; Haryanto, Aidil
Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Industri Vol 28, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Baristand Industri Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (23.353 KB)


Implementation of dried corn noodle processing technology is required to enrich cornprocessing culture in our sociaty. However improvement of the process is still required to becommercially feasible. In general, scale-up production capacity will affect the operating conditionspecially to the material balance during the production process. Material balance used as a base infinalcial analysis dan feasibility study. This research aimed to study the effects of production capacityscale-up on material balance. In this study the weight of all material during corn noodle processingstages are recorded. The increment of corn noodle production capacities are 3, 4, 5 and 6 kg per batch.The results showed that final yields range from 63.3 to 64.5%. Production capacity scale-up is notsignificantly affected material balance during row material weighing,dough steaming,sheeting-slitting,drying and packaging. Production capacity scale-up increase the process efficiency during doughcompressing and noodle steaming stages, however decrease the mixing stage efficiency.
Proses Pembuatan Mi Jagung dengan Bahan Baku Tepung Jagung 60 Mesh dan Teknik (Sheeting-Slitting Process ofCorn Noodles based on Corn Flour 60 Mesh and Sheeting- Slitting Technique) Indrianti, Novita; Sholichah, Enny; A. Darmajana, Doddy
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 23, No 3 (2014): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (874.503 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v23i3.258


Mi jagung dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan melalui diversifikasi pangan pokok non gandum dan non beras. Salah satu faktor utama dalam pembuatan mi non gandum adalah tidak adanya fraksi gluten sehingga perlu dilakukan rekayasa proses dari jumlah penambahan air dan prosespemadatan adonan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan proses pembuatan mi jagung dengan perlakuan jumlah penambahan air dan pemadatan adonan. Bahan yang digunakan adalah tepung jagung 60 mesh (90 persen), tapioka (10 persen), guar gum, garam, dan air. Mi Jagung dibuat dengan tekniksheeting-slitting dengan tahapan proses : pencampuran 1, pengukusan, pencampuran 2, pemadatan adonan, pembuatan lembaran, pencetakan mi, pengukusan, pengeringan, dan pengemasan. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah 2 (dua) faktor yaitu jumlah penambahan air (50 persen, 53 persen, dan 55 persen terhadap tepung) dan banyaknya ulangan pemadatan adonan (2 kali, 8 kali, dan 15 kali). Parameter yang dianalisa pada masing-masing perlakuan meliputi karakteristik operasi (waktu pemadatan dan sisa bahan padat), karakteristik mi jagung (elongasi, cooking loss, kekerasan, kelengketan, dan kekenyalan). Proses pembuatan mi jagung dengan teknik sheeting-slitting yang paling baik dilakukan dengan penambahan air 53 persen dan pemadatan adonan 2 kali.Corn noodle developed to improve food security through diversification of non-staple food grain and non-rice. One of the major factors in the manufacture of non-wheat noodles is not that a significant fraction of gluten so it is necessary to process engineering of the amount of additionalwaterand dough compaction process. The purpose of this study is to process of making corn noodles with addition of water and the amount of compaction variables. The materials used were corn flour 60 mesh (90 percent), tapioca (10 percent), guargum, salt, and water. Corn noodles weremade with sheeting-slitting techniques with steppingprocess: mixing, steaming, mixing, compaction dough, sheet-making, printing noodles, steaming, drying, and packaging. The amount of water variables are 50 percent, 53 percent and 55 percent of flour. The number of replication in the dough compaction process variables are twice, eight times ang fifteen times. Parameters being measured by the characteristic of corn noodles produced, i.e.: cooking loss, elongation, hardness, adhesiveness, elasticity and the operating process characteristics such as compaction time and residual material. The result show that the best of amount of water to be added was 53 percent of the flour.While compaction time for the dough was twice.