Muhammad Harun
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo, Semarang

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Muamalah Vol 4 No 2 (2018): Muamalah
Publisher : Program Studi Muamalah Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum

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ABSTRACT The study is titled “Analysis Thought Muhammad Syafi'i Antonio about Riba and Interest Bank, with the background of the problem that in maintaining the benefit of human life from moral damages (morals), social, and economic then Islam firmly and definitely forbid usury. However, as the times progressed, Muslims began to be confronted with the contacts of western civilization where today's banking requires interest. Therefore, the concept of usury that is considered the final legal status began to undergo a review by Islamic reformers such as Muhammad Syafi'i Antonio. The problem raised in the writing of this thesis is how the thought of Muhammad Syafi'i Antonio about usury and bank interest, and what is the basis of the thought of Muhammad Syafi'i Antonio about usury and bank interest in Indonesian banking practices. The methodology of this study using a type of literature study (Library Reseach) which emphasizes the source of information from various materials bibliography, data collection techniques in this study is to collect data related to the thought of Muhammad Syafi'i Antonio. Then the data is analyzed by using descriptive qualitative data analysis method. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that Muhammad Syafi'i Antonio decided the position of bank interest and usury is the same and the law is haram, using adillat al-syari'ah (al-Qur'an and Sunnah), istinbath method of law maslahah almursalah and istihsan . Using a specific proposition and implementing general propositions as appropriate targets. As in usul fiqh rules, and economic views. Then Muhammad Syafi'i Antonio also asserted that scholars among whom A. Hasan who has justified usury, is less comprehensive in understanding and taking legal arguments. Keywords: Riba, Bank Interest, Thought, Muhammad Syafi'i Antonio.
Overview of the Judge's Forgiveness Concept Its Relation to The Legal Interests of Criminal Victims (RKUHP Concept Study) Muhammad Rifai Yusuf; Briliyan Erna Wati; Muhammad Harun; Tri Nurhayati
Walisongo Law Review (Walrev) Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/walrev.2021.3.1.8724


Judge forgiveness (rechterlijk pardon) is a new concept in the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) which authorizes judges not to impose a crime even though the defendant is proven guilty with several provisions as a condition of forgiveness. The position of the victim becomes important to discuss regarding the existence of this concept because the defendant who should be responsible for his actions can be released from the charge, on the other hand, the victim as the object of the crime, in general, is the party who has suffered losses for his legal interests. So, this concept ideally accommodates the interests of the victim adequately as a condition for forgiveness. The urgency of the victim's position in the concept was rechterlijk pardon further elaborated through a study entitled "An Overview of the Concept of Judge (Forgiveness Rechterlijk Pardon) concerning the Legal Interests of Criminal Victims (Concept Study of the 2019 RKUHP)". The focus of this research problem is to find out the history and concept of judge forgiveness in the RKUHP and to further review the concept of judge forgiveness about the legal interests of victims of criminal acts. This research is juridical-normative research using a historical approach, a comparative approach, and a conceptual approach. Sources of data used are data secondary consisting of legal materials (primary, secondary, tertiary). The method of collecting data is through literature or document studies and presented in a descriptive-analytical manner. The results showed that the formulation of rechterlijk pardon since the first RKUHP (1993) was motivated by the desire to include the goals and guidelines of punishment as a general principle of the Indonesian criminal system. While the concept is based on the "idea of balance" from the main elements of public interest and individual interests (actor-victim), actions and inner attitudes, certainty, flexibility, and justice. The current formulation does not represent this idea because the formulation is incomplete and clear regarding the terms of forgiveness so that from the victim's side there is uncertainty about the protection of his legal interests.Pemaafan hakim (rechterlijk pardon) merupakan konsep baru dalam Rancangan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (RKUHP) yang memberi kewenangan kepada hakim untuk tidak mengenakan pidana meskipun terdakwa terbukti bersalah dengan beberapa ketentuan sebagai syarat pemaafan. Posisi korban menjadi penting didiskusikan terkait keberadaan konsepsi, sebab terdakwa yang seharusnya mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya dapat dibebaskan dari tuntutan itu, di sisi lain korban sebagai objek kejahatan secara umum adalah pihak yang mengalami kerugian atas kepentingan hukumnya. Maka konsep ini idealnya mengakomodir kepentingan korban secara memadai sebagai syarat adanya pemaafan. Urgensitas kedudukan korban tersebut dalam konsep rechterlijk pardon dielaborasi lebih lanjut melalui penelitian dengan judul “Tinjauan Terhadap Konsep Pemaafan Hakim (Rechterlijk Pardon) Kaitannya dengan Kepentingan Hukum Korban Tindak Pidana (Studi Konsep RKUHP 2019)”. Fokus permasalahan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejarah dan konsep pemaafan hakim dalam RKUHP serta meninjau lebih jauh konsep pemaafan hakim kaitannya dengan kepentingan hukum korban tindak pidana. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis-normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis, pendekatan perbandingan, serta pendekatan konseptual. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang terdiri dari bahan-bahan hukum (primer, sekunder, tersier). Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan atau dokumen dan disajikan secara deskriptif-analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perumusan rechterlijk pardon sejak RKUHP pertama (1993) dilatarbelakangi oleh kehendak memasukkan tujuan dan pedoman pemidanaan sebagai prinsip umum sistem pemidanaan Indonesia. Sedangkan konsepsinya didasarkan pada“ ide keseimbangan” dari unsur pokok kepentingan umum dan kepentingan perorangan (pelaku-korban), perbuatan dan sikap batin, kepastian, fleksibilitas dan keadilan. Rumusan saat ini belum merepresentasikan ide tersebut disebabkan formulasi yang tidak lengkap dan jelas perihal syarat-syarat pemberian maaf sehingga dari sisi korban terdapat ketidakpastian perlindungan atas kepentingan hukumnya.
Philosophical Study of Hans Kelsen's Thoughts on Law and Satjipto Rahardjo's Ideas on Progressive Law Muhammad Harun
Walisongo Law Review (Walrev) Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/walrev.2019.1.2.4815


The purpose of this paper is to compare and evaluate the thoughts of Hans Kelsen with Satjipto Raharjo. Both offer their respective theories, namely Hans Kelsen's pure legal theory and Satjipto Rahardjo's progressive law. In this theory, both of them base their philosophical approach. After reviewing, the theories of these two figures are relevant for interpreting the law. This paper uses a critical paradigm with a combination of normative or doctrinal and sociological or non-doctrinal approaches. The results showed that Hans Kelsen directed his mind that legal positivism considers moral speech, values are finished and final when it comes to the formation of positive law. Pure Legal Theory is not a perfect copy of transcendental ideas, but it does not try to see the law as a posterity of justice. While Rahardjo's progressive law rests on the aspects of rules and behavior. Regulations will build a positive and rational legal system. While the behavioral or human aspects will drive the rules and systems that are built. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk membandingkan dan mengevaluasi pemikiran Hans Kelsen dengan Satjipto Raharjo. Keduanya menawarkan teori masing-masing, yaitu teori hukum murni Hans Kelsen dan hukum progresif Satjipto Rahardjo. Dalam teori ini, keduanya sama-sama mendasarkan pendekatan secara filosif. Setelah dikaji, teori dari kedua tokoh ini relevan untuk memaknai hukum. Tulisan ini menggunakan paradigima kritis dengan pendekatan kombinasi normatif atau doktrinal dan sosiologis atau non doktrinal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Hans Kelsen lebih mengarahkan pikirannya bahwa positivisme hukum yang menganggap pembicaraan moral, nilai-nilai telah selesai dan final manakala sampai pada pembentukan hukum positif. Teori Hukum Murni bukanlah salinan ide transendental yang sempurna, namun tidak berusaha memandang hukum sebagai anak cucu keadilan. Sementara hukum progresifnya Rahardjo bertumpu pada aspek peraturan dan perilaku (rules and behavior). Peraturan akan membangun suatu sistem hukum positif yang logis dan rasional. Sedangkan aspek perilaku atau manusia akan menggerakkan peraturan dan sistem yang dibangun. 
Jurnal Rechts Vinding: Media Pembinaan Hukum Nasional Vol 5, No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (460.935 KB) | DOI: 10.33331/rechtsvinding.v5i1.7


Kebijakan hukum pidana harus memperhatikan dan mengarah pada tercapainya tujuan dari kebijakan sosial berupa social welfare dan social defence , termasuk di dalamnya kebijakan penegakan hukum pidana pemilu . Sehingga produk hukum yang dihasilkan adalah hukum yang konsisten dengan falsafah negara, mengalir dari landasan konstitusi UUD NRI Tahun 1945 dan secara sosiologis menjadi sarana untuk tercapainya keadilan dan ketertiban masyarakat. Dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, penelitian ini berupaya menganalisis kebijakan formulasi tindak pidana pemilu legislatif saat ini, dan bagaimana reformulasi kebijakan hukum terhadap penegakan hukum pidana pemilu dalam menjaga kedaulatan negara. Kesimpulan yang di dapat bahwa terdapat maksud dari perumus undang-undang untuk mempersingkat waktu penyelesaian perkara pidana pemilu sehingga lebih cepat memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap, tetapi hal ini tidak ditunjang dengan produk hukum yang responsif. Oleh sebab itu penting untuk mereformulasi kebijakan hukum terhadap penegakan hukum pidana pemilu yang diharapkan dapat memenuhi rumusan konfigurasi politik demokratis dan karakter produk hukum responsif.Criminal law policy must consider and support the purpose of social policy: social welfare and social defense, including law enforcement on election criminal law. Every legal products should be consistent with the philosophy of the State, in line with the Constitution of UUD NRI 1945 and being a tool to achieve Justice and order in society. Using normative juridical method, this study attempt to anlyze the policy formulation on legislative elections crime right now, and how the reformulation of elections criminal law in order to maintain state sovereignty. The study conclude that there is the intention of the framers of the Act to shorten the time of election crime dispute settlement to gain the force of law faster. But it is not supported by a responsive legal product.Therefore it is important to reformulate legal policy on election criminal law enformcement which is expected to be able to meet the element of political democratic configuration and responsive legal product