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Peran Guru Dalam Mengembangkan Karakter Toleransi Anak Di PAUD Al-Barokah Koto Majidin Diair Rifyal Novalia; Titin Kusayang
At-Ta'lim : Media Informasi Pendidikan Islam Vol 22, No 1 (2023): JUNI
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/attalim.v22i1.9729


Abstract: The Role Of The Teacher In Developing The Character Of Child Tolerance In Early Children's Education Al-Barokah Koto Majidin Diair.This article aims to analyze the role of the teacher in developing the tolerance character of early childhood at PAUD Al-Barokah in Koto Majidin DiAir Village. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The results showed that the nature of tolerance found in early childhood at PAUD Al-Barokah, obtained 3 indicators, namely: 1) PAUD children like to share with friends, 2) PAUD children like to work with friends, 3) PAUD children do not make noise. Where the three indicators have gone well, but a small number of children are still found who need more guidance so that children can apply this tolerant attitude. How teachers apply tolerance to early childhood at PAUD Al-Barokah Koto Majidin DiAir Village, namely: 1) Encouraging children to share food, 2) Carrying out mutual cooperation activities, 3) Carrying out religious activities, 4) familiarity activities by embracing and holding hands, 5) building a culture of shaking hands. In this way, in general, the children were very enthusiastic and participatory in following the teacher's way. Even though there were still children who lacked focus in participating in these activities, over time the children one by one were able to give positive responses.Abstract: Peran Guru Dalam Mengembangkan Karakter Toleransi Anak Di Paud Al-Barokah Koto Majidin Diair Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap peran guru dalam mengembangkan karakter toleransi anak usia dini di PAUD Al-Barokah di Desa Koto Majidin DiAir. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sifat toleransi yang ditemukan pada anak usia dini di PAUD Al-Barokah, didapatkan 3 indikator yaitu: 1) Anak PAUD senang berbagi terhadap sesama teman, 2) Anak PAUD senang bekerja sama dengan teman, 3) Anak PAUD tidak membuat keributan. Dimana ketiga indikator tersebut sudah berjalan dengan baik, namun sebagian kecil masih ditemukan anak-anak yang perlu bimbingan lagi agar anak-anak dapat menerapkan sifat toleran tersebut. Cara guru menerapkan toleransi pada anak usia dini di PAUD Al-Barokah Desa Koto Majidin DiAir yaitu: 1) Mendorong anak untuk berbagi makanan, 2) Melaksanakan Kegiatan gotong royong, 3) Melaksanakan kegiatan religius, 4) kegiatan keakraban dengan cara merangkul dan bergandengan tangan, 5) membangun budaya bersalam-salaman. Dengan cara tersebut secara umum anak-anak sangat antusias dan partisipatif dalam mengikuti cara guru tersebut. Meskipun masih ada anak-anak yang kurang fokus dalam mengikuti kegiatan tersebut, namun seiring dengan berjalannya waktu anak-anak satu persatu sudah dapat memberikan respon yang positif.
AMIN: International Journal of Islamic Education and Knowledge Integration Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): AMIN: International Journal of Islamic Education and Knowledge Integration
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32939/amin.v1i2.3052


Early childhood class B at At-Taqwa Setu Bekasi Islamic Kindergarten uses the Tilawati method to improve their understanding of Hijaiyah letters. The goal of this study is to determine whether teaching the tilawati technique to young children in class B TK At-Taqwa Setu Bekasi will improve their ability to recognize hijaiyah letters. This study employs the classroom action research methodology. Two cycles, each with two sessions, were used for this study. The study's participants were 22 kids from class B of At-Taqwa Islamic Kindergarten. The typical student has a 0% success rate during the pre-cycle and is included in the undeveloped (BB) criterion. The early childhood class B at Islamic Kindergarten At-Taqwa Setu Bekasi found that adopting the tilawati method to teach kids to recognize hijaiyah letters dramatically increased pupils' ability in this area. The study's end results showed that student achievement in cycle I was 27% whereas it was 100% in cycle II. This supports the assertion that there was a significant increase from cycle I to cycle II.
Jurnal Muara Pendidikan Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Muara Pendidikan, Vol 8 No 2, Desember 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52060/mp.v8i2.1508


This research aims to determine the development of the ability to recognize letters in RA. At-Taqwa Kumun. This classroom action research uses the Kemmis and Mc Taggart model which includes four stages, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. The population in this study were 13 children in RA At-Taqwa Kumun group B aged 5-6 years. The data collection techniques for this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research show that using flannel board media can improve children's ability to recognize letters in RA. At-Taqwa Kumun, Sungai Penuh City. This can be seen from the results of the pre-cycle, cycle 1 and cycle 2 which experienced an increase. The score obtained by pre-cycle children was 47.5%. In cycle 1 the score obtained by the child was 59.72%. In cycle 2 the score obtained by the child was 66.53%.