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Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management Vol. 2 No. 1 (2011): Marine Fisheries: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Laut
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.294 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jmf.2.1.19-28


One of ways to increase the fishing operation effectiveness is done by using fish aggregating device (FAD) called rumpon. The types of FAD used in Kei Kecil waters made from bamboos or plastic drum material. This research objectives are (1) determining catch composition around FAD, (2) comparing the effectiveness of two types of FAD on fishing operation, and (3) comparing the effectiveness of fishing gears, operated around the FAD. The method that used in this research was doing survey through observing fishing activities around the FAD. Fishing gear and FAD samples were determined through purposive sampling method. These data were collected from August to October 2007 in Kei Kecil Waters of South East Maluku. The kind of fish catch around FAD were scad mackerel, frigate mackerel, and barred spanish mackerel. The most dominant of catch was scad mackerel (80%), whereas percentage e of frigate mackerel and barred spanish mackerel were 19% and 1%. The composition of the length size of scad mackerel, frigate mackerel, and barred spanish mackerel were dominated by the large size. Type of bamboo FAD was more efective compared with the plastic drum FAD type. Purse seine fishing was more efective compared with gillnet and troll line fishing that operated around rumpon.
Pengaruh Ukuran Mata Jaring Bottom Gill Net Di Perairan Ohoi Namar Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Yuliana Anastasia Ngamel; Julianus Notanubun; Imanuel Musa Thenu; Benediktus Jeujanan
Jurnal Sumberdaya Akuatik Indopasifik Vol 7 No 3 (2023): Agustus
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46252/jsai-fpik-unipa.2023.Vol.7.No.3.306


Fish resources Utilization in Southeast Maluku waters uses fishing gear, one of them is the bottom gill net. This study aims to determine the composition of fish species caught with different bottom gill net mesh sizes and the effective mesh size. The method used in this study was an experimental method of fishing with different mesh sizes, namely 2.5 inches and 3 inches, as well as data analysis using the paired sample t test. There were five types of catch obtained at a mesh size of 2.5 inches, namely Bubara fish (Carangoides bajad) totaling 54 individuals (22.41%), Cockatoos (Skarus dimidiatus) 46 individuals (18.67%), Samandar (Siganus canaliculatus 35 individuals (14.52%), Sikuda (Lethrinus atkinsoni) 39 individuals (12.45%) and Jackfruit seeds (Parupeneus indikus) totaling 24 individuals (9.96%).The mesh size of 3 inches obtained the type of Cockatoo fish (Skarus dimidiatus) totaled 27 individuals (30.58%), Jackfruit seeds (Parupeneus indikus) 14 individuals (15.91%), Bubara (Carangoides bajad) 13 individuals (14.77%), Samandar (Siganus canaliculatus) 11 individuals (12 .50 %) and sand (Pentapodus nagascokiensis) 6 (6.62 %). The total weight of the catch in basic gill nets with different mesh sizes, namely a 2.5-inch mesh size, obtained a total catch weight of 49,731.44 grams with an average catch per operation of 4,521.04 grams, while for mezh size 3 inches of 21,615.51 grams with an average per operation of 1,965.05 grams. Based on the paired sample t-test, it showed a significant difference in the use of different mesh sizes on the total weight of the catch, where the total weight of the catches obtained in the 2.5-inch treatment was more than in the 3-inch treatment, which means that hypothesis H1 is accepted Hₒ rejected.
Perbedaan Umpan Pada Alat Tangkap Handline Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Di Perairan Ohoi Wetuar Maluku Tenggara: Differences In Bait On Handline Fishing Gear On Catches In The Waters Of Ohoi Wetuar, Southeast Maluku Thertoliana Rahaten; Benediktus Jeujanan; Yuliana Anastasia Ngamel
Jurnal Rosenberg Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Politeknik Perikanan Negeri Tual

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Handline atau pancing ulur merupakan salah satu alat tangkap sederhana yang terdiri atas hook (mata pancing) dan line (tali), yang kemudian pada mata pancing diberi umpan sebagai rangsangan untuk memikat ikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan penggunaan umpan terhadap hasil tangkapan alat tangkap handline. Umpan yang digunakan terdiri dari umpan buatan dan umpan alami. Umpan alami sendiri terdiri dari jenis ikan tembang (Sardinella sp) dan cacing laut. Umpan buatan menggunakan benang sutra dengan beraneka warna. Waktu pengambilan data dilakukan selama 15 hari. Selama 15 hari dilakukan penangkapan ikan dengan handline, tertangkap 4 jenis ikan. Jenis ikan yang tertangkap adalah kakap merah (Lutjanus campechanus), lencam (Lethrinus sp), alu-alu (Sphyraena barracuda), dan cucut (Rhizoprionodon acutus). Umpan ikan tembang menarik bagi semua jenis ikan sehingga total tangkapan berjumlah 56 individu. Umpan cacing hanya menangkap jenis ikan lencam, namun jumlah tangkapannya yang lebih tinggi yakni 84 individu. Umpan buatan ternyata tidak efektif karena hanya menangkap 2 jenis ikan dengan jumlah yang sedikit yakni 4 individu. Umpan yang menggunakan ikan pada umumnya adalah ikan mati karena memiliki bau yang lebih menyengat.