Achmad Tohari
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

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Dakwatul Islam Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Dakwatul Islam
Publisher : Prodi Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam STAI Diniyah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46781/dakwatulislam.v7i2.669


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat persoalan di Desa Mojopurogede Kabupaten Gresik Jawa Timur yang memiliki stigma buruk mengenai aspek religiusitas antara masyarakat. Penelitian ini menjelaskan secara rinci mengenai konstruksi sosial antara remaja masjid dengan masyarakat Desa Mojopurogede dengan menggunakan analisis dari konstruksi sosial Peter L Berger, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini termasuk kualitatif analitis dengan menggunakan data yang berupa literatur maupun jurnal yang masih ada kaitannya dengan tema dan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi dengan melakukan wawancara yang dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan data yang valid. Temuan yang dicapai dari penelitian ini berupa pemahaman mengenai konstruksi sosial di Desa Mojopurogede perspektif Peter L Berger yakni: Pertama, Ekternalisasi menjadi faktor terciptanya pola pikir remaja masjid terhadap persoalan kurangnya aspek religiusitas masyarakat Desa Mojopurogede. Kedua, Objektivasi yakni sebuah pemahaman yang dilakukan oleh remaja masjid kepada masyarakat Desa Mojopurogede ke dalam pemikiran terhadap segala bentuk ataupun kegiatan. Ketiga, Internalisasi dimana antara masyarakat mojopurogede dengan remaja masjid menginterpretasikan interaksi sosial kepada norma-norma yang disepakati bersama Kata kunci: Nilai Religiusitas, Konstruksi Nilai Religius, Analisis P. L. Berger Abstract This study aims to look at the problems in the village of Mojopuro Gede, Gresik Regency, East Java, which has a bad stigma regarding aspects of religiosity among the community. This study describes in detail the social construction between mosque youth and the Mojopuro Gede village community using analysis from Peter L Berger's social construction, the methods used in this study include qualitative analysis using data in the form of literature and journals that are still related to the theme and use data collection techniques in the form of observation by conducting interviews intended to obtain valid data. The findings obtained from this research are in the form of an understanding of social construction in Mojopuro Gede Village from the perspective of Peter L Berger, namely: First, externalization is a factor in creating the mindset of young mosques towards the issue of weaknesses in the aspects of religiosity in the Mojopuro Gede village community. Second, objectivation, namely an understanding carried out by mosque youth to the Mojopuro Gede Village community in the form of thoughts on all forms or activities. Third, internalization in which the Mojopuroged community and mosque youth interpret social interaction according to mutually agreed norms. Keywords: Religious Value, Religious Value Construction, Analysis of P.L. Berger.
Islamic Thought Offers in the Polemic of Fanaticism Religious Communities in Indonesia Achmad Tohari
West Science Islamic Studies Vol. 2 No. 01 (2024): West Science Islamic Studies
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsiss.v2i01.582


This research aims to look at offers in inter-religious dialogue in Indonesia regarding the polemic of religious fanaticism. This research explains the Islamic thought approach of Nurcholis Madjid and Amin Abdullah using analytical descriptive methods which include qualitative research with data in the form of literature and journals that are still related to the theme. The data collection technique is a literature study that relies on the books Islam, Modernity and Indonesianness from Nurcholis Madjid and Religious Studies: Normativity or Historicity from Amin Abdullah and related journals. The findings achieved from this research are in the form of an understanding of the ideas of historicity, normativity and religious inclusivism which explains that all three have the same approach in creating peace in Indonesia. historicity with historical, anthropological and sociological approaches, both of which must be united to be able to see the diversity of Indonesian society. Nurcholis Madjid with the idea of inclusivism, he criticizes religious traditions which tend to be formalistic textualists, thus changing them with a normative-historical approach and a classical-modern approach to be contextualized in the diversity of Indonesia's pluralistic society. It can be seen that these two Islamic thinkers have contributed ideas that can be actualized for the continuation of peace between religious communities in Indonesia. Therefore, both of them have approaches that can be used in dialogue between religious communities as an offer to polemics about religious fanaticism in Indonesia.