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Pendekatan Lean Six Sigma dan Taguchi untuk Mengatasi Masalah Pengemasan dan Pemasaran Produk Wedang Uwuh Instan Sruput Yunitasari, Elly Wuryaningtyas; Nurhayati, Emmy
SENATIK STT Adisutjipto Vol 3 (2017): Dukungan Teknologi Untuk Pengembangan Industri Dirgantara Indonesia
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (170.173 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/senatik.v3i0.109


Wedang Uwuh Instan Sruput is one of the business unit of Industrial Engineering Program,Faculty of Engineering,Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta.Wedang Uwuh Sruput is an innovative manufacture of wedang uwuh into instant from the original form of whole and raw spices.The resulting product results sometimes have different quality/taste in each production process.The purpose of this research is to improve product quality of Wedang Uwuh Instan Sruput,improve the composition of herb wedang uwuh product,improve the concept of packaging and improve the marketing of the wedang uwuh products.The object of this research is Wedang Uwuh Sruput Prodi Teknik Industri UST.The materials used are instant wedang uwuh maker such as ginger,clove leaf,cinnamon leaf, secang wood,cloves,lemongrass,sugar and water.Identification is done on factors that affect product quality in order to create the same product in the market.The experiment was conducted by performing several times of Wedang Uwuh Sruput production with several variations of composition/formula using Taguchi method to maintain product consistency and quality.In this experiment there are 4 factors(sugar,ginger,water and secang)with 3 level design,that is 2,8 kg;2.9 kg and 3.0 kg for sugar,1.0 kg;1.2 kg and 1.4 kg for ginger,water is 5.0 L;5.2 L and 5.4 L,while the secang is 200 gr,210 gr,220 gr.The difference of the output of Wedang Uwuh Sruput is caused by the difference of sugar content,the difference of ginger content,the difference of the amount of water and the difference of the number of secang used,the use of different raw material specification,the length of production process is not same and the production process is still manual.The result shows that Waste which has the highest weight is waiting with the value of 0.252 at rank 31.Then the calculation of sigma value at early check is at the level of 3,001 sigma and final check at 2,455 sigma level.From the calculation of sigma level can be seen that the level of quality in Business Unit Wedang Uwuh "Sruput" is still far from lean six sigma target.Therefore,the advice given to the Business Unit Wedang Uwuh "Sruput" in the form of corrective actions that have been analyzed in this study.It was found that the most appropriate composition based on consumer preferences was Sugar 2.9 kg;Ginger 1.4;Water 5 L; and Wood Secang 200 gr. Keywords: Lean Six Sigma, Taguchi, Packaging, Marketing, Wedang Uwuh Instan Sruput
DINTEK Vol 11 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Dintek Vol 11 No. 2 September 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMMU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.174 KB)


              Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah upaya melakukan peningkatan kinerja.Target khusus penelitian ini adalah menghilangkan waste yang terjadi dalam proses sekaligus meningkatkan kapabilitas pada proses. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Lean Six Sigma.Lean Six Sigma merupakan kombinasi antara Lean dan Six Sigma dapat didefinisikan sebagai filosofi bisnis, pendekatan sistemik dan sistematik untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghilangkan pemborosan atau aktifitas-aktifitas yang tidak bernilai tambah (non value added activities) melalui peningkatan terus menerus untuk mencapai tingkat kinerja enam sigma,dengan cara mengalirkan produk (material,work in process,output) dari pelanggan internal dan eksternal untuk mengejar keunggulan dan kesempurnaan berupa hanya memproduksi 3,4 cacat untuk setiap satu juta kesempatan atau operasi (3,4 DPMO). (Gasperz.2006, hal 1-2).Integrasi antara Lean dan Six Sigma akan meningkatkan kinerja melalui peningkatan kecepatan dan akurasi (zero defect).Pendekatan Lean akan memperlihatkan non value added (NVA) dan value added (VA) serta membuat value added mengalir secara lancar sepanjang value stream process,sedangkan Six Sigma akan mereduksi variasi dari value added itu. (Gasperz.2006, hal 9).Perumusan masalah yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi non value added activities dan waste.Tahapan dalam melakukan penelitian ini yaitu menghitung Data Value Add dan Non Value Add,menghitung Process Cycle Time (PCE),menghitung Sigma Level,mengidentifikasi dan menghitung waste serta mengetahui penyebab terjadinya waste processes menggunakan Fish Bone Diagram,melakukan analisis dengan metode FMEA. Perbaikan total lead time dari 710 menit,setelah dilakukan perbaikan menjadi 681 menit.Diperoleh peningkatan sebesar 29 menit.Nilai efisiensi sebelum perbaikan adalah 60,56% kemudian setelah dilakukan perbaikan naik menjadi 58,88%.
DINTEK Vol 11 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Dintek Vol 11 No. 2 September 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMMU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.174 KB)


              Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah upaya melakukan peningkatan kinerja.Target khusus penelitian ini adalah menghilangkan waste yang terjadi dalam proses sekaligus meningkatkan kapabilitas pada proses. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Lean Six Sigma.Lean Six Sigma merupakan kombinasi antara Lean dan Six Sigma dapat didefinisikan sebagai filosofi bisnis, pendekatan sistemik dan sistematik untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghilangkan pemborosan atau aktifitas-aktifitas yang tidak bernilai tambah (non value added activities) melalui peningkatan terus menerus untuk mencapai tingkat kinerja enam sigma,dengan cara mengalirkan produk (material,work in process,output) dari pelanggan internal dan eksternal untuk mengejar keunggulan dan kesempurnaan berupa hanya memproduksi 3,4 cacat untuk setiap satu juta kesempatan atau operasi (3,4 DPMO). (Gasperz.2006, hal 1-2).Integrasi antara Lean dan Six Sigma akan meningkatkan kinerja melalui peningkatan kecepatan dan akurasi (zero defect).Pendekatan Lean akan memperlihatkan non value added (NVA) dan value added (VA) serta membuat value added mengalir secara lancar sepanjang value stream process,sedangkan Six Sigma akan mereduksi variasi dari value added itu. (Gasperz.2006, hal 9).Perumusan masalah yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi non value added activities dan waste.Tahapan dalam melakukan penelitian ini yaitu menghitung Data Value Add dan Non Value Add,menghitung Process Cycle Time (PCE),menghitung Sigma Level,mengidentifikasi dan menghitung waste serta mengetahui penyebab terjadinya waste processes menggunakan Fish Bone Diagram,melakukan analisis dengan metode FMEA. Perbaikan total lead time dari 710 menit,setelah dilakukan perbaikan menjadi 681 menit.Diperoleh peningkatan sebesar 29 menit.Nilai efisiensi sebelum perbaikan adalah 60,56% kemudian setelah dilakukan perbaikan naik menjadi 58,88%.
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscientia Vol 12 No 2 Februari 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

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PT. ISI is one of the furniture industries in Bantul area. In that area there are a lot of advanced furniture industries. To compete with similar company, we need a perfect product quality to gain the trust of consumer. Thus good quality control effort is needed by PT. ISI to be able to compete and continue to grow. The problems from this research that is what type of defective product that occur and how the quality of the final product at PT. ISI. The steps in this research are first collecting defect product data, calculating Center Line (CL), Upper Control Limit (UCL) and Lower Control Limit (LCL) and then identifying cause and effect of defects using a fishbone diagram. There are five types of defects in the production process of PT ISI, the five types of defects are broken or cracked, the color is not appropriate, scratch, impact former and lamination. The implementation of the final product quality control at PT ISI is still within the control limit, this can be seen in the control chart graph which shows no deviation that occur from the upper control limit and the lower control limit.
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscientia Vol 12 No 2 Februari 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


PT. ISI is one of the furniture industries in Bantul area. In that area there are a lot of advanced furniture industries. To compete with similar company, we need a perfect product quality to gain the trust of consumer. Thus good quality control effort is needed by PT. ISI to be able to compete and continue to grow. The problems from this research that is what type of defective product that occur and how the quality of the final product at PT. ISI. The steps in this research are first collecting defect product data, calculating Center Line (CL), Upper Control Limit (UCL) and Lower Control Limit (LCL) and then identifying cause and effect of defects using a fishbone diagram. There are five types of defects in the production process of PT ISI, the five types of defects are broken or cracked, the color is not appropriate, scratch, impact former and lamination. The implementation of the final product quality control at PT ISI is still within the control limit, this can be seen in the control chart graph which shows no deviation that occur from the upper control limit and the lower control limit.
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscientia Vol 13 No 2 Februari 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

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Di PT. ABC masih banyak ditemukan defect, yaitu bocor body, nyacah bocor, melipat tidak bocor, dan sebagainya, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengendalian kualitas terhadap produk yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kualitas dengan cara meminimalkan jumlah defect pada PT. ABC. Metode yang digunakan adalah seven quality control tools (7QC tools). 7QC tools terdiri dari histogram, check sheet, pareto chart, cause and effect diagram, flow process diagram, scatter diagram, dan control chart. Data yang diperlukan yaitu data defect kemasan pada produk akhir Tortilla 15 gram. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi langsung. Pengujian dan pengambilan data dilakukan di area packing. Berdasarkan penelitian ini diketahui jenis defect kemasan yaitu defect melipat, bocor nyacah, bocor body/bocor film, bocor BS/LS, bocor melipat, dan bocor T-Seal. Korelasi antara jumlah defect kemasan dengan jumlah sampel sangat kuat, yaitu sebesar 94,4%. Defect terbesar terjadi pada melipat yaitu sebesar 47,2%. Defect kemasan pada Divisi Tortilla dipengaruhi oleh man, machine, method, dan material. Peningkatan kualitas produk akhir yang perlu dilakukan adalah memperketat pengawasan, rutin dilakukan pemeriksaan mesin maupun penggantian bagian mesin jika diperlukan, dibuat standar baru terkait pitingan pada mesin, memastikan operator paham instruksi kerja, serta dilakukan training berkala kepada operator.
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscientia Vol 13 No 2 Februari 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

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Di PT. ABC masih banyak ditemukan defect, yaitu bocor body, nyacah bocor, melipat tidak bocor, dan sebagainya, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengendalian kualitas terhadap produk yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kualitas dengan cara meminimalkan jumlah defect pada PT. ABC. Metode yang digunakan adalah seven quality control tools (7QC tools). 7QC tools terdiri dari histogram, check sheet, pareto chart, cause and effect diagram, flow process diagram, scatter diagram, dan control chart. Data yang diperlukan yaitu data defect kemasan pada produk akhir Tortilla 15 gram. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi langsung. Pengujian dan pengambilan data dilakukan di area packing. Berdasarkan penelitian ini diketahui jenis defect kemasan yaitu defect melipat, bocor nyacah, bocor body/bocor film, bocor BS/LS, bocor melipat, dan bocor T-Seal. Korelasi antara jumlah defect kemasan dengan jumlah sampel sangat kuat, yaitu sebesar 94,4%. Defect terbesar terjadi pada melipat yaitu sebesar 47,2%. Defect kemasan pada Divisi Tortilla dipengaruhi oleh man, machine, method, dan material. Peningkatan kualitas produk akhir yang perlu dilakukan adalah memperketat pengawasan, rutin dilakukan pemeriksaan mesin maupun penggantian bagian mesin jika diperlukan, dibuat standar baru terkait pitingan pada mesin, memastikan operator paham instruksi kerja, serta dilakukan training berkala kepada operator.
Penerapan TQM Untuk Pengendalian Kualitas Pada Proses Penenunan Di Tenun Bantarjo Yunitasari, Elly Wuryaningtyas; Wijaya, Fikri Singgih
DHARMA BAKTI Dharma Bakti- Vol 4 No 2 - Oktober 2021
Publisher : LPPM IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

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Quality control is a crucial issue in the weaving process at Bantarjo Weaving. Therefore, in 2019 at Bantarjo RT 17 RW 09, Banguncipto, Sentolo, Kulon Progo, community service was conducted by becoming a speaker at the Bantarjo weaving group with the theme Application TQM for quality control in the weaving process in Bantarjo weaving. We find the cause of weaving defects and reduce weaving defects; quality control efforts need to be analysed. The percentage of weaving defects becomes small using the Fishbone method and the Total Quality Management (TQM) approach. Supervision is carried out on each process of weaving woven fabrics to obtain quality woven fabric products. The Bantarjo Weaving Group controls the quality of all matters relating to the production process, from the raw materials used from preparing raw materials such as yarn and dyes to the operation of unification of woven fabrics. The method that can be used to overcome product defects is to identify the work process flow of woven fabric. The Fishbone Diagram method is one of the methods/tools in improving quality. This diagram is also often called a cause-and-effect diagram. Of all the processes of making woven fabrics, it is necessary to control and continuously improve if there are product defects. Defective products are used to make other products, so they are not wasted. From the Industrial Engineering Study Program team, we, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, made the Bantarjo weaving group as our mentor.
Pendekatan Lean Six Sigma dan Taguchi untuk Mengatasi Masalah Pengemasan dan Pemasaran Produk Wedang Uwuh Instan Sruput Yunitasari, Elly Wuryaningtyas; Nurhayati, Emmy
SENATIK STT Adisutjipto Vol 3 (2017): Dukungan Teknologi Untuk Pengembangan Industri Dirgantara Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28989/senatik.v3i0.109


Wedang Uwuh Instan Sruput is one of the business unit of Industrial Engineering Program,Faculty of Engineering,Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta.Wedang Uwuh Sruput is an innovative manufacture of wedang uwuh into instant from the original form of whole and raw spices.The resulting product results sometimes have different quality/taste in each production process.The purpose of this research is to improve product quality of Wedang Uwuh Instan Sruput,improve the composition of herb wedang uwuh product,improve the concept of packaging and improve the marketing of the wedang uwuh products.The object of this research is Wedang Uwuh Sruput Prodi Teknik Industri UST.The materials used are instant wedang uwuh maker such as ginger,clove leaf,cinnamon leaf, secang wood,cloves,lemongrass,sugar and water.Identification is done on factors that affect product quality in order to create the same product in the market.The experiment was conducted by performing several times of Wedang Uwuh Sruput production with several variations of composition/formula using Taguchi method to maintain product consistency and quality.In this experiment there are 4 factors(sugar,ginger,water and secang)with 3 level design,that is 2,8 kg;2.9 kg and 3.0 kg for sugar,1.0 kg;1.2 kg and 1.4 kg for ginger,water is 5.0 L;5.2 L and 5.4 L,while the secang is 200 gr,210 gr,220 gr.The difference of the output of Wedang Uwuh Sruput is caused by the difference of sugar content,the difference of ginger content,the difference of the amount of water and the difference of the number of secang used,the use of different raw material specification,the length of production process is not same and the production process is still manual.The result shows that Waste which has the highest weight is waiting with the value of 0.252 at rank 31.Then the calculation of sigma value at early check is at the level of 3,001 sigma and final check at 2,455 sigma level.From the calculation of sigma level can be seen that the level of quality in Business Unit Wedang Uwuh "Sruput" is still far from lean six sigma target.Therefore,the advice given to the Business Unit Wedang Uwuh "Sruput" in the form of corrective actions that have been analyzed in this study.It was found that the most appropriate composition based on consumer preferences was Sugar 2.9 kg;Ginger 1.4;Water 5 L; and Wood Secang 200 gr. Keywords: Lean Six Sigma, Taguchi, Packaging, Marketing, Wedang Uwuh Instan Sruput
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscientia Vol 14 No 2 Maret 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34151/technoscientia.v14i2.3591


One of the problem of supply chain management is a bullwhip effect that causes less than an ideal system supply chain.. As well as UMKM Marrone, which is an industry home-based production of brownies, often experienced the bullwhip effect due to the forecasting are not properly uodated and fluctuations in demand in certain season. The bullwhip effect is one causes swelling of the cost of production. However, bullwhip effect can be anticipated by using a method of vendor managed inventory where the level of vendor controls both of the amount of production, distribution of the products are based on the demand of consumers. The result about the application of the bullwhip effect with the vendor managed inventory method based on the calculations of the BE parameter 1,15 the calculation of the BE value after and before VMI at the level of UMKM Marrone original steamed 1,17 to 0,54; double cheese 1,21 becomes 0,50, at the outlet Adiwerna original steam 1,17 become 0,56; double cheese 1,16 becomes 0,51, at outlet of Brebes orginal steam 1,17 become 0,51;double cheese  1,17 become 0,49, the outlet Mejasem original steam 1,17 become 0,52;double cheese 0,74 to 0,49,at Tegal original steam 1,16 become 0,55; double cheese 2,27 become 0,51.