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Jurnal Ecopsy Vol 2, No 3 (2015): JURNAL ECOPSY : JURNAL ILMU PSIKOLOGI
Publisher : Psychology Study Program, Medical Faculty, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (598.037 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/ecopsy.v2i3.1934


ABSTRAK Kasus pembunuhan berencana menjadi kejahatan yang tidak jarang terjadi di negeri ini. Narapidana pelaku pembunuhan berencana akan menjalani hukuman dalam waktu yang cukup lama yaitu terancam hukuman pidana mati atau pidana penjara seumur hidup atau selama-lamanya 20 tahun. Pidana penjara tersebut mengakibatkan perampasan kemerdekaan, dan menimbulkan akibat negatif terhadap hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan dirampasnya kemerdekaan itu sendiri. Berdasarkan pengalaman membunuh dan pengalaman masuk penjara, maka narapidana pelaku pembunuhan berencana akan mengalami rekosntruksi struktur eksistensi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis fenomenologi eksistensi narapidana pelaku pembunuhan berencana di salah satu Lembaga Pemasyarakatan di Kalimantan Selatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada dua orang subjek narapidana pelaku pembunuhan berencana dengan menggunakan metode penelitian analisis fenomenologi eksistensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua subjek dapat merekonstruksi eksistensi dan mewujudkan eksistensi dalam proses pembinaan di lembaga pemasyarakatan dengan caranya masing-masing. Rekonstruksi eksistensi pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, manusia perlu melakukan penyesuaian terhadap dirinya sendiri untuk dapat menemukan eksistensi atau arti dari keberadaan dirinya di dunia ini dengan menjaga sikap yang optimis dalam menentukan pilihan hidup. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, akan lebih baik jika peneliti terlebih dahulu menguasai keterampilan mengadakan analisis fenomenologi eksistensi dan mengguakan tekhnik-tekhnik pengumpulan data yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan agar hasil temuan lebih maksimal dan akurat. Kata kunci: eksistensi, pembunuhan berencana, narapidana  ABSTRACT Cases of premeditated murder become the most common crime in this country. Convicts of the murder perpetrators will be sentenced for a long time, namely under sentence of death penalty or imprisonment for life or for 20 years. Imprisonment results in deprivation of freedom, and negative impacts on matters relating to the deprivation of the freedom itself. Based on the experience of killing and experience of staying in jail, the convicts of murder perpetrators will experience reconstruction of existence structure. The purpose of this study was to analyze the phenomenology of existence in the convicts of of premeditated murder cases murder cases at the Correctional Institution. This study was conducted in two convicts of premeditated murder cases using an analysis of phenomenology of existence. The results showed that the two subjects could reconstruct the existence and made the existence in the process of correction in prison with their own way. Reconstruction of the existence indicated that humans need to make adjustments to themselves to be able to discover the existence or the meaning of their existence in this world to keep an optimistic attitude in determining the choice of life. In conducting this study, it would be better if the researcher first mastered the skills of conducting an analysis of phenomenology of existence and used the data collecting techniques in accordance with the requirements in order to maximize the results and the accuracy. Keywords: existence, premeditated murder, convicts 
Supervision and Assistance in Resolving Problematic Loans at Tangguh Mitra Bersama Cooperative Perkasa, Ripho Delzy; Rismawati, Lia; Aulia, Rina; Delaila, Ifani
ProBisnis : Jurnal Manajemen Vol. 15 No. 3 (2024): May-June: Management Science
Publisher : Lembaga Riset, Publikasi dan Konsultasi JONHARIONO

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The Solid Partner Cooperative is a people's economic entity that plays a crucial role in supporting the local economy. However, like other financial institutions, cooperatives also face challenges in resolving problematic credits that can affect their stability and operational sustainability. Therefore, this journal adopts a qualitative research approach to analyze the coaching and assistance strategies in handling problematic credits at the Solid Partner Cooperative. The research findings indicate that a deep understanding of cooperative principles, active member involvement in decision-making, transparency and accountability in financial management, and collaboration with other financial institutions or financial experts are key factors in cooperative management coaching. A strong understanding of cooperative principles creates a solid foundation for members and cooperative managers to carry out operational activities and make strategic decisions. Active member involvement in decision-making creates a democratic and inclusive environment, strengthening member trust in the cooperative. Transparency and accountability in financial and operational management form a strong foundation for building trust and integrity among members and other stakeholders. Collaboration with other financial institutions or financial experts is an effective strategy in supporting the resolution of problematic credits. By gaining additional access to financial resources, objective advice and insights, and alternative solutions from parties with extensive knowledge and experience, cooperatives can better address credit issues.