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THE USE OF COMPOST Chromolaena odorata TO IMPROVE SOIL POTASSIUM Rani Saimara Putri; Arthur G. Pinaria
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Terapan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): EDISI JANUARI-JUNI 2021
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/jat.v2i1.34065


The needs of the agricultural products in large quantity and quality demands increased attention to the management of the nutrient Potassium. This is because Potassium is the most absorbed of food crops, especially cereal crops such as rice and corn are the increase of productivity or production continues to be encouraged. Based on data from the nutrient uptake of Potassium, to achieve the productivity of paddy rice, corn, cassava, and soybean respectively to 4.7 t, the 2.7 t, the 12.2 t, and 1.2 t/ha, nutrient Potassium is absorbed in a row 122,4 kg, of 49.7 kg, to 76.0 kg, and 25.6 kg/ ha. This value is equivalent to 235,4 kg, to 95.7 kg, 146,3 kg and to 49.3 kg KCl/ha. Potassium is an essential nutrient needed by plants in large quantities, even to the plants of rice and cassava exceed the needs of N.Keywords:  corn; compost. Abstrak                             Kebutuhan produk pertanian dalam jumlah besar dan berkualitas menuntut peningkatan perhatian terhadap pengelolaan hara Kalium. Hal ini karena Kalium paling banyak diserap tanaman pangan, terutama tanaman serealia seperti padi dan jagung yang peningkatan produktivitas atau produksinya terus dipacu. Berdasarkan data serapan hara Kalium, untuk mencapai produktivitas padi sawah, jagung, ubi kayu, dan kedelai masing-masing 4,7 t, 2,7 t, 12,2 t, dan 1,2 t/ha. Hara Kalium yang terserap berturut-turut 122,4 kg, 49,7 kg, 76,0 kg, dan 25,6 kg/ ha. Nilai ini setara dengan 235,4 kg, 95,7 kg, 146,3 kg, dan 49,3 kg KCl/ha. Kalium sebagai hara esensial dibutuhkan tanaman dalam jumlah banyak dan bahkan untuk tanaman padi dan ubi kayu melebihi kebutuhan N. Kata kunci: jagung; kompos.
PEST CONTROL Thrips sp. USING TRAP COLOR ON THE PLANTS of RED PEPPER (Capsicum annum L.) Wadilkota Ngilamele; Arthur G. Pinaria
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Terapan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): EDISI JULI-DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/jat.v1i2.34071


Red pepper (Capsicum annum L.) is one kind of important vegetable that has high economic value and is suitable to be developed in tropical areas such as Indonesia. Pepper is largely used for household consumption and partly for export in the form of dry, sauce, flour, and others. Specifically in the Province of North Sulawesi, red pepper including one commodity crop of vegetables featured is the needs of the community of North Sulawesi chili is very high. The commodity cultivated on dry land both the highlands and the lowlands. Productivity of pepper plants can be reduced caused by the disruption of a variety of Plant pests (OPT), one of which is the insect pests of the Order Thysanoptera, family Thripidae, better known by the name of Thrips sp. Keywords: Thrips sp., red pepper. AbstrakCabai merah (Capsicum annum L.) merupakan salah satu jenis sayuran penting yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi dan cocok untuk dikembangkan di daerah tropika seperti di Indonesia. Cabai sebagian besar digunakan untuk konsumsi rumah tangga dan sebagiannya untuk ekspor dalam bentuk kering, saus, tepung dan lainnya. Khusus di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, cabai merah termasuk salah  satu komoditi tanaman sayuran unggulan karena kebutuhan masyarakat Sulawesi Utara akan cabai sangat tinggi. Komoditi cabai banyak diusahakan di lahan kering baik dataran tinggi maupun dataran rendah. Produktivitas tanaman cabai dapat berkurang disebabkan oleh gangguan berbagai Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman (OPT), salah satunya yaitu serangga hama dari Ordo Thysanoptera, famili Thripidae atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Thrips sp.Kata kunci : Thrips sp., cabai merah.