Ricky Thio
Faculty of Law, University of 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta

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Unraveling The Bottleneck: A Technolegal Approach To Trademark Disputes In The Era Of Technological Disruption Ricky Thio; Rio Christiawan
Jurnal Pamator : Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Trunojoyo Vol 16, No 3: July - September 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/pamator.v16i3.20293


Especially in the era of technological disruption where massive changes occur, or refer to considerable changes in how businesses are run caused by technological advances. These changes are accelerating and impacting all aspects of the business, from how products are designed, manufactured, and marketed to how customer service is provided. All businesses have intellectual property, especially new inventors who have emerged in the era of technological disruption. We may not own a patent for our inventions, but we all own a trademark for our business. Trademarks can be images, logos, or terms used to advertise and represent our products. A trademark is a kind of intellectual property right known as a trademark. Therefore legal protection in Indonesia for Mark must be realized. Because globally, the issue of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) has received serious attention in terms of economic relations or domestic and international trade. Especially countries that have traded products based on Intellectual Property Rights because Intellectual Property Rights are essential because goods and services as trade products are permanently attached to a specific name or entity that differentiates one product from another. There is a "bottleneck" of intellectual property law against trademarks because there are still many trademark disputes. The same trademark or a trademark that resembles the same class with different owners can be a disaster for companies that cannot compete. A bottleneck in intellectual property law can become various legal issues, including trademark disputes. This will be counter-productive in the era of technological disruption, so it becomes an urgent need to make improvements starting with registering trademarks using technological assistance. This legal phenomenon is studied and analyzed using a technological approach known as technolegal. Technolegal, which etymologically comes from combining the words "technology" and "law." In technolegal studies, technology is used to increase legal effectiveness and efficiency. By combining technology and law, the expected output from technolegal studies is the development of a new and more effective model of legal regulation.