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Pengaruh Penerapan e-SPT PPN terhadap Kualitas Informasi (Survei Pada KPP Pratama Cimahi) Khamid, Abdul
Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Vol 7 No 2 (2015): Jurnal Riset Akuntansi
Publisher : Program Studi Akuntansi | Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis | Universitas Komputer Indonesia

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The purpose of this research was to determine how much influence the e-SPT PPN to the information quality. The method used in this research is descriptive method with using explanatory survey, verification with quantitative approach. With a population of 46 and sample of 32 respondent. The test statistic used is the calculation of validity and relibility testing using software SPSS 19.0 for windows. Results of testing the hypothesis in this study show that (1) the implementation of e-SPT PPN has an influence on the information quality. Keywords: e-SPT PPN, Information Quality
Indikator: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen & Bisnis Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Indikator: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen & Bisnis

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Abstract. This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of workload, work climate and work environment on the performance of Koramil 02 Batu Ceper Tangerang soldiers. The sampling method used is a saturated sample. From a population of 50 soldiers, a total sample of 50 soldiers. The method of collecting data using a questionnaire and the analysis used in this study is multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that workload, work climate and work environment together together (simultaneously) significantly influence the performance of soldiers. Partially the workload has a significant effect on the performance of soldiers. The work climate and work environment have a significant effect on the performance of soldiers.Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh beban kerja, iklim kerja dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja Prajurit Koramil 02 Batu Ceper Tangerang. Metode sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik sampling jenuh. Dari populasi 50 orang prajurit menjadi sampel sebanyak 50 prajurit. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beban kerja, iklim kerja dan lingkungan kerja secara bersama sama-sama (simultan) berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja. Secara parsial beban kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja. Iklim kerja dan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap kinerja.
Implementasi Pembelajaran Tajwid dan Ketrampilan Membaca Al-Qur’an dalam Materi Al-Qur’an Hadist Khamid, Abdul; Prasmanita, Dea; Munawaroh, Rif’ah; Zamroni, Ahmad; Nasitoh, One Emi
Attractive : Innovative Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Attractive : Innovative Education Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51278/aj.v2i2.38


This research is an attempt to implement recitation and reading skills of the Qur'an in the material of the Qur'an in class VII students at Al Manar Bener Tengaran MTs. In a teaching and learning activities it is not enough just to transfer knowledge and lecture only. As a teacher must have the skills and methods of learning that are fun so that learning can be achieved effectively and efficiently. The main questions to be answered through this research are (1) How is the implementation of recitation and reading skills of the Qur'an in learning the Qur'an ' an Hadith of grade VII students at MTs Al Manar Bener Tengaran ?, and (2) What are the Obstacles and Solutions in the implementation of recitation and reading skills in the Qur'an in learning the Qur'an Hadith of grade VII students at MTs Al Manar Bener Tengaran ?. To answer these questions, this research uses a qualitative approach by sharing the stages in its research. Based on literature review and research results in the field, the research can conclude that the results of research on the implementation of recitation and reading skills of the Qur'an in learning the Qur'an Hadith VII grade students at MTs Al Manar Bener Tengaran in planning, implementing, evaluating as well as obstacles and solutions in the learning process in accordance with the material taught namely recitation and the skills in reading the Qur'an. Keywords: Tajwid Learning, Reading Skill of Al Qur]an
Indikator: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/indikator.v3i2.11866


Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh beban kerja, iklim kerja dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja Prajurit Koramil 02 Batu Ceper Tangerang. Metode sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik sampling jenuh. Dari populasi 50 orang prajurit menjadi sampel sebanyak 50 prajurit. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beban kerja, iklim kerja dan lingkungan kerja secara bersama sama-sama (simultan) berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja. Secara parsial beban kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja. Iklim kerja dan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap kinerja. Penelitianinibertujuanmengujidanmenganalisispengaruhbebankerja,iklimkerjadanlingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja Prajurit Koramil 02 Batu Ceper Tangerang. Metode sampling yangdigunakan adalah teknik sampling jenuh. Dari populasi 50 orang prajurit menjadi sampel sebanyak 50prajurit.Metodeanalisisyangdigunakandalampenelitianiniadalahregresilinearberganda.Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbebankerja,iklimkerjadanlingkungankerjasecarabersamasama-sama(simultan)berpengaruhsecarasignifikanterhadapkinerja.Secaraparsialbebankerjaberpengaruhsignifikan terhadap kinerja. Iklim kerja dan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadapkinerja. 
The Implementation of Ta'lim Muta'allim Book in Forming Ethics to Provide Parents Khamid, Abdul; Chusna, Nur Cholisatul
Bulletin of Science Education Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Bulletin of Science Education
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

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Devotion to parents is obligatory for every child. The obligation of the child to be filial to both parents can be applied and learned through the Koran. Koran is prioritized in Islamic educational institutions, namely Islamic boarding schools. Pondok pesantren is an educational institution that prioritizes moral education, especially morals for parents, referring to kitan ta'lim muta'allim. The objectives of this study were (1) To determine the ethics of filial piety to both parents in the book Ta'lim Muta'allim (2) To determine the implementation of the book Ta'lim Muta'allim in boarding school Manba'ul Qur'an and Bustanul Muta'allimin. To achieve this goal, the researcher used field research, namely the researcher conducted direct research on the object under study, namely the management and caregivers of the Bustanul Mua'allimin and Manba'ul Qur'an Islamic Boarding Schools and collected data found in the field. The data collection used by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The results of this research are as follows: (1) Ethics of filial piety to parents are as follows: Do not cross in front of him, do not occupy his seat, do not start a conversation except with his permission, do not talk a lot next to him, do not ask something boring, do not knock door but be patient until he comes out, seeks the pleasure of the teacher and avoids his anger, upholds his orders as long as he does not violate religious teachings, respects and cherishes his children and anyone associated with him. 2). The implementation of filial ethics for both parents at the boarding school: Tahlil and pilgrimage to the grave, reciting the muta'allimin ta'lim book, giving good examples, praying for parents, respecting parents, appreciating parental gifts, salim / kissing hands when traveling, helping homework, using polite language, not interrupting when advised. Thus, this research can be used as a reference for conducting a more in-depth study of the book ta'lim muta'allim and devoted to both parents. Keywords: Book of Ta'lim Muta'allimin, Ethics, Devoted to Parents
Parenting for Mother's Careers for Children during Covid-19 in Islamic Education Nurina, Annisa Indah; Khamid, Abdul
Bulletin of Science Education Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Bulletin of Science Education
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

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The article aimed to knowing the upbringing patterns by career mother on children in islamic education during COVID-19 pandemic in Tlompakan village, Tuntang, Semarang Regency in year of 2020 . The type of this study was qualitative research. The subject of this research were the career mothers. The data collected through observation, interview, and documentation. The result of the study shows that most of mothers who have had career in the Tlompakan village, Tuntang , Semarang Regency in year of 2020, during COVID-19 pandemic has characteristics: 1) Make a study schedule, 2) Communication, 3) Study from home, more islamic education, 4) Divide the role of parenting. Because of the importance of a mother's upbringing toward children in islamic education, they had involved and teaching islamic education to their children since from the womb. Keywords: Parenting for Careers, Parenting in Covid-19, Islamic Education in Covid-19 Pandemic
Penggunaan Metode Decision Tree untuk Mendeteksi Keterlambatan Masa Studi Mahasiswa Diperguruan Tinggi Brebes Ramdhan, Nur Ariesanto; Khamid, Abdul
Syntax Literate Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Publisher : CV. Ridwan Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1010.971 KB) | DOI: 10.36418/syntax-literate.v6i10.4367


Keberhasilan masa studi dalam pengelolaan suatu akademik diperguruan Tinggi salah satu diantaranya adalah ketepatan mahasiswa dalam menempuh studinya. Masih banyaknya mahasiswa yang tidak lulus tepat waktu merupakan masalah yang serius bagi suatu perguruan tinggi. Mengetahui permasalahan itu diperlukan pengolahan data akademik untuk mendapatkan pola atau pengetahuannya untuk mengambil suatu keputusan. Melalui Educational Data Mining (EDM) merupakan penerapan metode Datamining dalam menganalisis data yang tersedia dan dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan. Melalui data akademik kelulusan pada mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Sipil Universitas Muhadi Setiabudi dapat diperoleh suatu pohon keputusan beserta aturannya untuk dapat memprediksi masa studi mahasiswa, data yang digunakan untuk merancang pohon keputusan ini terdiri dari 1 special atribut (atribut kelulusan) dan 12 atribut regular (JK, status kerja, umur, IPS1, IPS2, IPS3, IPS4, IPS5, IPS6, IPS7, IPS8, IPK). Dalam membuat analisa data menggunakan Algoritma C4.5 dengan menggunakan 77 sampel, dari hasil yang didapatkan terlihat bahwa model keputusan dengan siswa yang dalam lulus tepat waktu adalah mahasiswa yang memiliki tingkat nilai akurasi sebanyak 98.00%, dengan presisi terlambat 95.45% dan tepat 100%, Class recall terlambat 100%, dan recall tepat 96.55%. Pengujian dengan rapidminer terbukti efektif dan fleksibel dengan hasil perhitungan yang tepat.
Syntax Literate Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Publisher : CV. Ridwan Publisher

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Perkerasan jalan di Indonesia umumnya mengalami kerusakan awal (kerusakandini) antara lain diakibatkan pengaruh temperatur (cuaca) air. Ketika musim hujandi Indonesia khususnya sering di temukan genangan-genangan air dijalan setelahterjadi hujan dan tak jarang menimbulkan kerusakan pasca kejadian ini. Olehsebab itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk melihat pengaruh yang terjadi akibatkejadian alam tersebut terhadap perkerasan jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh yang terjadi terhadap karakteristik aspalAC-WC melaluiiimarshall test yang direndam oleh air hujaniiidenganmenggunakaniiiaspal penetrasi 60/70. Campuran yang digunakan pada penelitianini terdiri dari campuran yang diperuntukkan untuk (AC-WC) yaitu terdiri dari CA,MA, FA, dan NS dengan aspal penetrasi 60/70. Karakteristik yang diukur denganmenggunakan alat Marshalladalah stabilitas, kelelehan, marshall quotient (MQ),void in mix (VIM), serta void in mineral aggregate e(VMA).Dalam penelitian inidilakukan perendaman dengan air hujan dengan waktu perendaman 1 x 24 jam, 2 x24 jam, 3 x 24 jam, 4 x 24 jam dan 5 x 24 jam. Hasil dari penelitian inimenunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang diakibatkaniiiperendaman iiiairhujan. Secara keseluruhan, semakin lama campuran aspal yang terendam oleh airhujan akan berpengaruh pada kinerja perkerasan yang mengakibatkan akanmengalami kehilangan durabilitas atau keawetan dengan bertambahnya lamaperendaman.Kata Kunci : Air Hujan, Lama Perendaman, VIM, VMA, MQ, Kelelehan, Stabilitas