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Normative Approach in the Study of Islamic Law Based On The Thoughts Of Charles J Adams Yudi Hamsah
Tazkir: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Keislaman Vol 9, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/tazkir.v9i1.6911


This article discusses Islamic law which is in the spotlight of many groups, especially western scientists who feel moved to study Islamic law with various theories to solve all the problems contained in Islamic law. In this article the author uses library research by collecting various literatures that discuss normative approaches in the study of Islamic law according to Charles J Adams. The results of this study stated that Charles J Adams studied Islam by using his theory, namely using normative and descriptive approaches. The normative approach consists of three parts: the Traditional Missionary Approach, the Irenic (peaceful) Apologetic Approach, the Descriptive Approach, the Philological and Historical Approach, and the Phenomenological Approach. Broadly speaking, the approach offered by Charles J. Adams refers to an approach to Islamic studies based on the values of the basic norms or rules that come from God. The scope of Charles J. Adams' approach includes the Koran, hadith, the prophet Muhammad, pre-Islamic Arabic, Kalam, Sufism, Shia and Popular Religion. One of the thinkers from Indonesia, namely Amin Abdullah, also coined his theory. The first is the problem of understanding Islam, which so far has been understood as a standard dogma. These two types of approaches are theological-normative and historical-empirical approaches are indispensable in viewing the diversity of pluralistic societies.
Konsep Pengembangan Dalam Pendidikan Islam dI Era Society 5.0 Yudi Hamsah
Mimbar Kampus: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Agama Islam Vol 23 No 1 (2024): Mimbar Kampus: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Agama Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah IAI Nasional Laa Roiba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/mk.v23i1.3619


This article contains the concept of development in Islamic education in the era of society 5.0. Talking about education is certainly one of the ideals of all human beings to increase their dignity as a moral human being. Through education we get a variety of knowledge consisting of social, economic, religious and so on. Education that is no less important is Islamic education, because in Islamic education we are taught how to be good human beings. In this era of society, we are supported by very adequate facilities and infrastructure, of course with the presence of gadgets that we can use to learn and teach without having to spend extra energy. With just a cellphone and internet quota, students can access all forms of education through electronic media. The presence of changing times certainly makes its own development for Islamic education. Keywords: Development, Islamic Education, Era of Society Abstrak Artikel ini memuat tentang konsep pengembangan dalam pendidikan Islam di era society 5.0. Berbicara mengenai pendidikan tentu merupakan salah satu cita-cita dari seluruh manusia untuk meningkatkan harkat dan martabat sebagai manusia bermoral. Melalui pendidikan kita mendapatkan berbagai ilmu pengetahuan yang terdiri dari sosial, ekonomi, agama dan lain sebagainya. Pendidikan yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah pendidikan Islam, karena dalam pendidikan Islam kita diajarkan bagaimana menjadi manusia yang baik. Di era society ini, kita di dukung oleh sarana dan prasarana yang sangat memadai, tentu dengan hadirnya gadget yang bisa kita manfaatkan untuk belajar dan mengajar tanpa harus mengeluarkan tenaga yang ekstra. Cukup dengan bermodal handphone dan kuota internetan, para pelajar sudah bisa mengakses segala bentuk pendidikan melalui media elektronik. Hadirnya perubahan zaman tentu membuat perkembangan tersendiri bagi pendidikan Islam. Kata Kunci : Pengembangan, Pendidikan Islam, Era Society
Analysis of Islamic Law of Working Capital Finance Practises for UMKM at PT PNM Mekaar Syariah, Labuapi, West Lombok Yudi Hamsah
Alhurriyah Vol 8, No 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30983/al hurriyah.v8i1.6096


This article contains an analysis of Islamic law on the practice of working capital financing for UMKM at PT PNM Mekaar Syariah, Labuapi Branch, West Lombok's. This study aims to determine the status of Islamic law on the practice of UMKM working capital financing at PT PNM Mekaar Syariah. This research is included in the type of field research that uses an normative-empirical approach in which the researcher looks at phenomena that occur in the field and then compares them with the provisions of Islamic law. The results of this study indicate that the practise of Working Capital Financing for UMKM PT PNM Mekaar Syariah, Labuapi, West Lombok is not in accordance with the fiqh muamalah law. This is because, in the practise of financing business capital at PT PNM Mekaar Syariah, Labuapi, West Lombok, it uses a murabahah contract in carrying out an agreement with a wakalah contract where the customer is given the power to buy goods according to their needs, but there are some customers who do not use the capital as they should be.Artikel ini memuat tentang analisis hukum Islam terhadap praktik pembiayaan modal kerja bagi UMKM pada PT PNM Mekaar Syariah cabang Labuapi, Lombok Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status hukum Islam terhadap praktik pembiayaan modal kerja UMKM pada PT PNM Mekaar Syariah. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan normatif-empiris yang mana peneliti melihat fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan kemudian dikomparasikan dengan ketentuan hukum Islam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Praktik Pembiayaan Modal Kerja UMKM PT PNM Mekaar Syariah cabang Labuapi Lombok Barat tidak sesuai dengan kaidah hukum fiqh muamalah. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam praktik pembiayaan modal usaha di PT PNM Mekaar Syariah cabang Labuapi, Lombok Barat menggunakan akad murabahah dalam melakukan perjanjian dengan akad wakalah yang dimana pihak nasabah diberikan kuasa untuk membeli barang sesuai dengan kebutuhannya, akan tetapi ada sebagian nasabah tidak menggunakan modal tersebut sebagaimana mestinya.
Al-Usroh Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Hukum Keluarga Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/al-usroh.v3i2.2019


This study aims to find out how polyandry marriages are practiced in Wolwal Village, Alor Barat Daya District, Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. This type of research is a type of qualitative research using field research methods, so that researchers go directly to the community and obtain valid data. The procedure of this research is data collection, data reduction, data presentation and the stage of verification or drawing conclusions. Based on the data collected then analyzed using a sociological normative approach, namely by assessing the facts or realities that exist in society or the values ​​that are held in society, whether marriage is in accordance with the rules of Islamic teachings or actually deviates. The instruments used were observation, interviews, and documentation related to polyandry marriages in Wolwal Village. Based on the research results obtained, the researchers concluded that there were polyandry marriages in Wolwal Village. This marriage was caused on the basis of ignorance about the marriage procedure recommended by Islamic law and also other factors that increased within the perpetrator of the marriage so that the marriage took place. Meanwhile, in a sociological review of Islamic law, there is a prohibition in polyandry marriages due to the fact that in this marriage there will be defects in family relations or in society in general and not knowing the biological children of the couple.