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The Transformation of Jayengrana Dance from the Perspective of Anthony Giddens’s Structuration Theory Sumiati, Lilis
TAWARIKH Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : ASPENSI in Bandung, Indonesia

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ABSTRACT: Transformation in structuration theory is caused by two things which are the roles of the agents and the interest in system construction purpose. Change of structure in the transformation, according to Anthony Giddens (2011), is limited to the actions of the agents to modify the existing structure. It means that the initial structure is not then removed, but still acts as the main basis. The application of the structuration theory on dance can be found in the case of transformation of “Jayengrana” dance which has endured significant changes after its proliferation. “Jayengrana” dance is one of dancing repertoires in Sumedang’s “wayang” dance genre in West Java, Indonesia. The potential in “Jayengrana” dance is shown in its phenomenal proliferation. The level of the proliferation can be seen not only in local and regional level, but also in international one. The agent involving in this phenomenon of the transformation of “Jayengrana” dance is R. Ono Lesmana Kartadikusumah (Ono) in Sumedang and Iyus Rusliana in Bandung. The agents of change for “Jayengrana” dance give their creativity which has modifying qualities aiming to fulfill the system’s needs, aesthetic demands, and today’s theatrical elements of dancing performances. Finally, “Jayengrana” dance, as a treasure of “wayang” dance Sumedang style, must be conserved in terms of its originality and also can be a model for the dance which will always be open for the reconstruction.KEY WORDS: Transformation, structuration theory, “Jayengrana” dance, Anthony Giddens, R. Ono Lesmana Kartadikusumah (Ono) and Iyus Rusliana, and agent of change.About the Author: Lilis Sumiati, M.Sn. is a Ph.D. Student at the Faculty of Humaities UNPAD (Padjadjaran University), Jalan Raya Sumedang-Bandung, Jatinangor, West Java; and also as a Lecturer at the STSI (Indonesia’s Art College) Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Corresponding author is: lilissumiati1411@yahoo.comHow to cite this article? Sumiati, Lilis. (2014). “The Transformation of Jayengrana Dance from the Perspective of Anthony Giddens’s Structuration Theory” in TAWARIKH: International Journal for Historical Studies, Vol.5(2) April, pp.223-236. Bandung, Indonesia: ASPENSI [Asosiasi Sarjana Pendidikan Sejarah Indonesia] and UVRI [Universitas Veteran Republik Indonesia], ISSN 2085-0980.Chronicle of the article: Accepted (February 1, 2014); Revised (March 3, 2014); and Published (April 28, 2014).
Purpose Of Art Dan Kontribusinya Dalam Transformasi Budaya (Studi Kasus: Tari Jayengrana) Sumiati, Lilis
PANGGUNG Vol 25, No 1 (2015): Kontribusi Seni Bagi Masyarakat
Publisher : LP2M ISBI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26742/panggung.v25i1.12


 Tatanan budaya memiliki sifat elastis dan dinamis mengekor pada empunya pencetus ke- budayaan yang tiada lain adalah manusia. Sifatnya yang demikian berpeluang mengalami pe- rubahan menuju cita dengan pencitraan berbeda. Kebenaran budaya, agama, ilmu, dan filsa- fat sekalipun, senantiasa menjadi kejaran setiap insan dalam ruang dan waktu yang berbatas. Upaya menggapai perubahan budaya terkadang berbenturan dengan tatanan budaya tradisi. Suatu paradoksal antar dua sisi yang berbeda bahkan menjadi penghantar menuju keabadian.Perubahan budaya berdampak pada berbagai pola kehidupan tak terkecuali tekstual tarian. Perihal ini mewujud karena berhadapan dengan laku kreatif  para seniman yang didasarkan pada maksud seni (purpose of art ) yang pada setiap sistem menganut perbedaan. Kata kunci: Budaya, purpose of art, tekstual tarian, transformasi
Tari Wayang Karakter Satria Ladak Sumiati, Lilis
PANGGUNG Vol 22, No 1 (2012): Menggali KEkayaan Bentuk dan Makna Seni
Publisher : LP2M ISBI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26742/panggung.v22i1.35


Wayang dance is a dance expressing events in the stories of wayang. The events here among oth- ers are dances revealing the background of the story, theme, the name of the dance, characters, and philosophical elements. Of those various elements, the scope in this study is limited into matters of satria ladak character.Wayang dance satria ladak character living in several areas contains some significant differences in several aspects. The term differing the specialty of wayang dance is called sejak. The scope of se- jak is more for one’s style in dancing dance genre from the same ethnic. Therefore, the term sejak is firstly come out when seeing one’s performance in dancing, either referred to her/his choreography or to her/his specialty in performing the dance. Then, sejak owned by the individual is spread among his/her surrounding, so that it can be an icon in respective areas.The quantity of Wayang dance satria ladak is varied in each areas, such as sejak Sumedang is Dipati Karna dance. While Sejak Garut is Bambang Somantri dance, and sejak Bandung is Arayana dance. These materials are chosen as samples for comparative and interpretative study.Keywords: Wayang Dance, Satria Ladak, Sejak, comparative, interpretative.  
PHARMACON Vol 7, No 1 (2018): Pharmacon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35799/pha.7.2018.18723


ANALISIS EFEKTIVITAS BIAYA TERAPI ANTIHIPERTENSI PADA PASIEN HIPERTENSI RAWAT INAP  DI RSU PANCARAN KASIH GMIM MANADO Lilis Sumiati1), Gayatri Citraningtyas1), Adithya Yudistira1)1)Program Studi Farmasi FMIPA UNSRAT Manado, 95115 ABSTRACT Treatment of hypertension medication was done in a long period of time so it costs a lot. The types of antihypertensive drugs are also highly variable, so it becomes an important factor in considering its use in hypertensive patients, therefore it is necessary to do a cost effectiveness analysis in order to assist in making the effective drug selection decisions by benefit and cost. This study aims to find out more cost-effectiveness treatment therapy between amlodipine-captopril and amlodipine-bisoprolol group combinations in hypertensive patients inpatients in GMIM Pancaran Kasih General Hospital Manado. This research uses descriptive research method with retrospective data retrieval. The samples in this study were 36 patients consist of 20 patients using amlodipine-captopril and 16 patients using amlodipine-bisoprolol. The results showed that the most cost-effective antihypertensive drugs were amlodipine-captopril with an ACER value of Rp. 11.808,63 and ICER value of Rp. 19.402,60. Keywords:Cost Effectiveness Analysis, Hypertension, Amlodipine-Captopril, Amlodipine Bisoprolol.ABSTRAK Terapi pengobatan hipertensi dilakukan dalam jangka waktu yang panjang sehingga membutuhkan biaya yang besar. Jenis obat antihipertensi juga sangat bervariasi, sehingga menjadi salah satu faktor penting dalam mempertimbangkan penggunaannya pada pasien hipertensi, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisis efektivitas biaya agar dapat membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan pemilihan obat yang efektif secara manfaat dan biaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui terapi pengobatan yang lebih cost-effectiveness antara kombinasi golongan amlodipin-captopril dan amlodipin-bisoprolol pada pasien hipertensi rawat inap di RSU Pancaran Kasih GMIM Manado. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pengambilan data secara retrospektif. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 36 pasien diantaranya 20 pasien menggunakan amlodipin-captopril dan 16 pasien menggunakan amlodipin-bisoprolol. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, obat antihipertensi yang paling cost-effective adalah amlodipin-captopril dengan nilai ACER sebesar Rp.11.808,63 dan nilai ICER sebesar Rp.19.402,60. Kata kunci : Analisis Efektifitas Biaya, Hipertensi, Amlodipin-Captopril, Amlodipin Bisoprolol. Â